Hell's Academy

Chapter 147: World On His Shoulders

Chapter 147: World On His Shoulders

Howard took a deep breath.

His body felt fully energized and full of life. He pushed himself off the bed and stared up at Jenny, Monica, and Harley smiling at him. Monica instantly swarmed him with a kiss against the lips. 

"You-you idiot! Mmm! Don't do that again!"

"Sorry," Howard laughed and brushed back his black hair. "I-I had no choice but to use my full strength. What happened? Why do I feel like my body fully healed, and even got stronger!"

"Thank Jenny," Monica said and pushed her towards him. "Ha ha! Now kiss him, Jenny! You earned it! Tell him the cool thing you made."

Jenny blushed and closed her eyes. She didn't want to kiss Howard in front of the other girls. She had on her white coat and it sort of dripped over her waist before Howard pulled her in for a kiss too! He smiled at her, and then she opened her eyes and looked at him closely. 

"Ugh, I found out what drained your Ki Cells. They were lacking in a special type of mitochondria agent. I-I don't want to get too into it, but you...you should feel better than ever. I'm guessing you got 5 percent stronger actually!"

"I-I do feel fully energized," Howard smiled. "What happened? Did one of you do something to me in my sleep?"

"Nope, that's tonight after Reslan kills you," Harley kissed him on the cheek, "Tonight is still my night to spend with you. Monica said it's okay. However, we got this strange message from Founder Arista. She says you have to go soon."

"OMG! What day is it?" Howard asked with his jaw lowered! "The-those people are supposed to invade! Has it been a week? I-I heard from Earl that it be a week if I used that ability."

Howard nervously jumped up and ran outside into the hallway with his clothes almost falling off his body. He looked around the corner and looked down at his white patients outfit. He felt a breeze in the back and saw Monica and Harley laughing.

"Not like we won't see that in the future," Monica giggled. "Haha, don't worry! You woke up in 3 days thanks to Jenny here."

Howard nodded his head and clutched his wrist. This was really good. With this kind of strength, he would be much safer when the Arthraku youth came to attack him. It felt like he realyl had entered into the middle stages of the A rank. Though it seemed fast, he guessed that his near death experience plus whatever formula Jenny used made him stronger.

Ultimately, this was half wrong. Howard still hadn't recovered his full strength from what the Exland Empire did to him. Jenny had thought she fully fixed it with a pill, but they also did damage to Howards internal organs to try and keep him from developing more than 20 Ki Hearts. With what Jenny had done, he now had the potential to develop many more than before, but it was still nothing compared to his original perfect body.

His original body was considered so dangerous by the Exland Empire that they spent weeks trying to trick Anibell from hearing about his location. Teacher Anibell actually had a hidden network on the Surface that she never told Howard or any of the other Horned about. Only Reslan and a few of the Founders knew. It was just for situations like that.

It had also been how she found out about Indell, Barabin's grandson, and the reason Jenny was here.

Howard wanted to thank her for all she had done, but right now his main focus was on running to Reslan! He wanted to make sure the battle ended well! He almost forgot he was half naked when he used King Fire Sprint to run down the hallway!

When he made it to the 4th floor, he smiled and jumped into Teacher Annibell's arms! When had she gotten here!

"It's my favorite teacher!" Howard smiled and got caught in her arms. "What are you doing here?"

"Coming to get you," Teacher Anibell's eyebrows tensed. "Coming to take you to Jarkales Valley so you can go to another Unclaimed Shrine. It's time for more training, Howard! I taught you better than to halfway off yourself to defeat an enemy!"

"Don't blame the boy. It was my fault," Reslan invited Priscilla into the room. Who had saw Howard running and immediately followed suit. "It's my fault that I'm not strong enough to defeat a Jarkales General. I guess the Founders are still needed after all."

The Founders had wanted to retire, and decided to go on an adventure. No one else that they know of lived for more than 300 years, so it made sense to strike a balance they should leave. However, when they had left they found out about the Night Lords and the other races in the Abyss Wall. Once they figured that, they realized of course they couldn't retire!

However, what really made their situation special was that the new Demon Lord had arrived, Howard. Any time a period of great change occurred, there were usually hundreds of death to follow! It was just the natural order of things! When good things happened, bad things happened too!

Relsan sighed and watched Priscilla sit down in a chair. She had on a one piece black suit that was tight. She looked like she wanted to hide from the world today, and didn't bother to smile.

"Glad you're awake. When are we leaving?"

"What do you mean we?" Howard asked with a smile. "I'm going by myself. You can't fight the Arthraku. You might die!" Howard planned to run, and worst case if he activated Fire King's Last Stand again he could win. Unfortunately, it might make it hard for him to survive for a few months, but it would great.

In this case, Howard would be wrong because he already activated the third level of Fire King's Last Stand. That meant for a year, if he activated it at any time, he could very well die. Even with Jenny's formula that made his Ki Cells technically stronger, there was still a risk for multiple activations. Ki Cells had their own microcosm in Howard's body that had its own rules. If he activated it, even though they were stronger, the areas around them still hadn't fully changed! It would be disastrous!

"Okay, Howard. You're starting to develop what I call the world on your shoulders complex," Teacher Annibell shook her head. "You can't defeat everyone by yourself. Reslan is the real reason you won tha battle, remember. Not You."

"The Founders are also a lot stronger than you," Reslan added. "What are you going to do when we have to fight entire armies of people? Priscilla will be going with you. One, because Sheldon requested it, and two because Monica requested it!"

"Why? Why would they do that?" Howard said with a smile. "I'm fine, I really am fine!"

"You're about as fine by yourself as a small boy without his mother," Priscilla said. "Look, Howard. Monica came to me and said she wants me to go with you to see if we're compatible and I agreed. The Arthraku will be tough, but you will be able to spend time with me. Worst case scenario, we can just rely on teacher Anibell."

Teacher Annibell nodded her head, but she knew it be against the rules if she interfered with a fight of youth. Basically, the Furnace had many rules of war that had been established over the years. Some of these rules were things like when people surrender, don't kill them. However, there was also a rule about youths versus adults.

She could help Howard, but if one of them escaped they'd tell the Arthraku and they'd be more likely ot attack. Of course, a lot of people attacked Howard, but he was usually with adults at the time. With just the Arthraku by themselves. In a group of only youths, she'd be a sore spot that they'd want to vanquish from the Furance. They might even send their entire army to wipe out the Horned, and Founder Arista explicitly was trying to do everything she could to stop that!

"Well, Howard. It's time to go," Teacher Annibell smiled. "Pack your things, Howard. Spend one night with your girlfriends. Then we'll be taking a bus to Jarkales Valley until they arrive. I think I know just the person who will want to see you."

"You'll be sharing a room with me," Priscilla's brow tensed with agitation. She slightly paused. "I sleep with my long sleeve shirt on at all time! If you ask me to do anything but hug you I'll be pissed! Do you hear me! No touching my arms, and only the arms around the waist! I heard you don't sleep without girls!"

"I'me excited!" Harvard said with a smile. "I'm excited to prove you all wrong. I can really protect you all by myself! And I'm sure I will one day too!"


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