Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 23: Taking Little Bro Outta the Palace

Chapter 23: Taking Little Bro Outta the Palace

Move back in? Xianzong glared at Yu Xiaoxiao. How else does this daughter plan to torment me?

“No good?” Yu Xiaoxiao asked.

Xianzong shook his head. “You’ve already married into the Gu Clan as their wife, how can you live in the palace? Although imperial father doesn’t want to part with you either–”

“Then I’m taking him with me,” Yu Xiaoxiao interrupted.

Xianzong shook his head again. “Linglong, ah, your little brother is an imperial prince. Bringing him to raise in the Gu Clan? Nothing like that’s been done in any dynasty. Do you want the people of the world to laugh at your imperial father?”

Yu Xiaoxiao’s lips twitched. Why are you still arguing? If you’re determined to be a self-indulgent ruler, why would you fear anyone laughing at you?

“Jing Zhong,” Xianzong called, “Go and carry His Seventh Highness.”

Jing Zhong stepped forward obediently and reached out his arms for Yu Ziyi.

Yu Xiaoxiao hauled the baby up and said, “Damn you.”

“Yu Linglong!” Xianzong was furious enough to call her by her full name.

“Are we going to fight again?” Yu Linglong asked.

“…..” said the crowd.

“…..” said Xianzong. The air went out of him as his anger dissipated. That’s right, it’ll be hard to find anyone who can fight my daughter.

Consort Zhao spoke up. “Your Royal Highness, you have to be reasonable.”

“It’s not like you gave birth to him,” Yu Xiaoxiao retorted. “What’s it to you?”

Consort Zhao cried out piteously for Xianzong before she broke into sobs again.

“Shut your mouth,” Xianzong scolded Yu Xiaoxiao.

She tilted her head and said, “I won’t be able to sleep unless I see my little brother.”

Who are you trying to fool? Xianzong thought, Zhen didn’t see you going to Clear Rainbow Palace all these days before the wedding. Haven’t you slept until daylight everyday?

“My mother–I mean, my imperial mother appeared in a dream with a request,” Yu Xiaoxiao continued. “She wanted me to raise my little brother into an adult.”

Consort Zhao said, “Your Royal Highness, you can’t bring out esteemed empress as an excuse for everything. His Seventh Highness is an imperial prince, so he should grow up in the imperial clan. Why wouldn’t esteemed empress know that?”

“Deceiving the sovereign is a capital offense,” Xianzong said severely.

“How’s this?” Yu Xiaoxiao suggested. “If I’m lying, let my imperial mother strike me to death with lightning. Otherwise, let her zap Consort Zhao dead instead.”

“……” said Xianzong and the various retainers and eunuchs.

“…..” said Consort Zhao.

“You,” Xianzong was having difficulty forming words. “Do you need to make such a poisonous vow?” Consort Zhao is this old man’s beloved consort, not some enemy who murdered your father!

Thunder rumbled above Consort Zhao’s bedchambers. As everyone looked towards the windows, they saw nothing but bright afternoon sunshine in the courtyard. A few autumn chrysanthemums were budding and the weather was clear and refreshing for Princess Linglong’s wedding day. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky, so why would there be thunder?

“Y-Your Majesty?” Consort Zhao called from her bed.

Xianzong called out for his beloved consort and prepared to step behind the folding screen.

Another peal of thunder rang through the air.

“Your Majesty!” Jing Zhong stepped forward and grabbed Xianzong around the waist, hauling him out of the bedchambers.

Lying on the bed, Consort Zhao could only gape past the thunder as a hole split in her roof. The next second, rubble fell from the ceiling.

“Ah–” she only managed one scream before she was buried beneath a roof beam.

Xianzong stood gaping in the courtyard as he sought confirmation from Jing Zhong. “T-the house collapsed? F-from a lightning strike?”

Although Jing Zhong was the sharpest of the bunch, he too was left dumb by the sight and could only nod.

