Hell's Academy

Chapter 89: Bristol Night Fruit

Chapter 89: Bristol Night Fruit

Three attempts later, Howard finally got the White Horned Tiger to stand up.

It's extremely tall body towered over him, at nearly 4 meters tall, but it still only slowly walked towards him while keeping an eye on the Heart Lotus Clover. At this point, Howard had finally begun to attack him with his fire ki, and yet the thick hide of the White Horned Tiger seemed impervious to damage.

At the same time, Howard also seemed to have some type of connection with the White Horned Tiger. He seemed to have trouble attacking it, which made Alrok both confused and worried.

'What is this kid, some type of Authoritarian Whisperer? I figured the White Horned Tiger would rip him to shreds, or at least chase after him,' Alrok looked nervously at the two girls standing to his left and right. 'These two also seem unworried. Don't they realize that kid's body is barely in the C rank?'

Though Mocralin couldn't sense Ki, they had learned to judge others abilities with their keen perspective. He could tell by Howard's movements earlier that his talent was unordinary, and at a young age he'd grown rapidly in strength. However, this was a White Horned Tiger! A peak type Authoritarian!

"Can i just have that?" Howard pointed at the Heart Lotus Clover and fumbled to get something he'd hidden on his side. "I-I found this in the last area I was. Do you want to trade?"

Howard had noticed that the Ghost Authoritarian had left something on the floor, and picked it up without Reece realizing he had. It was some type of rare plant that he could tell would increase his strength. However, what was a little power up compared to them getting first place in this competition? Having the Unclaimed Shrines for 10 years could change the tides for Horned Nation! He opened his hands and gestured at the large Authoritarian.

Seeing a small fruit it in its hand, the Tiger's eyes immediately seemed to explode. It looked like what Howard had in its hand caused it so much shock that it nearly fainted. Running over to his side, the massive White Horned Tiger sat and even rolled on the ground once for Howard. It seemed to be saying, 'I'll do anything if you give me that!'

"Wait! Kid, don't give him that!" Alrok screamed. "Don't you realize what that is?! Get over here and let me see that."


The White Horned Tiger growled at Alrok, and stared at him like he'd just ruined his entire life. The Bristol Night Fruit that Howard had in his hand would cause its body to get stronger! If Howard took the fruit, his body would instantly sky rocket to the peak of the C rank!

Alrok felt a headache coming on as Howard ambled over to him with a smile on his face. He looked so innocent, and he also didn't like lying. However that fruit would cause the leader of his village to completely recover. Compared to the Heart Lotus Clover, it was hundreds of times more effective!

"Kid, I-I'm in disbelief. Where did you find that?" Alrok wiped the sweat off his head and looked at the fruit in Howard's hand. "You must be the luckiest person in the Furnace. Those only ripen every 100 years, and require a special type of Ki Coagulant. Where did you find it?"

"On the floor," Howard said with a smile, causing Alrok to raise his brows in disbelief. "Why? Do you need it?"

"I-I can't take that. That's a Bristol Night Fruit!" Alrok wiped the sweat from his head and studied the skin of the fruit in Howard's hand. "That would really help the Mocralin. Ugh, I bet our leader would be willing to make an alliance with Horned Nation just for that single fruit! I-I really can't take it!"

"What does it do, big man?" Reece said, crossing her arms, "Howard, also, did that Ghost Authoritarian give it to you? Are you hiding anything else?"

"Nope," Howard said with a big smile. "This is it! The Ghost Authoritarian dropped it on the floor and left me a message in my head. He said if we find the treasure he spoke of, this would seem insignificant."

"I feel sick," Arlok feigned throwing up, and rubbed his stomach, "Ugh, someone actually gave that to you?! What is this treasure! It's probably so valuable that Ugh, I really might throw up. Hold on."

"Enough! What does that fruit do!" Reece smacked he rhand against Arlok, feeling his firm muscles before she blushed, and turned her head quickly to the side in anger. "Does the person who eat it grow an armor on their skin? What does it do!"

