Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 292 - She Will Be Happy With You.

"Tell me, Jason... Why are you quite?" Xavier asked making Jason take a deep breath as he looked at him.

"Yes... I love Valentina..." Jason answered making Xavier smile.

"And?" Xavier asked making Jason stare into his eyes.

"And... I want her to be happy." Jason answered.

"Happy? As in?" Xavier asked.

"I meant... I want her to be happy with the one who she loves... And with whom she thinks, she will be happy." Jason answered.

"And you don't think, you will keep Valentina Happy?" Xavier asked making Jason look up at him.

"Answer... Don't you think you will keep Valantina happy?" Xavier asked making Jason smile.

"What is the use of thinking like that when she loves me at all?" Jason asked making Xavier nod his head.

"But... Eveyone can give someone second chance right? Maybe... Valentina will start loving you too!" Xavier answered making Jason frown at him.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked.

"I want you to make Valentina fall in love with you!" Xavier answered making Jason burst into a sudden laugher making Xavier frown.

"Hahahha... Hahahaha..." Jason laughed out loud.

"What? What did you just say?" Jason asked as he still kept laughing.

"I am not kidding you, Jason. I want you to make Valentina fall in love with you!" Xavier answered making Jason look at him as he stopped laughing.

"And why do you want that to happen?" Jason asked.

"Because, I want Valentina to be happy in her life!" Xavier answered making Jason sigh.

"And what made you think that I will keep her happy?" Jason asked.

"Your love for her!" Xavier answered making Jason sigh.

"You really kidding right? This is not the real Xavier I know... The Xavier is know is the one who doesn't let go of anything what is his... He will hunt everything down until he gets when he thinks that Whatever it is his and just like that people too!" Jason said making Xavier chuckle.

"Valentina is not the girl that I think, I deserve. So, I am telling you to make her fall in love with you!" Xavier replied.

"And that is impossible!" Jason said making Xavier frown.

"Why not?" Xavier asked.

"Because she loves you!" Jason answered. 

"You can change that... Can't you?" Xavier asked.

"Impossible... I can't do it! She is a sturbbon woman who doesn't Listen to anyone... Just like you!" Jason answered making Xavier sigh.

"But... She deserves happiness... And you can only give her that happiness!" Xavier said.

"What do you both really think off me as an?" They both suddenly heard a voice which made them snap their heads at the voice.

Their both eyes widened as they both looked at angry Valentina standing a few steps away from them both.

"Valentina..." Jason called making Her look at him as they both stood up from their chairs. 

"Shut the fuck up." Valentina said furiously as she looked at both of them with her teary angry eyes. 

She walked towards them and stood in front of Xavier making him take a deep breath.

"Valentina..." Before Xavier finish, Valentina raised her hand and slapped him across his face on his cheek so hardly. 

A tear falls down from her angry eyes as she looked at Xavier.

"I did a mistake... I did a great mistake for slapping like this on your Wedding in front of every single person over there." Valentina said making Xavier look into her eyes and Jason sighed. 

"If I did slapped you on that day then you won't dare to talk about the girl that loves you with some other man today saying him to love the girl you love!" Valentina said angrily as she looked at Xavier. 

"I am sorry... But I don't find any other option to keep you happy! I know, you are not happy with me anymore... Neither I can keep you happy anymore... That is why..." Valantina cut off Xavier in mid sentence. 

"And that is why, you are requesting some other guy to love your girl? Huh?" Valentina asked making Xavier look up at him. 

"What do you really think of me as, Xavier?" Valentina shouted as she clutched His collar as tears rolled down from her eyes.

"What do you really think of me as? A doll who doesn't have any feelings and emotions? Who can switch guys in a day or two just like you?" Valentina yelled with tears.

"Why are you even doing this with me? I told you that we don't have to see each other anymore... Then why are you doing this to me again? What do you even want to do with my life, Xavier?" Valentina yelled at Xavier as tears falls down from her eyes. 

She couldn't take it anhmory... And she just falls down on her knees as she cried her heart out. 

"Val..." Jason called but he didn't want to make her more miserable by showing his pity on her. 

"What wrong did I do by loving someone more than myself? Is loving someone this badly wrong?" Valentina asked as she cried so badly... 

Because her heart is breaking into pieces that she can never able to grab them and attach it... 

"If I would know that loving Someone will break me this Badly then I would never loved you, Xavier... I would never... What have you done with my life, Xavier? Who gave you this right to break my heart like this?" Valentina yelled making tears roll in Xavier's eyes.

He couldn't see her crying like a kid who just lost her candy... Yes, she did lost her heart which means more than a candy... 

She lost a life that she thought that is her whole life... But she was left alone right now... Just left alone... 

And Xavier is just helpless right now... But he couldn't see her crying her heart out on her knees but he couldn't do anything and just stand there and see her crying her heart out...

He is punishing someone who did nothing wrong but love him more than anything in this world. 


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