Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 115: Concubine Lu Complains

Chapter 115

Prince Qi's face changed slightly. He had never seen Chu Mingcui like this before. All along, she had spoken gently, acted steadily and magnanimously, was friendly to people, and even to the servants in the residence, she never put on the airs of a princess. The old palace maids treated her even more kindly.

She had never been so sharp before.

She must have been badly frightened.

Prince Qi thought of this and reached out to hold her in his arms. "It's alright now, don't get agitated."

Chu Mingcui leaned against his shoulder, like a wooden doll, and roared. She knew she was losing her composure, but she didn't care anymore. Prince Qi was simple and honest, completely devoted to her. No matter how sour and vicious she was, how malicious and cruel, he would not despise her.

Perhaps it was time to forget about Brother Hao. Prince Qi was good, and moreover, he was the most promising one now who could give her everything she wanted.

Recalling the harsh words she had lashed out at Yuan Qingling, she felt ashamed and angry. Why did she say such vulgar words? That should have been something Yuan Qingling said.

"Why did Yuan Qingling push you into the lake? Is she crazy?" Prince Qi asked when she had calmed down a little.

Chu Mingcui slowly became calm. When she saw Yuan Qingling standing by the lake in Prince Huai's residence, she had the urge to push her into the lake and kill her.

The sudden vicious impulse - she hadn't planned it well. She just thought that Yuan Qingling would drown after being pushed into the lake, and she could say that they both fell into the lake by accident.

But the moment she fell into the water, she remembered her grandfather's words and shuddered with fear. Her killing intent faded, but she couldn't let her off easily.

She had to hold her down firmly to sink her. That would definitely provoke fierce resistance from her. If Yuan Qingling injured her, it could prove her malicious intentions. At least Brother Hao would hate her to the bone after this.

But why did even this one step go wrong?

"This woman is truly too vicious. At first, I thought she had changed." Prince Qi said angrily.

Chu Mingcui tried to pull herself together. "Forget it. Nothing happened to me. Don't pursue it further."

"Cui'er, you are too kindhearted. If you let her off easily this time, who knows if there will be a next time?" Prince Qi felt he couldn't just let this go and would see what Fifth Brother had to say. If the explanation was unsatisfactory, he would bring this to Father Emperor.

"We are one family. It's not good to damage the harmony. Besides, she was just impulsive for a moment. Perhaps seeing me and Brother Hao grew up together as childhood sweethearts, she thought Brother Hao had feelings for me, so she lost her senses like this."

"Absurd. Although you and Fifth Brother grew up together and once talked about marrying, you are both married now. Let bygones be bygones. What purpose could she have clinging to the past?"

Chu Mingcui sighed lightly. "What purpose could there be? Most likely it is for the position of Crown Prince."

"For the position of Crown Prince?"

Chu Mingcui gently leaned against him. "The position of Crown Prince is still undecided. You have the best chance. She must have been unhappy in her heart. If she provoked conflict between you and Brother Hao, Brother Hao might not try his best to seize this position. Then she could achieve her goal and become Crown Princess."

Prince Qi was furious. "A woman like her actually has such ambition? How could I let her succeed?"

Chu Mingcui felt a little relieved in her heart. If this could motivate him, it might not be a bad thing.

"Mother has been working hard for you. Although I feel the position of Crown Prince is unimportant to you, and unimportant to me, Northern Tang's kingdom still needs someone capable to inherit it. Prince Ji is overbearing and ruthless. I've heard that Brother Hao's assassination attempt before was ordered by Prince Ji. If Prince Ji dared to make a move on Brother Hao, he might not hesitate to make a move on you."

"Big brother?" Prince Qi's expression changed. "Where did you hear this rumor?"

"No need to ask. The information is reliable."

Prince Qi knew she had obtained the information from the Chu family. If so, it must be true. He couldn't help feeling both angry and sad. For the sake of the position of Crown Prince, brothers would fight each other to the death. How cruel!

As for the position of Crown Prince, it was a lie that he had never thought about it, but he knew his own abilities. Could he bear the responsibility of running a country if it was entrusted to him?

But if Prince Ji gained power, could he really retire to a corner and live as an idle prince?

Chu Mingcui continued, "For the sake of the position of Crown Prince, everyone has ulterior motives. Even Yuan Qingling knows how serious it is. This is not just a power struggle, it is even a fight to the death. Whether you join it or not, you can't escape, because you are the legitimate son. Prince Ji may tolerate everyone in the future, but he will never tolerate you, never tolerate Mother."

Prince Qi held her hand. "I will think about it carefully. Don't worry too much."

Prince Qi may have thought about these things in his heart, but he always felt it hadn't reached that point yet.

But after finding out today that it was Prince Ji who ordered the assassination attempt on Fifth Brother, he suddenly realized - it wasn't that it hadn't reached that point yet, it was that he didn't dare touch it out of fear.

The incident of the two princesses falling into the water in Prince Huai's residence quickly spread out.

Naturally, the most angry person was Concubine Lu.

Prince Huai was critically ill and already at his last moments, yet still had to suffer this shock. How could she not be furious?

She cried as she went to Emperor Ming Yuan and reported the incident.

After reporting, she cried and bitterly denounced, "Princess Chu is really going too far. What grudge does she have with Princess Qi that they have to resolve outside? Why do this malicious thing in my son's residence? If someone had died in Prince Huai's residence at this time, wouldn't that be my son's crime?"

Emperor Ming Yuan was also worried about his son's illness and was furious when he heard Concubine Lu's complaint. "Princess Chu actually dared to make a move in Prince Huai's residence? This is simply outrageous. Rest assured, I will hold her accountable."

"Your Majesty, it's not that I'm petty, but my son's condition, as you know, he can't take any shock. Now something like this has happened in the prince's residence, he got anxious and aggravated his illness. I feel heartache for him." Concubine Lu cried without any manners, her nose and tears covered her face.

Emperor Ming Yuan angrily said, "Summon Gu Si and order him to investigate Prince Huai's residence. Also summon Princess Chu into the palace."

Concubine Lu said, "Your Majesty, Princess Qi is the victim. After falling into the water, she must have been badly frightened. Your Majesty should have someone comfort her properly."

Emperor Ming Yuan saw that even at this critical juncture, Concubine Lu still remembered not to offend the Empress and the Chu family. She really had a clear mind.

Even the women of the harem knew not to offend the Chu family.

After dismissing Concubine Lu, Emperor Ming Yuan went into the inner palace.

The chessboard was set up on the table, looking like the game was halfway through. Judging from the game position, the fight was intense, but experts in chess could see that the white side had already lost. All escape routes were cut off. Continuing would lead to certain death.

Leng Jingyan got up. "It's your move, Your Majesty!"

Emperor Ming Yuan sat down at the white side and sighed sorrowfully. "Forget it, I won't continue. My heart is troubled. It's rare for me to battle wits with you, Jingyan, but unfortunately I don't have the mood."

With one hand he scattered the chess pieces. "This match is a draw!"

Leng Jingyan's mouth twitched slightly. "Well drawn."

"You heard Concubine Lu's words too. What does Jingyan think about how to handle this matter?" Emperor Ming Yuan asked.

Leng Jingyan still regretfully looked at the chess game and said, "Your Majesty must already have a decision in mind, just like this chess game, the winner and loser are already determined."

Emperor Ming Yuan was unhappy. "Speak plainly. What chess game?"

This was Leng Jingyan's irritatingly arrogant side - she was a sore loser, unwilling to concede defeat or even a draw.


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