"I-I wanted to lie to you but I can't," Alrok stood up and tapped Howard on the shoulder. "If you ate that right now, your body would shoot to the peak of the C rank. You'd probably get so strong that even that White Horned Tiger would be afraid of you."

"However, about that? Did-did a White Horned Tiger just bow to you? What is happening?"

"How valuable exactly would you say it is? Even compared to the shrines in Jarlon Valley? More valuable? Less valuable?" Reece crossed her arms over her stomach. "On a scale, where would you place it?"

"That fruit is like training for a year. I think the Ki in this Valley is much stronger than a lot of other places in the Furnace, but that that's like a rocket ship to space. Even 10 years of training in this valley probably wouldn't equal the headstart you'd get from eating that fruit. Kid, if he's serious about a treasure being here, did he tell you how to find it?"

"Why would we tell you that, loser? We should just leave you here," Monica crossed her arms and walked over to Howard, grabbing his hand, "What exactly have you done besides help us find a doorway?"

"You're right, but I also know all the doorways in Jarlon Valley. I've been sneaking in here for years, and the Varlen never found me. Heh, how about this? We go back to wherever you found that fruit. Maybe you'll remember where that treasure the Ghost Authoritarian is if we go back."

"He summoned a gigantic doorway there," Monica crossed her arms, gently squeezing Howard's hand. "That Ghost Authoritarian said it'd take us straight to the treasure. However, can we even go back there?"

"You can! Hah, this is great! All we need to do is return there, and I can help you get that treasure! The Mocralin are in trouble, guys. I'm going to be completely honest. If you save us, I have a feeling my leader will finally be willing to make an alliance!

To say an alliance between Horned Nation and the Mocralin would be beneficial is an understatement. The Mocralin had hundreds of more civilians when compared to Horned Nation.

The Aresoul and the Varlen almost always were able to expand well passed what the Horned could do simply because they could man more stations. The Four Guardians of Horned Nation wanted to claim a few important positional territories in order to protect themselves from the other nations.

For instance, if they were able to get control of the border region near Harlock, even the Night Lords would have trouble attacking their East Branch! Positions when creating a nation could not be underestimated, especially with the strange Ki Cycles that brought different disasters throughout the years. If the Mocralin united with their nation, it would allow all these things to happen!

Also, they'd finally have a force big enough to truly attack some regions that before they could only dream of! They specifically had been hoping to reclaim some fallen cities that had been destroyed by Night Lords years ago! Even though this would require facing waves of zombies, it would still allow them to greatly increase their strength!

The Night Lords were hated by all four nations, but no one had dared awaken even a single one of them in years! Necrolith, the weakest of the Night Lords, had shattered Barabin in minutes. There was simply too much at stake! However, if two nations could come to a compromise, the Four Guardians could work with the strongest of the Mocralin!

They also had Sixteen Elites with bodies in the S rank! They would have trouble against Barabin one at a time, but the sixteen of them together could fend of the Four Guardians. An alliance would dramatically change the Furnace!

"So, are you serious? You think the Mocralin will ally with us just because of one fruit?"

"Well no, but if there is even one more treasure like this, maybe." Arlok smiled and patted Howard on the back. "Haha, no wonder girls like you so much! You're full of treasure! They know you'll bring home the gold!"

"He's great," Monica gently kissed Howard on the cheek and leaned against his shoulder. "However, if you dare cheat us, you won't be able to see anymore. We're trusting you, Arlok."

"Let's go then." Arlok looked at the whimpering White Horned Tiger and smiled. "Heh, unbelievable. That White Horned Tiger is literally crying for your attention Howard. It should've tried to rip your head off as soon as it saw that fruit! What are you made of?"

"He's terrifying when he's angry," Monica clenched her fist. "Now lead the way. Get us back to that iron gate so we can still win the competition and get the treasure!"


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