Hell's Academy

Chapter 63: Strange Beast

Chapter 63: Strange Beast

"Howard, the Ki Reservoir is about 20 miles away. Once the iron horse stops, I need you to go ahead and check if any Authoritarians are in the area." Barabin said, leaning over while patting him on the shoulder. "Because of the terrain, I can't sense what's in the area."

"Once you enter into the Ki Reservoir, shoot a large fireball into the air to indicate if it's all clear. If there is an Authoritarian there, run back immediately."

"I get it! You don't have to repeat yourself a thousand times!" Howard said, pushing Barabin away. "I'll be back in thirty minutes. I promise, nothing bad will happen!"

"Yup, see you soon," Barabin sighed, crossing his arms as he held his hand out into the distance. This had been one of the only times he hadn't been able to sense his surroundings, and he figured it had to be an Authoritarian. Only Authoritarians, as far as he knew, had the ability to block out Ki Frequencies. Watching Howard go, he crossed his arms, nervously tapping the floor.

'It will be fine. Once Howard find out what type of Authoritarian it is, we can get in there, and block the other entrances." Barabin tapped his foot. 'Nothing bad will happen. Howard is like a child to them. I've never seen a single Authoritarian attack a child before.'

"This isn't a good idea," Reece said, "I hate that I'm not fully charge. I-I know that I need other people lead for themselves, but this is reminding me of my failed prom date."

"What happened?" Jenny asked, "Did he not show up?"

"His father showed up with him. I'm too embarrassed to talk about it, okay?" Reece blushed and held her hands to her face while Harley laid comfortably back. Harley had always been too calm, or too honest. It drove her crazy that nothing bothered her. "I-I just worry about things sometimes. I know I seem calm on the outside, but on the inside I'm a wreck."

"Some people are just better at hiding it," Barabin sighed, watching Howard disappear from his vision. "Like Howard. I sense an anger in him that I've never sensed in anyone else."

"Howard, you mean nice boy?" Reece laughed, "How is he angry? He's always surrounded by girls, and gets attention from two of the four guardians! What anger?"

"You'll see someday if you piss him off," Barabin tapped his fingers, nervously looking into the distance. "Let's hope we never see the angry side of him. It's probably terrifying."


On top of the Seventh entranceway to the Ki Reservoir, five magicians in black capes waited for a signal.

Down beneath them, hundreds of rocks had been piled up to narrow the entranceway, making it so that only two to three individuals could enter in at once. Respell, the leader of the Aresoul Brigade, waited patiently in the center of those massive, heavy objects, ready to unleash an entire month full of his power.

Aresoul Magicians would spend on average an entire month preparing for a single battle with someone from Horned Nation, which means that they required every tactical advantage possible.

Barabin, by himself, could kill every single Aresoul Magician if they had depleted their energy reserves. Them not having charged their energy was similar to coming to a gun range without bullets.

Fortunately, with at least 20 times as many magicians compared to Channelors, this had never happened. Respell stopped chanting at this moment, opening his eyes as he heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer to his position.

Smiling at the thought of destroying every piece of Barabin that existed, he stood up, quietly snapping his fingers as ten magicians got into position.

'It sounds like they're sending just one person ahead to scout.' Respell sighed, crossing his arms. 'Heh, this is perfect, We'll kill one and then the rest will get destroyed trying to find his dead body!'

'It's been so long since I've felt this good! The mighty Barabin! The killer of my own flesh and blood will die under my hands!' Respell lightly cackled to himself. The Magicians all opened their doorways while a figure finally came out into the open.

Holding out his hand, Respell seemed to zoom into the horizon, seeing a boy with a small Authoritarian creature behind him.

"That's weird? Is he a Workalin?" Respell shook his head, looking at the two figures blurring closer and closer to his distance. "I-I don't recognize that Authoritarian either. It's not a Ice Horse or a Greyback Karma Lizard. What is that thing?"

Respell sighed and signaled his men to prepare to attack as Howard dashed forward. Turning behind him, a large black headed beast jumped into his body and sent him crashing into the mountain. A second later, it's tongue instantly began to splatter across Howard's face, causing him to laugh merrily.

"Heh, stop it! I'm not your brother!"

"Leeee?" The creature made a strange sound, turning to his right after licking Howard. Beginning to growl, Howard petted it gently on the head in order to calm it down.

"There's nothing wrong, Menos. If I can call you that." Howard stood up and wiped the dust off his body. "Now, let's go! Let's go to the reservoir so I can send a message."

"Hmph," The strange six corned creature angrily stomped down on the ground, getting angry at Howard's obstinate behavior. He jumped one time in the air and landed in front of the boy again, only to see him sprint right towards the dangerous feelings it felt lurking in the shadows.

"Come on Menos! I'll play after," Howard sprinted forward and ran right towards the narrow entrnaceway with the beast by his side. "What are you doing? Why do you look so upset?"

"LEEEEE LEEE!' The creature hissed, stomping down in front of Howard as he got a few inches away from a large rock pile. The rock pile wobbled back and fourth as Menos kept stomping its feet. "LEEEE LEEEE!"

"Ughhh, you're going to get me in trouble." Howard said, gently rubbing the Authoritarian on the head. "What is it? Do you sense something?"

"Leee!" The small six horned beast nodded its head at the sky, seeming to gesture to a shadow lurking over the cliff! "Leee!"

"It spotted us! Kill him!" A large scream echoed through the canyons before six massive doorways appeared in the sky! "Kill him, but avoid that little Authoritarian at all costs! Do you hear me!"

"Run," Howard said, looking up at the beams of light swirling in the air as they prepared to fire. "I can handle this! Run!"

"LEEEEE LEEEE LEEE LEEE!" The creature screamed so loud the rocks began to shake. "LEEEE LEEE LEEE!"


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