Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 321 - He Was With Me When I Felt Lonely.

"Tell me, Jason... Did he fell in love with Rose?" Valentina asked and Jason took a deep breath.

"I am not sure about this, Valentina..." Jason answered and Valentina again wrapped her arms around Jason and Cried on his shoulders.

"Why did he do something like this to me, Jason? What did I even do to him? Loving him more than was my fault? Is it?" Valentina asked as she cried on his shoulder while Jason caressed her back.

"Shh... It's fine... Stop crying!" Jason said and Valentina shook her head in no.

"No... It's not fine, Jason... I want to know what made him take this decision... And also, why did he married Rose so suddenly? Why he had to cheat on me, Jason? Do I look that cheap to him that he didn't even cared about my feeliny and emotions for him?" Valentina asked and Jason took a deep breath. 

"I don't really have any answer for whatever you ask me right now, Valentina." Jason answered as he cupped her face and wiped off her tears away from her eyes. 

"Stop crying... You will gain nothing if you keep crying like this." Jason said and Valentina nodded her head in yes.

"It just hurts, Jason... I so wish to ask him why he did this to me like this?" Valentina asked and Jason nodded his head.

"I can understand, Valentina... But he said his answer... It's not for you to go behind him anymore and It's better if you just forget him and move on in your life..." Jason said and Valentina frowned at him.

"What? Move on?" Valentina asked and Jason nodded his head.

"Yes, Val... He needs to see that he didn't make you weak and didn't at all affect your life. You are strong and moved on..." Jason said and Valentina smiled at him.

"What? Do you have any idea what you are talking about, Jason? I should act as if he didn't affect like my life? Jason, did you forget since how many years we have been together? 9 years! 9 whole years..." Valentina said as she got up from the couch.

"How do you think I will just forget those 9 years so easily? It's not one or 2 years relationship to forget about everything... We have been together since our high school!" Valentina said as she turned around towards Jason and he took a deep breath as he nodded his head in yes.

"Yes. I can understand..." Valentina cut off Jason in mid sentence.

"You can't understand, Jason... You can never... He is the person that loved me when I needed someone to understand me... He was with me when I felt lonely!" Valentina said as she stared into Jason's eyes.

"But... He left you!" Jason replied making Valentina look up as she sighed.

"He left you, Valentina... The one you think that don't leave you no matter what had left you... In the middle of the Choas without any single word." Jason said and Valentina took a deep breath as she turned around towards the big glass window. 

"You don't have any counter back right now... Do you?" Jason asked.

"Jason... Look..." Jason cut off Valentina in mid sentence.

"Listen to me carefully, Jason... This is life and you are playing way to hard with this life. Get into the reality and see once... Xavier doesn't care about you anymore. He doesn't love you anymore!" Jason said as he sighed.

"You need to understand this. Did you get it? You need to know that he is not worthy of you or your love. There are so many other guys who falls at your feet with just a call!" Jason said as he took a deep breath.

"I don't really know what you are trying to plan or not... But I am trying to suggest you that, forget about Xavier and lead a good life from now on. I know it will be hard for you to move on but take your time too and date someone else..." Jason got cut off in mid Sentence as he saw her shaking her head in no making him frown.

"What?" Jason asked.

"I can't forget him..." Jason cut off Valentina in mid Sentence.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jason yelled as he walked towards her and grabbed her by her shoulders.

"Get this staright in your head. He is none to you. He will not come back for you. He will not care about you anymore. He doesn't love you anymore!" Jason said as he looked sternly in her eyes. 

"I know..." Valentina yelled with tears in her eyes as she released herself from his grip.

"I know... I know... I know..." Valentina yelled with tears.

"I know that he doesn't come back to me anymkre and care about me anhmore and doesn't love me anymore... But still, I love him." Valentina yelled making Jason sigh.

"You can think of me as shameless or A girl without any self respect... But I still love him. It's hard for me to forget him no matter what! But I can't just let him go without making him learn his lesson... Can I?" Valentina asked as she looked at Jason making him frown at her.

"A lesson?" Jason asked.

"Yes. I want to show him what betraying feels like... And I want him to go through the same pain that I am going through right now... How can he be happy by leaving me like this in pool of sadness, Jason? What about the promises he made me? What about the care he showed on me? Does our memories have no value? They mean nothing to him?" Valentina asked with tears in her eyes and Jason just stared into her eyes as he can totally understand that going through all these is normal for everyone. It just had been a days since he told her he doesn't love her anymore... 

Hearing that suddenly, made her go crazy! And he knows there are many questions in her mind and of course, Xavier left her just like that with so many questions. This is normal for anyone to think about.... When the other person being so mysterious about the stuff that is going on with them! 


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