Hell's Handbook

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Su Jin did not return to his world, because that felt like a jail cell to him. Hell’s Handbook could locate him and trap him there once, so it could do it again easily. So, Su Jin decided to keep moving between worlds until he had created his very own temple.

He didn’t have to worry about his friends, since the Handbook’s only target was him. Only insurgents and transcendents were a threat to the Handbook. Anybody else was just like a fish in the Handbook’s own pond, no matter how powerful they became.

Su Jin, on the other hand, was basically trying to dig a new pond so that he could give those fish a new home. Of course he would become an enemy to the Handbook.

Meanwhile, a crack appeared in another space. A hand reached out from inside the crack and took some effort to tear a huge hole in the space.

“It’s been hard on you guys.” The will of the universe and his companions emerged from the crack. They had walked into the trap laid by the Mad Hatter and Pinocchio, and even the will of the universe felt that the Mad Hatter’s plans had been pretty impressive, since he had been successfully trapped inside the hat for quite a while. But even so, the will of the universe was still able to find a way to escape the hat.

“O Great One, what should we do now?” asked the Demon Lord.

The will of the universe paused to think, then said with a smile, “Before that fellow turned into an insurgent, he was bent on becoming a god because he wanted to revive some people, right?”

“That’s right. His friends died in a Heaven Level Challenge, so not even the Ceremony of the Gods can revive them. He had to become a god to be able to revive them,” said the Demon Lord with a nod.

The will of the universe tapped his nose with some delight and said, “Revive them then!”

“Wait, what?” The Demon Lord blinked in surprise, as though she hadn’t heard him clearly.

The will of the universe smiled and said, “I said, revive them. After I upgraded your powers, you’re able to do that, right?”

“That… yes, I can do that!” The Demon Lord nodded. She had returned to the height of her strength, or actually, she had become even more powerful than she was back then. She was now even more powerful than a top tier god, so reviving a few people was no problem.

“Revive them,” repeated the will of the universe.

The Demon Lord had no choice but to follow his instructions. She drew several magic circles in the air, which was her way of communicating with the Handbook. She needed information about Su Jin’s dead teammates from the Handbook in order to revive them.

The magic circles glowed a bright white, and after some time, Ye Yun, Wu Chen, and Bo Ya were resurrected one after another.

“O Great One, it is done!” said the Demon Lord to the will of the universe. “I have not awakened them, however. Do I awaken them now?”

“No. We have to insert some things first. I’m thinking of playing a fun game!” said the will of the universe as he flicked a few beams of light into the three bodies.

“What are you inserting into them?” asked the Demon Lord puzzledly.

“I’m inserting a reversal program that’s very simple but very interesting!” said the will of the universe as he laughed heartily. “After they awaken, the ones they love the most will become the ones they hate the most! I’m going to give them the ability to move through space as well. I want them to return to their worlds and start killing each other. Let’s see what that fellow does about that!”

As the Demon Lord stared at him in stunned silence, the will of the universe snapped his fingers. The eyes of the three bodies flew open, and they looked strangely at the will of the universe. He commanded them, “Go forth! Don’t waste the life I’ve given you!”

The three of them nodded, then left the space they came from. The Demon Lord was deeply conflicted as she watched the three of them leave. The will of the universe tapped his nose, then said, “Before I returned in this manner, I remember the Handbook gave me some information about another interesting fellow. Revive him too!”

At the same time, Su Jin had traveled to Chu Yi’s world. He had a home he couldn’t return to, so he hoped that Chu Yi’s side would be safer.

And he was right. The Handbook was not watching any of his companions. Or perhaps none of his companions were important to the Handbook at all.

Chu Yi was glad to receive Su Jin, but after hearing how the clown had tried to kill Su Jin, he frowned deeply. At the same time, he was thoroughly impressed by The Beginning, the system created by the gods from the first cycle.

“Boss, why don’t we beg those gods from the first cycle to revive Wu Chen and the rest?” Chu Yi suddenly suggested out of nowhere.

