Hell's Academy

Chapter 149: 100 Warrior Simulations

Chapter 149: 100 Warrior Simulations

Dream Room, Unclaimed Shrine

Howard felt the Ki on his body increase manifold when he walked in the room with Priscilla. It was a completely black room with a few irrigated channels of water running down the left and right side of the space.

In the center, there was a command panel.

Annibell closed the door for them before a small light turned on. There was only a single hanging chandelier in the center of the room. When it turned on, the entire blank space only slightly brightened. A single small bed was against the wall with a single blanket. Howard immediately smiled while Priscilla dropped her jaw.

"I-I'm only sleeping with you tonight because Reslan asked me to! Don't think I'm an easy target."

"Hehe, I'll behave," Howard smiled and walked over to the council. "However, what do we do in here. No one told me anything."

"It's because I'm still the leader," Priscilla put her hand on the council and caused a floating screen to appear. She smiled, and pointed over at the wall while a light strand of Ki started to come out of her body.

"Beneath us, the irrigation channels lead to the Dream Ki Vein. They all run to this council so we can use our Ki to control Dream Ki. It's a little bit complicated, but this council turns the messages we put in our Ki into the Dream Veins before a dream space is created. Get it?"

"I-I guess I'll try it and find out, so What are you going to imagine for me."

"We have one week," Priscilla's brow tensed angrily while she looked up at Howard. His black hair made him look handsome and his face had grown more mature. He also seemed more confident and started having more bass in his voice. He was starting to sound like a leader, and it scared her. She wanted to be in control! "I-I'm going to be in charge of all the dreams. We're going to go through the 100 warrior simulations Reslan provided me with. Each of the Founders won these 100 warrior simulations in under 3 weeks. We have to do it in one week."

The Warrior simulations included things like how to use 10 troops to beat 100 and how to use 1000 trops to beat 10,000. However, they also had somewhat surprising game. All of the Four Guardians always had two pairs of men and women, two couples if you will. The Four Guardians had a responsibility to date another Founder, so basically Priscilla had no choice but to date Howard.

Reslan had come to her a few weeks ago when she was looking at a confession from Sheldon and told her she'd have to date Howard if she wanted to be a Founder. The emotional strain of being a Guardian needed you to have someone that would always be at your side.

Reslan never told this to Howard, but everyone else besides him had a much greater chance of dying! Monica, Una, Reece, Harley didn't have as much potential as Priscilla, nor did Zack and Sheldon! They could die on any battle when he turned his head! He needed someone that would love him through the deaths that came with life! 

"I-I don't plan on letting anyone die, but let's start!" Howard smiled and looked at Priscilla up and down. She had on a pretty brown uniform with dark jeans that hugged tightly against her body. It had cute buttons that ran down the center and she also had a necklace around her neck. With her pale skin shimmering and her golden eyes glowing, Howard gulped and looked at her. He couldn't wait till they slept in the same bed together!


The first of the 100 Warrior simulations was just Howard and Priscilla versus two Aresoul youth a low power level.

It was easy and Howard and Priscilla finished it in less than an hour. 

The second through fifth were a little bit harder, and the sixth through twentieth took them twenty minutes to finish. There was no way they were going to finish it in time! Howard walked over to the bed with Priscilla and tossed off his torn black shirt. He quickly changed into a wifebeater shirt and jumped on the mattress. 

Priscilla had watched him change and seemed somewhat irritated by her clothes. They also had been torn at the sleeves.

"Close your eyes!"

"No! Why?" Howard complained. "I let you watch me change."

"I'm the leader here! Come on Howard. I don't even have a choice about dating you." Priscilla sat down on the bed and pulled out a white long sleeve shirt from her tightly packed bag. "I-I have so many scars. Just please."

"Okay," Howard smiled and turned over. He was so tired from his first 24 hours in the room that he just wanted to grab something soft and go to bed. "My eyes are closed now! You can change in peace."

