Hell's Academy

Chapter 139: Competitive Spirit

Chapter 139: Competitive Spirit

Howard walked back to meet Reslan at the East Branch and for the first time he got to see the twenty Horned he'd be fighting with. Bermenthol stayed behind, on the other hand, to slowly weed out the two men who had let Virgil almost escape with his wife. Exiting the tunnel, Howard walked back towards the East Branch. Luckily, it seemed all the Horned he'd never met seemed to be waiting outside. 

Reslan kept his best students in the Four Guardians Shrine. All students who wanted to be part of the Four Guardians could enter into the Shrine and compete for a spot. The only one who had fully earned it is Priscilla. However, Howard hadn't seen her since they returned.

Instead, he saw Monica and Harley waiting next to fifteen other girls and one guy. The guy was rather small and had on a black pair of overalls with a white shirt. Aside for his sharp eyes and scraggly brown hair, he seemed to fade into the distance. However, Howard was just happy to see another man!

"Howard! You forgot about me." Harley walked over to him and gently kissed his cheek. "There are a lot of other girls here. However, don't forget, you belong to us!"

"I know!" Howard smiled and gently kissed Harley on the lips. "Heh, sorry if I forgot to spend time with you. I had a lot on my plate."

"Yup, Jenny, Monica, and Reece right?" Harley winked and leaned in closer. "However, tonight, I'm on your plate. After Monica's birthday, you're mine, Howard." She gently kissed him on the lips one more time, her black shirt falling into his face, before she leaned back and waved Howard to the group. "Anyways, you got to meet the future of the Horned. Remember, you're ours!"

Howard smiled and introduced himself to the Horned Students one after another. However, he one person he gravitated to the most was the small 1.58 meter tall man. He hadn't seen many men Horned, and had yet to learn the reason why. However, just seeing someone other than Blake or Zack made him smile.

"Hi, I'm Sheldon!" The man bowed to Howard. "It's an honor to meet you. We heard you already got selected as a Four Guardian. However, if you don't mind, I would like to try and fight you for your spot." He bowed one more time. "I'd like to grow stronger than even you someday!"

"Uhm, are you sure?" Howard looked to the west. He could almost feel the Jarkales nearing their position. "We have about 5 hours to make sure we have ample battle preparations. If we fight now, it might tire you out in battle."

"Just fight him Howard. It'll be quick," Monica yawned. "He loses to everyone on the first time he fights them. Just be warned he's a lot harder the second time."

"I-I like to learn the hard way," Sheldon smiled and got in a fighting position. A gale of wind spun around his body before he minorly levitated off the ground. "However, I'm fast! You might have trouble catching me."

"How about a race?" Howard said and pointed to the East Branch. "I need to practice my speed."

Howard had struggled to learn to switch between his Dark Ki and his Dream Ki, but moreso to use his Dream Ki to use an ability like King Fire Sprint. King Fire Sprint was an ability made for his regular Ki, so when he tried to activate it with Dream Ki it almost always went bad. However, if he had competition against Sheldon, perhaps he'd be able to bring out more of his potential!

"Alright!" Sheldon nodded his head! "However, the person who wins the race gets to date Priscilla! You're not taking her from me Howard! I worked too hard to do things for her everyday! In fact, all of these 16 girls are mine!"

"You dream big," Harley shook her head. "There is no way Howard would agree to tha-"

"Deal!" Howard smiled, "However, Monica and Harely are already dating me so they are off the table."

"Heh, you're going to be surprised! My speed is said to be in the S rank!" Sheldon stopped off his back foot. "Now how about giving me a three second head start?"

"Sure," Howard nodded his head. "Begin!"


Sheldon ran at his top speed towards the gate of the East Branch and had to be going at least 200 kilometers an hour. His messy blonde hair shot over his head as he activated the skill Willows Sprint. His body seemed to turn into an arrow that shot straight towards the green gate.

Howard, behind him, however, instantly activated his Dream Ki and poured it into his feet. Like a missile, he seemed to disapear from the starting line and caused a small sand storm to rise around him. In just 10 seconds, he'd already made it over 1 kilometer. Unfortunately, a white flame exploded from his lower body, and he shot into the air and went soaring towards the Green Gate.


Howard bounced in front of Sheldon and rolled through the finish line, which instantly disappeared Sheldons' smile. He'd imagined that he'd very easily beat Howard. After all, if he did the math correctly, since there was only 2 kilometers to the base and he had a 3 second head start, Howard would have to go over 750 kilometers to pass him in the minute it took him to arrive. Unfortunately, he'd completely underestimated Howard's speed. 


Howard crashed into a white fence post and rolled on the floor in pain.

"Ow! I'm going to figure that out eventually, damn it!"

"No way! No way!" Sheldon dropped onto his knees. "My Priscilla! Race me again Howard!"

"We have something more important to worry about," Reslan walked out of the East Branch Main Exit with Priscilla. "I want to play a game. I'm going to pretend to be the general of the Jarkales, and you all are going to fight me!"

"Ugh, Priscilla, did you hear any of what I wagered?" Sheldon dropped his head in embarrassment when she walked over to him. "I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have tried to trick Howard. I just I just can't stop staring at you!"

"Sheldon, you're like my younger brother," She gently rubbed his head. "However, I have a secret for you. Three girls out of sixteen like you. If you let Howard date me, I'll tell you which ones!"

"Really?" Sheldon suddenly beamed! "That's great! All that hard work making you happy was a success! Yes!"

"Enough!" Reslan said, "Howard, stand to the side! All nineteen of you come at me! The Jarkales will be here any minute!"


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