Hell's Academy

Chapter 87: A Change of Heart

Chapter 87: A Change of Heart

"Monica, why are you kissing me in this dangerous place?" Howard looked up at the beautiful girl that that had tackled him to the floor. Her beautiful pink lips smacking against his face as her pearl skin radiated like the finest jade. "We're going to die if you kiss me here."

"Heh, I don't care! I'm finally in control," Monica gently caressed Howard's face. Her eyes had turned completely black from their previous blue shimmer as her body heaved. "You helped me escape from that damn place! That girl had me stored inside her! Heh, I can finally kill all I want, kiss you all I want! Mmmm, such a nice day to be free!"

"Howard, what the hell happened?" Reece dragged two corpses of the Varlen through the grass, placing them gently against the rocks before she began to search them for any treasures. "I told you to search for the next gate. Why are you kissing her in front of me again!"

"Mmm, jealous?" Monica kissed Howard one more time, and even bit his lips, before her ominous eyes glanced back at Reece. "Heh, if you want, you can kiss him. Heh, I'm not the jealous type, but the girl inside of me is."

Monica had always had trouble with Dark Ki, but because of that had hidden a part of herself away that had only gotten strengthened over time. When she finally decided to tap into that well of power, this mysterious persona appeared on the surface.

She gently grabbed Howard and pulled him off the floor before she smiled and pointed at Reece.

"Heh, Howard. Do you think the leader would like to have you as a boyfriend? She would love to piss off Harley? Wouldn't that be great, hahahaha!" Monica laughed and gradually flexed her hand. "How about this? You can have two other girlfriends, Howard! I promise you'll have so much fun with me compared to the old Monica!"

"Little brat," Reece said, walking over to her and gently brushing back her green hair. Leaning over, she tapped her horn against Monica's, trying to sense whatever turmoil was happening inside. It felt like a large fire was burning inside of her, and it lonely seemed to grow second by second. "I don't know who you're trying to fool, but this isn't funny. Some of us don't have boyfriends! We also don't have time right now! Howard, go find the other gate!"

"Yes," Howard had been worried about the black flames around Monica, but noticed they had disappeared. Just like him, she'd also gained some control of Dark Ki and it brought him ease. "However, what's wrong with Monica? Is it my fault?"

"No, it's not your fault," Reece smiled and looked into Monica's eyes. "Monica just needs to calm down. Listen, Monica, just because I can't get a boyfriend doesn't mean I'm going to steal yours."

"Stealing?" Monica smiled and shook her head. "I'm going to make him happy everyday now, hahaha! He let me find the true me again, and it feels so good! The least I can do is let other girls date him too! Of course, he's still MINE AT THE END OF THE DAY!"

"Howard, can you do anything about her Dark Ki?" Reece sighed, lifting her head up, turning to Howard as he walked over to the Ice Range Phantom and closed its eyes. "Can you sense any coming out of her body?"

"I think she's controlling it. This is something else," Howard pointed to the jungle ahead of them, and shook his head. "Anyways, we should start walking. Barabin told us not to dawdle."

"Howard, what about Monica? She's saying I can date you too? Aren't you concerned? Girls don't just change?"

"She'll get used to it. I did," Howard smiled and put his hand on the Ice Range Phantom. Suddenly, it seemed to shine brightly before it cracked and disappeared into dust. It's Dream Ki flowed into his body, clearing his mind, and making it easier to focus. Beginning to walk forward, Howard entered into the strange jungle in front of him. Dozens of small Authoritarians rushed passed him. For the first time in a long time, an area he entered was full of greenery, and life.


"You sure I can date him, too?" Reece looked like she was really considering it. "You sure you're really Monica?"

"Yes, leader. Howard deserves it! He really did free me! I feel so much better now! My head is clearer, and my stomach finally stopped hurting!" Monica's face expanded with a smile while they walked passed a small hut. Looking over in that direction, they noticed a small gate hidden in its shadows.

"Heh, I think the Dark Ki is bringing me good luck! Hah, that will take us to the next place."

"Howard, come here!" Reece said, stomping her foot on the ground, "Monica is saying I can date you. Come here rightt now and tell me what you think? Do you want to date me too? I'm like a curse when I date a guy. I promise nothing good will come of it."

"Heh, of course I'd date you!" Howard said with a smile. He was a few inches taller than Reece, but even with his muscular and refined body, her beautiful form made it hard to deny her request. "Monica wouldn't like it though. She's still just kidding."

'Kidding? She's gone crazy,' Reece coughed and sighed, pushing Howards chest while she blushed. "Whatever, Howard, what matters is that we don't forget why we're here. To get stronger."

"Howard, Monica always wanted to accept that she needed to let you be yourself. I'm just finally being my full self! It will be better for both of us if you date Jenny, Harley, and Reece. Heh, that way you'll never grow tired of any of us! We can have a perfect relationship!"

Monica's father and mother had divorced at a young age because her father had disappeared with another woman. He had been rich, and came from a wealthy family while his wife came from normal upbringing.

Her grandfather, Lores, had always wanted her father to date someone in his class, but for years his father resisted. It wasn't until his mother got sick that he ripped apart their family. She wondered if she let Howard be with other people, he'd always stay by her side.

However, for some reason, under the effects of Dark Ki, she no longer cared about her father, nor cared as much about Reece liking Howard. She just wanted to be happy, and keep Howard happy. She wanted to destroy things! It felt like being birthed in a new world! Even her mother telling the Exland Empire about her horns no longer bothered her! Everything just felt fine! Everything felt perfect!

"Uhm, Monica. How about when we're done here, we can talk more about this," Reece smiled, and pushed her towards the large iron gate. "I know you had trouble with your family. However, right now we need to keep moving forward."

"Hmmm, okay?" Monica smiled and gently brushed back Reece's hair. "However, Howard, come here real quickly. I want you to ask her if she'll be your girlfriend. I want to see it!"

"Uhm, are you sure?" Howard pointed over at the iron gate. "Something doesn't seem right. My Monica would get jealous if I even looked at Jenny. If you tell me that again in twenty minutes, I'll do it."

"Hoh, you're not asking? I can't believe it! Reece, then you ask him!" Monica slowly slid her hand down Reece's face, a tantalizing glimmer in her eyes. "I always wanted to see how Howard would react. After all, you're the leader. Men love it when older girls like them!"

"Enough!" Reece blushed and slammed her foot down, "Monica, you can work on your own issues later, but right now I'm in charge! My guy problems are my problem! If I wanted to ask out Howard, I would have done it even without your permission! But this is just insulting! How dare you! I'm about to slap you until you go back to your old self!"

"Someone is over there," Howard pointed at the shack looming tall over the iron gate. "Someone is watching us!"


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