Su Jin rolled his eyes and said, “Never mind that. The two systems carry two completely different sets of information. I don’t think there’s any shortcut to reviving Wu Chen and the rest.”

“What do we do then? We can’t become gods now either, and I’m afraid that things might change if we wait any longer,” said Chu Yi as he scratched his head. His capabilities had seen a significant increase as an expert in close range combat, and he was seriously very close to becoming a god now. That really surprised Su Jin.

The two of them sparred before too, and Su Jin had discovered that he was no match for Chu Yi if he did not use any Spirit Power and relied solely on his physique even though his physique had been equivalent to a god’s before it was destroyed. That was how incredibly skilled Chu Yi had become.

“What has the resistance army been doing lately? Order has returned to this world, and I doubt they’ve decided to go into politics, have they?” asked Su Jin.

“Nope. They’ve all gone back to their own lives. Everyone is more concerned about surviving Challenges than to care about the society they’re living in right now. Unless they intend to form another cult and rule over the ordinary people,” said Chu Yi.

Su Jin nodded, then he suddenly shuddered as a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” asked Chu Yi worriedly.

“Someone has passed through the space barrier to reach this world. I’m afraid they’re here for me!” Su Jin had to be on guard constantly. If another group of owners had come for him again, he would be in trouble.

“Wait… it’s just one person? And why does this person seem… so familiar?” Su Jin looked puzzled. He could sense a very familiar presence coming toward him. A moment later, his puzzled expression turned to one of shock. “This… it’s Wu Chen!”

“Who?!” Chu Yi’s eyes widened.

“It’s Wu Chen! It’s his aura! I’m very sure! It’s exactly the same as before, but… why is this happening?” Su Jin was very confused. Everything about humans could be altered or forged, from fingerprints to irises, and owners could change these easily. But there was one thing they couldn’t change, and that was their own unique aura or presence.

Some owners were powerful enough to hide it, but they couldn’t change it. That was something that all high level owners knew. So, it wasn’t hard to imagine how shocked Su Jin was when he picked up Wu Chen’s aura.

“Jingru! Come quickly!” yelled Chu Yi before Su Jin stopped him.

“No, something’s very wrong. Wu Chen’s aura is boiling with rage, so he’s very angry! Don’t tell Jingru about this yet, let’s check out the situation first.” Su Jin could sense that this person was indeed Wu Chen, but he did not dare to confirm it, and certainly did not dare to tell Wu Jingru about it. He didn’t want to give Wu Jingru a rude shock if he had made a mistake.

Chu Yi agreed, so he told Wu Jingru that they were going out and left with Su Jin. Su Jin couldn’t help but tease him, “You guys are as good as married, no? When are you registering your marriage?”

“Boss… that’s not funny… besides, we’re from two different worlds, so we can’t register a marriage either,” whined Chu Yi.

The two men quickly arrived at where Wu Chen’s aura had landed. They were at a mountain range. Su Jin scanned his surroundings and quickly spotted one man standing on top of one of the mountains.

“It’s Wu Chen!” Su Jin was stunned. The man at the top of that mountain was definitely Wu Chen!

A big smile spread across Chu Yi’s face as well. They had just been perplexed about how they could revive their teammates, and the next moment, Wu Chen appeared. A cloud of Chu Yi’s white qi thrust appeared behind them and propelled both of them toward the mountain where Wu Chen was.

And just before reaching, Chu Yi sensed something wrong. Wu Chen’s arm suddenly grew in size and turned into giant pliers that tried to grab hold of Chu Yi.

Chu Yi reacted very quickly. A cloud of qi thrust exploded in front of him, pushing him out of Wu Chen’s reach.

“What’s going on, Wu Chen? Why did you attack me?!” yelled Chu Yi in confusion.

But Su Jin frowned and said, “Don’t bother yelling at him. There’s something wrong with him. It seems like his consciousness… has been altered.”


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