Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 29: Night Operation in the Bridal Chamber

Chapter 29: Night Operation in the Bridal Chamber

Soon enough, Yu Xiaoxiao transformed the bridal chambers into a simply operation room. Besides Gu Xinglang, everyone was busy preparing for the surgery.

The old doctor who had provided the prescription against inflammation seized the chance Yu Xiaoxiao left to change to asked Gu Xinglang, “Third young master, this one sees that Her Royal Highness wants to cut open the wound on your ankle again.” He paused, uncertain as to how to continue.

Gu Xinglang replied, “Sir, if you have something to say, just speak.”

The old doctor replied, “The festering state of the wound is currently on the mend. Soon enough, the wound will close up. If they’re cut open again–pardon my blunt speech, third young master–and the wound re-festers, the worst case scenario is that we’ll have to cut off your legs. That will put your life in danger.”

Gu Xinglang fell silent. No one knew the extent of Princess Linglong’s medical skills, so he was taking a risk right now.

“Third young master,” the old doctor pled, “You must think thrice.”

“The princess won’t hurt me,” Gu Xinglang replied calmly. “She wants to save me.”

His words only made the old doctor shake his head. There was no use persuading Gu Xinglang any further now.

“Someone come,” Gu Xinglang called towards the entrance. One of his pageboys ran inside.

“Invite my eldest brother here. Just say I have words for him,” Gu Xinglang instructed the young pageboy. He ran off and soon returned with Gu Xingnuo, who smelled of alcohol from the feast.

Gu Xingnuo looked around the room and asked doubtfully, “What are you guys doing?”

“Eldest brother, you’ve drank a lot of wine?” Gu Xinglang asked back.

Gu Xingnuo approached the bed. “Military men are all wine fiends. Why wouldn’t they seize the chance to drink themselves to death? Your second brother’s already drank near his limits, you guys are…”

“Her Royal Highness is going to treat my wounds,” Gu Xinglang interrupted.

Gu Xingnuo had to think over Gu Xinglang’s words. “What did you say?”

“Her Royal Highness is going to treat my wounds,” Gu Xinglang repeated.

Gu Xingnuo was first surprised, then delighted. “How is Her Royal Highness going to treat them?”

“I don’t know,” Gu Xinglang replied, “I invited eldest brother here to tell you one thing: if anything happens, it was from my own volition and no fault of Her Royal Highness.”

These sounded like words of the deceased in Gu Xingnuo’s ears. “Will–will this put your life in danger?” he asked. “How does she plan to cure your injuries, ah?”

“The princess said she’d use surgery,” Gu Xinglang replied. At this point, the old doctor revealed the gist of the plans. Gu Xingnuo only felt a chill at the sight of the knives boiling in the pot.

“What is this for? Is the princess planning to use knives on you?”

“I’m a cripple anyways,” Gu Xinglang didn’t care. “Let the princess do as she wants.”

“Eldest brother is here?” Yu Xiaoxiao had changed out of her wedding robes and returned neatly dressed to the rooms.

“I was the one that called eldest brother here,” Gu Xinglang said before Gu Xingnuo could question her. “We need to tell him about this.”

Yu Xiaoxiao approached the bed. “That’s fine. It’s getting late, shall I start?”

“Your Royal Highness,” Gu Xingnuo said, “Can you tell me how you’re planning to treat Xinglang’s injuries first?”

Yu Xiaoxiao simply said, “By reconnecting the severed tendons so they can regrow.”

“Can broken tendons regrow?” the old doctor asked.

“Bones can grow, so why not tendons?” Yu Xiaoxiao asked.

“How much assurance does princess have over the results?” Gu Xingnuo asked with concern.

“Eldest brother,” Gu Xinglang spoke up, “The princess will do her best.”

“Mhm,” Yu Xiaoxiao nodded at Gu Xingnuo. “Don’t worry, eldest brother, I’ll do my best.”

Doing your best isn’t the problem right now. Gu Xingnuo could feel his heartrate speed up. I want to know if my third brother will survive!

“Eldest brother,” Gu Xinglang called out again, his expression full of pleading.

Gu Xingnuo hesitated before he bowed towards Yu Xiaoxiao. “Your Royal Highness, then I’ll leave Xinglang in your hands.”

Yu Xiaoxiao noddd. She didn’t sense any of the anxieties between the Gu brothers and turned to asked the old doctor, “Is the anaesthetic ready?”

The old doctor picked up a chilled bowl of numbing medicine from the table and gave it into Yu Xiaoxiao’s hands.

“Drink it,” Yu Xiaoxiao didn’t have the concept of feeding others medicine and gave the bowl directly to Gu Xinglang.

After Gu Xingnuo watched Gu Xinglang drink the medicine and fall asleep, he moved to stand outside in the covered walkway. From here, he could hear the joyful sounds from the wedding hall. He pinched the space between his brows as his handsome face filled with worry. He had no idea where the princess’s medical skills stood, but knew that Gu Xinglang still harbored thoughts of death in his heart. His little brother didn’t want to burden the princess or the rest of the family.

Gu Xingnuo slammed a fist against the walkway pillar. Just then, he’d seen his bother lying motionless on the bed with an ashen expression and couldn’t even open his mouth to beg him to keep on living.

Inside the bridal chambers, candlelight reflected off the mirrors to illuminate Gu Xinglang’s ankles.

“How can this be?” the various doctors echoed as they saw the room grow brighter.

“It’s the refraction property of light,” Yu Xiaoxiao explained.

What? No one in the room understood what she was saying. Yu Xiaoxiao simply concentrated on disinfecting the injury before decisively slicing with her knife. The unconscious Gu Xinglang was incapable of feeling pain, but he still knitted his brows.

Two hours passed by, then two hours more. The celebration in the front courtyad soon abated along with the noise. As the sky full of stars grew darker, an autumn shower began to rain from the skies. Gu Xingnuo was getting anxious waiting in the walkway, but he didn’t dare walk inside to check on the situation. As the fall breeze picked up, the leaves from the two wutong trees in the courtyard fluttered to the ground. Seeing the floor full of yellow sleeves, Gu Xingnuo tightend his collar.

At this moment, Old Madam’s voice called from outside. “Xinglang!”

Gu Xingnuo silently muttered an oath and quickly descended the stairs, drenching himself in rain to reach Old Madam’s side. Lady Xu was supporting the old woman, but spoke up at the sight of her son. “Princess is really using knives on Xinglang’s body?”

Gu Xingnuo glanced towards his own wife, Lady Sun, who in turn looked towards Qingyu by her side.

“Where’s Xinglang?” Old Madam was still heading for the bridal chambers.

“Grandmother,” Gu Xingnuo hastened to speak. “Xinglang is fine.”

“Fine?” Old Madam echoed. “Why did they invite a room full of doctors, then?”

“For the sake of Xinglang’s injuries, ah,” Gu Xingnuo muttered.

Old Madam gave a snort as she looked at the bright windows of the bridal chamber. “If it was anything good, why would they hide it from the rest of the family?!”


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