Yu Xiaoxiao hauled Yu Ziyi in front of Xianzong and asked, “Imperial father, can I take him away?”

Xianzong gaped at his daughter.

“Should I have imperial mother send down another lightning bolt?” Yu Xiaoxiao asked.

Once again, thunder pealed in the skies. Xianzong looked up sharply, but the skies were completely clear!

Jing Zhong wasn’t Consort Zhao’s most trusted aide for nothing. Although he’d been frightened out of his wits, he still didn’t forget his master and cried, “Your Majesty, Consort Zhao is still inside!”

Xianzong looked at the ruins before him in disbelief before he shouted, “Save her! Hurry and save Consort Zhao for Zhen!”

Buried beneath the rubble was Consort Zhao and her palace maid Jadeite. The rest of the servants and eunuchs were all standing outside with Xianzong. While Jing Zhong had carried the emperor out, Yu Xiaoxiao had kicked the rest of them away with her foot. Although it had hurt, they were all grateful to Her Royal Highness for saving their lives from the debris.

Jing Zhong took men to rush to the pile and pinpoint the location of the bed before they started to dig.

“Can I leave now?” Yu Xiaoxiao was still standing in front of Xianzong.

Another rumble sounded overhead, causing Xianzong to clutch his head. He shouted at Yu Xiaoxiao, “Will your imperial mother have no end of it?!”

Yu Xiaoxiao said, “I’ll take little brother out of the palace to play for a few days before bringing him back. Does that work?”

“Hurry and leave,” Xianzong waved to shoo them off.

Having accomplished her goal, Yu Xiaoxiao left with Yu Ziyi in her hands.

After some thought, Xianzong shouted after them, “It’s only for a few days! After that, Zhen will have someone pick up your little brother!”

Yu Xiaoxiao nodded. She’d already brought the baby out of the palace and the fatuous ruler wanted him back? She’d just use more thunderbolts, ah!

Outside the palace gates, the Gu Clan, Wang momo, Wei momo, and the rest were all standing to wait for Yu Xiaoxiao.

“Your Royal Highness,” Gu Xingnuo was the first to spot her coming out.

Yu Xiaoxiao dangled Yu Ziyi in one hand as she reached Gu Chen’s side and shouted, “Grandpa!”

Gu Chen’s grandsons and great-grandsons all called him Grandfather or Great-Grandfather, so he was rather taken aback by Yu Xiaoxiao’s call. He didn’t even know how to reply.

Gu Xingnuo looked at the little meatbun in her hands and hesitated. “This is His Seventh Highness?”

Yu Xiaoxiao stuffed Yu Ziyi into Gu Xingnuo’s arms. “Mm, I’ll raise him from now on.”

The old Gu patriarch hastened to ask, “Is that His Majesty’s wishes?”

“Mhm,” Yu Xiaoxiao nodded. “If he doesn’t agree, my imperial mother won’t let him off.”

The old Gu patriarch looked at his eldest son. I didn’t understand that at all.

Wang momo and Wei momo both ran to Yu Xiaoxiao. The former was filled with delight. “Princess, you really brought out His Seventh Highness?”

“Mm,” Yu Xiaoxiao said. “Grandpa, big brother, let’s go home.”

Gu Xingnuo carefully handed Yu Ziyi to Wei momo and asked Gu Chen, “Grandfather, shall we return?”

Gu Chen didn’t see anyone chasing after them from the palace while claiming Princess Linglong had stolen the baby. “Let’s go back,” he agreed, “We can talk about the rest at home.”

Wang momo joined Yu Xiaoxiao in the carriage and murmured, “This servant heard thunder just then. Did esteemed empress show herself once more?”

“I think so,” Yu Xiaoxiao said.

“Has Consort Zhao been zapped to death yet?” Wang momo asked.

The building had already collapsed, so Consort Zhao should be dead by now, right? Yu Xiaoxiao thought it over before she said, “More or less. Imperial mother zapped her house down.”


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