Hell's Academy

Chapter 56: Ki Enigmas

Chapter 56: Ki Enigmas

"The strongest Demon Kings are able to walk in two separate lands at once," A beautiful lady appeared in front of Howard, and gently tapped him on the skull, causing a ray of light to shine out of his head. "They are able to divide and conquer. Make tactical decisions that cause their enemies to destroy themselves."

"More over," The golden hair women that seemed to appear from out the picture tapped Howard once again on the head, causing the light to shimmer even brighter, "They are able to love either a single women or multiple women with stunning results."

"Howard, do you know why Demon Kings are so dreaded," The lady finally paused enough to let Howard talk. Stepping back into the light glimmering through the small hole in the large domed hall. "It's because of what you can already do. Do you know what that is?" the lady named Branette leaned over and gently rubbed Howard on the cheek.

"Well, why don't you go find out." Branette pointed at the dozen scythe wielders as they got closer and closer to him. "Before Barabin returns, you must defeat all my minions or else I'll kill Jenny. Does that sound like a fair compromise?"

"Kill her? What did she do to you?" Howard said, crossing his arms, "I-I don't understand. How can you just show up and start lecturing me!"

"Time's a wastin," The lady stepped back, disappearing into the shadows, "Remember, Demon King, you can be in two places at once." She finally disappeared, leaving Howard with dozens of thoughts flittering through his head.

For one, he immediately thought of the technique to split into three phantoms. However, with that, he definitely couldn't be in two places at once. Looking at Jenny, staring at him in disbelief, Howard smiled before touching her shoulder.

"Barabin would never let anyone kill you. I'll be right back, promise."

"I know," Jenny replied with a smile, "Howard, I have the taste of the blood in your mouth! Whatever happens to me, you made me extremely happy!" Jenny wiped a tear from her eye, feeling the weight of death beginning to press down on her.

For some reason, Jenny could tell that lady disdained her for drinking Howard's blood. Even though she couldn't put a finger on it, when she first saw her flash before her eyes, she had stared at her lips with pure disdain.

Maybe it was her intuition, but there was no way for Howard to split in half. Feeling her last minutes beginning to descend, Jenny started to cry more and more as Howard gently caressed her face.

"Jenny, if I could be in two places, do you think I could date you?" Howard smiled, and shook his head. "I mean, would Monica be okay with it. If there were two of me? Hahaha!"

"That-that would be fair," Jenny said, smiling and nodding her head. "However, now isn't the time to joke! There is one right behind you!"

Turning abruptly, with a fire spiraling around his body, Howard immediately created a whip of flames that branched forward and shot into the chest of a large white figure. It almost looked like a statuete, however, it's body seemed to be fueled by the Ki in the air.

To explain it exactly, they were called Ki Enigma's, mysterious beings made of pure Ki that only listened to those who provided them with nourishment. Seeing one one leaning back, and generating a strange light around his Scythe, Howard gently turned his fist forward as the flames exploded outward.

The white, strange figurine with the scythe instantly burst back, crashing into a tower and sending shrapnel bursting into the air.


A hundred more figures with scythes instantly appeared around Howard before he held out both hands. In front of him, a tornado of flames seemed to shoot outward, crashing into dozens of statues before two got within inches of his face.

Ducking to dodge, a blade slashed passed Howard's face before he spun on his hands and kicked one square in the jaw. Looking like a blurring tornado, he kicked off the floor and shot into the air before dozens of more fire whips extended out of his body.

Activating Ki Transformation to its maximum, Howard felt a powerful force surging towards his back.


A white beam of light shot into Howard and sent his body screaming into a wall. Crashing into it, a large cloud of dust shot into the air before hundreds of figurines blurred towards him.

A hundred figures slashed down towards him with scythes as he tried to defend himself by rolling into a ball as a large flame surged out from him. Instantly, the Scythes crashed into the flames before a large explosion once again shook the room!


Hundreds of Ki Enigma's exploded into dust before Howard rolled against the floor, seeing Jenny surrounded by hundreds of blades.

'This-this was the plan from the start. Separate me from Jenny so you could kill her,' Howard felt a strange feeling inside of him. It felt like a strange, endless abyss had opened up inside of him that extended for miles and miles beneath the surface. Exploring those feelings, Howard suddenly glowed with a bright light, casually holding out his hand before all his feelings surged out like an endless storm.


All the statutes in front of Jenny instantly burst into pieces, and burst against the wall while Howard's eyes went dark. Unfortunately, whatever inside of him he just tried to use made his stomach feel like it was going to explode.

At this time, seeing Jenny still standing together in one piece, Howard casually collapsed on the floor only for a women to pick him up and gently hoist him off the floor.

"Barabin, you can come out." Brannette said, tossing Howard over her shoulder with a smile on her face. He had greatly exceeded her expectations by using Ki Projection. Even though he only managed to use the most primitive version of it.

From ancient times, Ki Projection had been one of the highest level skills a Horned could achieve, and most people took years of training. Barabin, for instance, had taken 500 years to learn how to use the most basic version of it! In the battle against Necrolith, he had slightly used Ki Projection to shift to dodge the attack that sent him flying into the distance!

Needless to say, Ki Projection was an extremely powerful skill!

In Howard's case, she merely suspected that because he was related to that man, he might be able to use Ki Projection just like Barabin was able to digest blood. Each Horned Lineage possessed special abilities, but none more threatening and interesting than the demon king.

It had been said that before his demise, he had started to live in three places, taking care of three families at the same time.

"That's risky," Barabin said, snatching Howard from her arms. "He can barely use Ki Transformation and you're trying to get him to use an A ranked skill. Same old, Branette," Barabin yawned and folded his arms. "Now, where is it. That defense trinket you stole."

"Here," Branette tossed a small glimmering object at Barabin and gently brushed back Howard's hair. "This is a map to where I hid it. Go there if you have a few years to explore."

"This-this is serious!" Barabin said, pointing at Hoawrd. "If-If I knew you went to hide in a Shrine Branette, I-I might have had second thoughts about marrying Sally! I knew that painting looked familiar! You-you always had a habit of decorating everything! No wonder I couldn't find you for a hundred years!"

Barabin had a complicated relationship with women much like Howard.

He'd been brought to the Furnace by Sally, but for years resented her and forced himself away from her arms. At the time, the captain of the Horned Nation was Branette, and he'd deeply fallen in love with her gaze and her smile.

However, that all changed when Branette had been sent to the East Branch. She disappeared from his life for 50 years, and then Sally grew in his heart over time. Eventually, he heard Branette got lost in the Furnace, in pursuit of some goal.

Now, seeing her here, Barabin wanted to hit her and at the same time kiss her on the face. Why? Why would she stay in a Shrine for a hundred years!

"I know what you're thinking," Branette said, "However, this Shrine has something I've been trying to restore. Why don't you and Howard and Jenny come take a walk with me? Of course, I promise you won't regret it."


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