Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 23: I’m So Hungry.

Chapter 23

Inside the Qinkun Hall.

The Retired Emperor chatted with Emperor Ming Yuan and Prince Rui for a while, before dismissing them due to fatigue. Even the imperial physician was sent away, leaving only Yuan Qingling alone in the hall.

Before leaving, Emperor Ming Yuan gave Yuan Qingling a meaningful glance but did not say anything.

The hall was quiet, with the curtains drawn to block out the wind.

Yuan Qingling stood by the bedside, not knowing what to do for a moment.

The Retired Emperor, who had lightly closed his eyes, suddenly opened them again, sweeping her a cold glance as he snapped sternly, "Kneel down!"

Yuan Qingling slowly knelt down. For her, this kneeling pose was more comfortable than sitting, after all, with the effects of the Zijin Decoction having worn off, every pore of her body ached.

"Do you know your crime?" the Retired Emperor asked coldly.

Yuan Qingling knew the Retired Emperor would not truly punish her, at least not at this critical juncture. As long as he still had attachments to the mortal world, she was his only hope of survival.

So she raised her head and honestly replied, "I know my crime."

"Where does this crime stem from?"

"Inadequate medical skills yet presumptuously stepping forward," Yuan Qingling downplayed things.

The Retired Emperor coldly said, "What an 'inadequate medical skills' you speak of, you've essentially labeled all the imperial physicians of the Imperial Medical Institute as mediocre."

Hearing this, Yuan Qingling felt relieved. Since the Retired Emperor had affirmed her medical skills, everything could be easily resolved.

Sure enough, the Retired Emperor continued coldly, "Come, sit down and tell me about my illness - will I live or die, when will I die if death is to come, and how long can I live if I am to live?"

Yuan Qingling slowly stood up and said, "I dare not make a diagnosis yet. Please grant this humble one permission to examine you, Your Majesty."

"Then what are you still dawdling for? Come, take my pulse."

The Retired Emperor watched as Yuan Qingling took out some strange object and hung it on her ear. She smiled and said, "Now, let's first listen to your heartbeat..."

After a while, the Retired Emperor's mouth twitched and he snapped angrily, "What is this broken thing? Are you trying to freeze me to death?"

Yuan Qingling took off the stethoscope and hung it on the Retired Emperor's ear, gently saying, "Shh, Your Majesty, listen carefully."

The Retired Emperor's furious expression slowly softened, and his eyes took on a lost look. After a moment of silence, he said, "That is the sound of my heartbeat!"

Yuan Qingling nodded. "Yes, it doesn't sound very healthy, but I'm afraid that Lord Yama won't be collecting you for the time being."

"How daring of you!" The Retired Emperor glared at her with knitted brows and cold eyes.

Yuan Qingling hurriedly moved to kneel again. "I'm sorry!"

"Forget it, what's there to kneel for? Sit down," the Retired Emperor snorted. What was there to apologize for? Th.ê most uptod/at𝓮 n𝒐vels a/re published on n(0)velbj)n(.)c/o/m

Yuan Qingling smiled bitterly, "I dare not sit."

The Retired Emperor glanced at her lightly. How could his well-behaved daughter be so rude?

But then again, it wasn't as if there was a lack of ill-mannered people in this palace.

"Take your medicine, then go rest. I'm tired," the Retired Emperor closed his eyes and took off the stethoscope.

Yuan Qingling put away the stethoscope and went to rummage for her medicine box. Upon opening it, she was stunned again - there was even an IV drip in it!

She smiled wryly, too tired to think about it. She took some antipyretic and anti-inflammatory medication, swallowing them dry, then prepared the IV drip.

The Retired Emperor had not fallen asleep yet. Hearing footsteps, he frowned, "Why have you come again? Didn't I tell you to go rest?"

"I'll set up the IV first, then rest after," Yuan Qingling carefully took out the IV drip, afraid that the strange sight would make the Retired Emperor unwilling to have it inserted.

The Retired Emperor did find it odd, but he was also too weary to ask. With a light glance, he simply said, "Be quick about it."

Yuan Qingling wasn't very adept at setting up IVs, but the Retired Emperor's veins were easy to locate, allowing her to insert the needle smoothly.

After setting it up, Yuan Qingling looked up to see the Retired Emperor watching her intently.

She gave an embarrassed laugh. "I'll explain everything once you get better."

She couldn't come up with any excuses now even if her life depended on it.

The Retired Emperor said, "It had better be a reasonable explanation."

Yuan Qingling smiled bitterly again. She'd try her best.

She didn't let the IV drip for long, afraid someone would come in. Once that bottle was emptied, she removed it.

The Retired Emperor let out soft snores, having fallen asleep.

Yuan Qingling was exhausted, hungry and in pain, but could neither sit nor lie down, and had nothing to eat or even drink.

She peeked around and saw no one else in the hall. The Retired Emperor also seemed unlikely to wake anytime soon. She stood in front of the table, bent over to rest her head in her hands on the tabletop, bottom sticking up like a groundhog burrowing a hole.

She had intended to just rest like this for a bit to alleviate her fatigue and pain, but unknowingly, fell asleep.

Eunuch Chang had gone to rest for a while after leaving the Retired Emperor's side earlier. Worried about him, and hearing that only the Consort of Chu was attending to the Retired Emperor, he immediately came over.

Upon entering, he saw Yuan Qingling sleeping in that odd bent over position and frowned. Was this any way to care for an ill person? This Consort of Chu really was unreliable. And this position was just too unsightly.

Just as he was about to call out, he heard the Retired Emperor softly say, "Do not disturb her."

Eunuch Chang tiptoed over to help tuck the Retired Emperor in, feeling puzzled.

The Retired Emperor softly instructed, "Go prepare some food for her."

Now Eunuch Chang was even more bewildered. The Consort of Chu was caring for the Retired Emperor in this manner, yet not only was the Retired Emperor not angry, he even wanted to reward her with food?

But he did not ask questions, and quietly left the room.

Yuan Qingling's arms had gone numb from her sleeping position, slowly rousing her awake.

Realizing she had dozed off, her back chilled over. She swiftly glanced at the bed behind her and saw the Retired Emperor still sound asleep before finally relaxing.

She took out her medicine box and retrieved a thermometer probe, holding it in her mouth. Just then, she heard footsteps approaching from outside and hastily closed the box, slipping it into her sleeve as she turned around. It was Eunuch Chang coming in with food.

Seeing the object in Yuan Qingling's mouth, Eunuch Chang paused in surprise. "Consort..."

Not knowing how to explain herself, Yuan Qingling stood there awkwardly with the thermometer still in her mouth, unable to either remove it or leave it in.

It was the supposedly "sound asleep" Retired Emperor who came to her rescue, snapping, "What are you dawdling for? Hurry and set the food down, else she'll be reduced to eating my shoes next."

"Oh!" Eunuch Chang laughed and set the food down on the table. "You must be famished, Consort. Go ahead, eat up!"

Yuan Qingling was indeed starving, her stomach clenching painfully. And that wasn't all - she was also parched, her throat practically smoking.

Seeing Eunuch Chang had even brought soup, etiquette was the last thing on her mind. She removed the thermometer and immediately started guzzling down the soup. With a big satisfied gasp as she finished the bowl, wisps of steam issuing from her mouth, she dove into the food.

Seeing this, Eunuch Chang frowned. Starving or not, such lack of decorum was unacceptable, especially in the Retired Emperor's presence!


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