Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 43: Should have Let You Die.

Chapter 43

Prince Rui could no longer stay either. He took a pill from his own sleeve pocket and placed it in Yuwen Hao's mouth, then turned around and knelt on one knee, "Your Majesty, your servant does not believe that the Fifth Prince is self-harming. Based on these injuries, I'm afraid that even the Imperial Physicians will have trouble saving him. If this was just an act to show you, there would be no need to injure himself so severely."

When Yuan Qingling heard this, her heart skipped a beat. The Emperor suspects that he self-harmed?

Gu Si, who had been staring at Yuan Qingling in the hall, also pleaded, "Your Majesty, I also feel that this is unlikely. The Imperial Physician did say earlier that the Prince's injuries were too severe and to prepare for his passing. It was the Retired Emperor who ordered the Princess Consort to leave the palace before the Prince could be saved. As someone who practices martial arts, I know that blades and spears are indiscriminate and it is not necessarily possible to injure so severely without threat to life."

Emperor Ming Yuan said lightly, "You may all rise."

There was some dullness in Gu Si's eyes. The Emperor still did not give his stance.

The Imperial Physician rushed over in haste. Although he worked in the palace, he had treated the Retired Emperor's illnesses for many years and had honed his skills. As he walked over, he kneeled and paid his respects.

Due to the urgency of the situation, after this kneel, he would normally forgo further formalities and hurry over.

However, this time, he had just knelt down before starting to stand up without waiting for the Emperor to say "exempt from courtesy".

As his brain issued the command, his body was already standing and stepping forward. He abruptly halted and knelt back down again, stumbling as he did so. His medicine box fell to the ground and he also crashed down.

Yuan Qingling did not care how the Emperor might react. With one hand she grabbed the Imperial Physician's medicine box, opened it, used scissors to cut open Yuwen Hao's clothes, and immediately wrapped gauze above the bleeding wound to apply pressure and stop the bleeding.

Yuan Qingling's actions were very swift. After binding the abdominal wound, she immediately moved to take off his shoes and cut open his pants. All the wounds were exposed before Emperor Ming Yuan's eyes.

Seeing the wound on the inner thigh, Emperor Ming Yuan's eyes darkened. He said coldly to the Imperial Physician, "What are you waiting for, stop the bleeding!"

The Imperial Physician hurriedly crawled up and went forward to help.

After taking Prince Rui's Purple Golden Pill, the bleeding gradually stopped, but the ruptured wounds still needed proper treatment.

Emperor Ming Yuan sat down and watched as Yuan Qingling skillfully treated the wounds. There was not a hint of panic or fear in her eyes, and her actions did not hesitate or shake. Blood stained her face but she did not care to wipe it off for the moment.

After treating the wounds, she continued to pat Yuwen Hao's face, "Wake up, don't sleep."

Yuwen Hao did not respond at all.

The Imperial Physician came over to check his breathing, then drew back in shock, "Your Majesty..."

Emperor Ming Yuan suddenly stood up and placed his fingers under Yuwen Hao's nose. There was no breath.

His face changed drastically as he asked Prince Rui, "Did you not have him take the Purple Golden Pill just now?"

"The Prince had already taken one pill before," Gu Si said.

The effects of the first Purple Golden Pill were very good, but taking a second within a short period of time greatly diminished the effects. If the injuries were too severe, it would still be beyond salvation.

Emperor Ming Yuan was shocked and greatly affected.

Yuan Qingling immediately knelt by Yuwen Hao's side, clasped her hands together over Yuwen Hao's chest, and powerfully pressed down and pounded, "Yuwen Hao, don't sleep, wake up!"

"Princess Consort!" Gu Si wanted to reach out and pull her away, but men and women should not have physical contact, and the Emperor was still here.

Yuan Qingling's hair was disheveled, her forehead sweating, but even more so, she felt flustered. Was he going to die?

A life was slipping away before her eyes, a life that had once been her patient's.

She felt extremely distressed.

"Take the Princess Consort away!" Emperor Ming Yuan sorrowfully ordered. He had not expected Fifth Brother's injuries to be so serious. When the Imperial Physician came back that day to report that the injuries were quite severe, but the Retired Emperor's side somehow got word and had the Head Eunuch come report not to worry, that the situation was fine after asking about it, so he had always believed the injuries were not critical.