"You better not or I'll bite you!" Priscilla grumbled and thought about Howard's progress today.

He really was incredibly good when it came to making tactical decisions and he seemed at least ten years older when she was in danger. Most teenagers wouldn't think of using thier own Ki to try and ignite sand. When she had been about to be defeated, he melted the ground below her and she fell just quick enough that she dodged.

"That was supposed to be on of the hardest problems in the beginning. Number 20 took Reslan and Annibell two days." Priscilla quickly changed her white shirt and got in the bed. "So, what? Howard you got a girl in your bed. Now what."

"Kiss me to sleep!"

"Hell No! Not yet" Priscilla fumed and turned around before she felt Howard's hand grab hers. "I-I'm not ready to just give into you yet. You haven't even done anything romantic."

"Hehehe! Then wait till tomorrow night! You'll be kissing me alot!" Howard smiled and gently brushed aside her hair before he snuggled against her back. "I'll make you warm many nights in a row okay?"

"You're handsome, but a pain in the ass," Priscilla inched closer towards him and felt his warmth. "You're lucky there is only one blanket. This is clearly a trap."


Warrior simulation number 56

Three days passed and Howard and Priscilla had made incredible progress. They had learned to work together well and Howard seemed to be able to slightly manipulate her ice Ki in the air.

His lineage from Demon King Earl was evident.

For simulation 56, 1000 Aresoul had surrounded 25 Horned and were going to attack from all sides. The only way to survive, Priscilla had extrapolated, was to sacrifice 22 Horned so that three of them could live.

By making a circle with 25 Horned, they could create a powerful shield in the center while they dug a hole in the ground to escape. Once they escaped, they could flank the Aresoul from an odd angle and they'd be defeated.

Fortunately, there was a second option that Howard thought of.

With thousands of Aresoul doors opening to kill them, Howard thought of using a shield of Ice Ki at an angle to reflect some of the attacks. Though this wouldn't work normally, they just so happened to be in a water plain.

With so much water, Priscilla was rapidly able to form a wall of ice to divert the attacks.

Howard then used the opportunity to dig a hole in the water for all 25 to escape. When they were finished, she opened the book and checked for the two answers on the next page. If she got the wrong answer, the page wouldn't turn. This time, it opened to a golden page.

"I don't believe it." The book had been created at another Dream Ki Vein, so it had unnatural properties, and got knowledge from the Dream Ki entering into it. Basically, it still had a minor connnection to the person who wrote it even if they weren't in the current space. In that way, it was almost always constantly being rewritten. "We-we found a golden solution. I guess on to 57."

"Hehe! It's night time! I have a surprise for you!"

Howard had been trying to get Priscilla to kiss him, and this time used his Dream Ki to make her a surprise. Of course, even though it wasn't real, he'd gotten up 5 minutes earlier then her today to make it. 

"Let me see," Priscilla quenched her fist. "You-you're opening up the door to my heart, but I might just shut it if it's bad."

"Here it comes!" Howard put his hand in the council. "You ready?"

"I'm ready for bed." Priscilla closed her eyes and walked over to the mattress. "However, don't grab my waist so hard tonight, I'm going to get bruised."

Howard smiled and then watched the entire room seemed to turn into a gigantic room of endless beauty. 1000s of flowers sprouted out of the ground on lilies. A few floating flames appeared in the room while Priscilla stared in awe.

"Ugh, just get in bed. You might have earned a point there."


Priscilla put her arms around Howard and kissed him in the morning while she woke up.

She blushed and quickly went to change her clothes while Howard went to get ready for the day. She had kissed him once or twice the night before.

However, she was worried, the 58th Warrior Simulation was supposed to be the hardest out of all hundred. She looked over at Howard and saw him with her back turned. She felt like he was almost impossible to grasp. Like a large mountain towering over her.

"If he beats this challenge, I might really have to marry the jerk," She bit her lip and watched a strange wilderness appear in front of her. "Let's hope it's not impossible."


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