Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 25: Evolving?

Chapter 25: Evolving?

Alex looked at Hana with a surprised expression. His dagger that was still midair finally struck the wall. 'Someone hit the guy even before my knife could touch him these S ranks are scary. But that's the least of my concerns. For now, I'm just confused about what happened Was that an assassination attempt on Hana or was it pure coincidence? Hana is the closest to the door'

Master Zhun stood up and walked towards the hole in the wall. The others also stood up. They all had their guards up and were ready for anything. Hana, however, was the only one who looked relaxed. She slowly stood up and nonchalantly walked towards the hole. Alex peeked in and saw a man, lying on the ground. His body was twisting and it looked like he was in deep pain. Hana looked behind her, towards a tall man with long dreadlocks. "If you heal him now, He'll live. You wouldn't want a B Rank to be dead now would you, especially in an area under you?"

As soon as the man heard Hana's voice, he rushed towards the unconscious attacker. Alex looked at the lying body and thought, 'He was only a B-Rank but he was faster than my Dagger itself. I can't even imagine the difference in strength between S-Ranks and myself at this moment I need to get stronger.'

Gold stood up and walked to Hana, his eyes showed only anger. "EVEN IF HE WAS MIND-CONTROLLED, HE WAS STILL HUMAN! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HURT HIM TO THAT LEVEL?" His voice was loud, enough to be heard in the entire building.

Hearing Gold scream at her, Hana looked at Gold holding a calm demeanor, "I won't take any attacks on me lightly. It was a quick attack and well, I just protected myself. I held back enough to not kill him but not enough to let him move again. He is unconscious and by the Help of OJ, He will be as good as new by tomorrow morning." Hana then walked 1 step closer to gold, making him back away a few steps, "I don't act on impulse as you do. My actions are calculated."

Gold was about to say something but he stopped after someone put their hands on his shoulders. It was someone who Alex had seen before but he couldn't put his finger on what his name was.

"Gold, Hana was in the right. I understand that your powers make you more impulsive to anger but you need to calm down. For now, Let's just wait for OJ to heal him and then send him to the investigation room." The man looked towards Alex and smiled. He was in a dark blue suit, he had clean trimmed hair and pair of glasses on. "Alex, It must be really annoying and confusing right? Coming to another world, not being able to go back ever again. Having powers that you still have no clue about controlling. You have it the worst. You had to battle a mind-controlled Rhino in a life or death battle and the very next day, another mind-controlled appeared but luckily it didn't attack you. Well, let me finish up a few things here then you, Hana, and I will have a small talk."

Alex nodded when he heard the man. 'I This is so confusing. Even talking to him now, It feels hazy when I try to remember what he just said Is this his power?"

Hana looked towards the man and said, "You know that you're still doing that thing, right?"

The man smiled and nodded. He then looked towards Master Zhun, "I am his assigned protector, I need to make my presence known when something of possible harm shows up, right? But I guess I can stop it now. I don't think he is suspicious anymore." He said as his eyes ran to Alex.

As soon as he did, Alex felt like he was jolted awake. A prompt appeared in front of him.

[Direct Illusion detected. No hostile intent]

Seeing this prompt, Alex looked towards The man, 'He must be the one who created the illusions in the cave. Everything makes sense now. I kept on zoning out when the meeting happened. I didn't remember seeing him enter the room as well. Everything makes sense now.' He felt relieved when everything started to become more clear.

The man didn't pay attention to Alex, instead, he looked towards the attacker lying on the ground, being healed by OJ, "Another mind-controlled. It seems like we might not have a reaper but something greater a reaper can't think to this degree so this intelligence means one of two things We have the greater begin from the void that is trying to pick us off one by one or something even worse"

Hearing the man's words, Gold looked confused, "Ryan, What do you mean something worse?"

Ryan looked towards the door in response to Gold's words. As soon as he did, someone walked into the room. Alex recognized the man. 'Sir Fire'

Sir fire walked into the room with a serious expression, "The reapers are evolving And quick."

Hearing Sir Fire's words, Hana's face darkened. It was not only Hana, everyone in the room had a dark expression when they heard his words.

Gold looked at Sir fire and said, "Can you explain?"

Sir fire nodded and took out a circular device from his pocket and placed it on the table. As soon as he did a blue light came out from the disc.

'Hologram?' Alex was surprised.

The body of a reaper appeared in the hologram. It seemed to have a small dent in its chest from a previous battle.

Alex looked towards Sir Fire and said, "Isn't that the one which I punched away from that girl?"

Sir fire nodded, "It indeed it. We have researched a bit of the previous corpses from the previous Reapers and have concluded that they are evolving. Their heart and lungs have grown more. It seems like more blood is pumping through their body. Their muscle mass has also increased by a bit. And their outer skin has also hardened a bit more."

The room quieted down when they heard Sir Fire's words. Sir Fire looked around the room and took a big breath, "That's not all"

Nitro stood up and said, "If there is more, tell us. The more information we have the better." His eyes were filled with concern.

Sir Fire took another deep breath, "This is from my own personal experience, but it seems like their abilities might have been upgraded I wasn't even able to detect the invisible reapers, I had to concentrate and observe the surroundings for a solid minute to realize where it was. I was lucky that Alex here was also able to detect it and attack the reaper before it killed my juniors."


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