Mu Ru eunuch went to pull Yuan Qingling away, but Yuan Qingling angrily yelled, "Don't touch me!" After speaking, she grabbed a pillow and threw it at Mu Ru eunuch.

Mu Ru eunuch looked at Yuan Qingling in shock, not expecting her to suddenly become deranged.

Yuan Qingling continued to administer chest compressions, hoping he was just in shock.

A profound sadness pierced Emperor Ming Yuan. This son had once been the one he admired most. Although he was disappointed by him in the end, the bond between father and son could not be severed.

He could not bear to look directly, turning away and stumbling a step. Prince Rui steadied him just in time.

"Take her away!" Emperor Ming Yuan swallowed the blood in his mouth, his head dizzy and muddled, "Notify Consort Xian to come see him one last time."

Just as Gu Si was about to go pull Yuan Qingling away, he heard the Imperial Physician exclaim, "The Prince has started breathing again, he's breathing again!"

Emperor Ming Yuan swiftly turned his head, almost unable to believe as he watched Yuwen Hao's chest slowly rise and fall.

He had personally checked for breath.

Yuan Qingling was spent of energy and collapsed by the bed, gasping heavily for air. Tears flowed from her eyes for no reason she could discern, and she felt aggrieved, like she wanted to cry loudly. In fact, she did sob out loud.

She knew she was being improper, half-kneeling as she cried and pleaded forgiveness, "Father Emperor, your daughter-in-law knows she is being rude, but I really want to cry. Please grant me a moment to do so."

Her words were inappropriate and her crying unsightly with her eyes and nose scrunched together, but Emperor Ming Yuan, who had just felt his son lost and regained, did not mind at all. On the contrary, he found this previously unfavored daughter-in-law rather endearing.

After examining the pulse and checking, the Imperial Physician continuously exclaimed, "Miraculous, simply miraculous! This must be divine protection!"

Prince Rui glanced coolly at the Imperial Physician and said, "It is because King Chu's fate is not yet exhausted."

The Imperial Physician quickly changed his words, "Yes, yes, it is because King Chu's fate is not yet exhausted."

"What is the situation?" Emperor Ming Yuan asked the Imperial Physician.

The Imperial Physician respectfully reported, "Replying to Your Majesty, King Chu is gradually stabilizing. It appears the Purple Golden Pill has taken effect."

Emperor Ming Yuan was relieved, "Keep a close eye on him."

"Yes!" acknowledged the Imperial Physician.

Emperor Ming Yuan turned and steadied himself, then took Prince Rui's hand, "Let us go out."

Prince Rui murmured in agreement and supported Emperor Ming Yuan's slightly burdened body, aware that he was unsteady on his feet due to the earlier panic.

Outside the Imperial Study, Emperor Ming Yuan slowly sat down and looked at Prince Rui, "We personally checked Fifth Brother's breath earlier, and he had indeed passed away."

"Your Majesty, the matter of the assassin still needs prudent handling," Prince Rui said, taking the opportunity.

Emperor Ming Yuan glanced at him lightly, "Do you think I would actually suspect him? I was merely observing everyone's reactions."

Prince Rui laughed inwardly. Older brother, do you really not suspect your younger brother? You did harbor suspicions.

But on the surface he acted as if suddenly realizing, "Your Majesty is wise."

Emperor Ming Yuan looked pensive, "However, this Princess Consort of King Chu does seem rather capable, to be able to revive one who had lost breath."

Prince Rui smiled, "Where was any reviving done? Could she have revived him just by pounding on his chest like that? Fifth Younger Brother likely just fainted temporarily."

The innocent should not be convicted for harboring a treasure. Prince Rui was well aware of this idiom. This niece-in-law has some skills, she must not be struck down.

Emperor Ming Yuan nodded, accepting Prince Rui's explanation.

Inside the annex hall, Yuan Qingling had finished crying but was still sobbing.

A hand hanging from the bed dropped onto her face, and took the opportunity to wipe off the tears and snot on it. The one who had just awoken spoke in disgust, "You're filthy."

Yuan Qingling used a handkerchief to wipe herself and looked up at the weak and frail yet fully disdainful person. She wanted to cry but laughed instead, "You ought to have died."


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