Hell's Academy

Chapter 137: Wife and Daughter

Chapter 137: Wife and Daughter

The White Mist Warriors each drew out three swords. To Howard's surprise, each sword that they drew floated in the air without them having to hold it.

'Telekinesis. They are using the Ki close to their bodies to act like extra small hands? I wonder how far their range is?' Howard took a deep breath and stepped off his back foot. Instantly, he activated his Dream Ki. The normal white lights appeared on his torso and face before he disappeared into a cloud of dust.

Barmenthol hadn't been paying attention, and didn't bother to turn towards Howard. 

White Mist Nation had soldiers that could use Ki to affect objects like additional hands like Howard noticed, yet this didn't just apply to swords. Inside of their armor, they had hundreds of small arrows that they could fire and hit targets from a large distance.

However, that would only work if they could see their target approaching them!

Howard's speed using Dream Ki surpassed 1000 kilometers an hour, which was roughly the speed of someone in the S rank! Howard instantly arrived in front of the brown haired soldier that had insulted him and gently pushed him with his fist.

From the impact, the soldier's body flew off the floor and twisted once in the air before he shot into the soldiers behind him. 


Howard jumped in the air and dodged hundreds of swords coming towards him before he split into six directions and landed in front of Bermenthol. He'd been about to take a swig of his drink before 100 of his soldiers collasped onto the floor. 

A large cloud of dust appeared in the air while the soldiers turned towards Howard in shock and awe. He was definitely not an ordinary teenager! He greatly surpassed their expectations by miles and miles!

"Not bad, but why did you let me get close?" Howard cracked his neck. "Let's try this one more time, but this time I'll come at you at half speed."

"I-I underestimated you," Bermenthol dropped the silver canteen he had in his hand. He started to tremble when he looked into Howard's blue eyes. "How-how scary was that man you fought yesterday If he could defeat you, that only means they brought a general?"

"Yes, but don't worry. We can win," Howard held up his thumb. However, he didn't get why Bermenthol looked so confused? What was going on? "What's wrong? What happened."

"I-I found it odd that one scout came back alive! Damn it! And I left that bastard with my son! Howard, to the underground bunker as quick as possible!"


"HAHAHA! This great! All the warriors are gone! Hmmm, who should I kidnap? Bermenthol's wife or daughter?" A White Mist Soldier looked down at a beautiful women in a white dress that had her mouth tied up and the girl next to her wrapped in ropes. "Hehe, when I join the Jarkales, they'll come around to loving me! I know. Why don't I take both? I can tie them to my Stone Silver Authoritarian! It will be great, yes!"

Ugh, I guess I have at least 10 minutes," Virgil leaned down and gently massaged Bermenthol's wife's face. She had beautiful pearl like eyes with sandstone skin, and a very well proportioned body. She had been the most beautiful woman of her generation, and several men fought over her. This included his father, who lost and ended up marrying his mother. But because of his anger and rage about what happened, he ended up killing both of them many years ago on a suicidal mission.

Virgil had never forgotten, and waited until today to get his revenge. Time was kind to the White Mist People. They on average lived 500 years and stayed in their peak youth until they turned 100. Virgil gently sighed and looked over at Bermenthol's daughter. 

"Hmmm, it will be hard to have two wives that are related. Maybe I should just take his daughter and one of her friends, instead. Yes, that will be perfect! Heh, and I can kill the wife on the way."

Bermenthol smiled and walked out into the shelter. Thanks to some help from two friends, the doorway had been completely sealed, and all the civilians had been tied up.

"Heh, well, before I leave I guess I should kill all these people first. Revenge doesn't wait for tomorrow."


Howard followed Barmenthol towards the underground shelter. 

The tunnel had been mostly destroyed and the wooden frames keeping the tunnel intact had been broken in several places. Very soon, it appeared the tunnel could collapse. Little bursts of debris fell down and smashed against the floor. Both Howard and Bermenthol could sense something terrible was about to happen.

"The tunnel is about to collapse. I'll run ahead, and check for survivors."

"I-I knew I should've built a second entrance! Virgil came from a bad family, but I always gave him a chance! This is what I get for trying to be a benevolent leader! Backstabbed on the most important fight of our lives!"

Bermenthol had been best friend's with Virgils father, and both of them competed for women during the 108th Merchant competition. White Mist Nation based on who got women based on two qualities, strength and harvest. The two of them had competed, and he won fair and square, but he could tell Virgil's father, Terrance, always held a grudge. Because of this, Bermenthol spared no expense when he became leader of White Mist Nation to get him the best girlfriend he could find.

Terrance, however, never forgot the women he loved in his youth. The two of them had been best friends since childhood, and Terrance loved her so much that he tried to sacrifice everything to get the spot of leader from Bermenthol. If he did, he could marry any women he wanted, no questions asked. Unfortunately, in his greed, he ended up dying in the Open Furnace. They still hadn't found his body because many believed he'd been eaten whole by a powerful Authoritarian.

"Howard, Virgil is probably going after my wife!" Bermenthol wiped the sweat off his forehead as he sprinted down the tunnel. "Please! Please run up ahead!"


Howard prepared to run ahead, but before he could a large section of the tunnel shattered. The wooden pillars filling up the pathway collapsed like falling dominos as far as the eye could see.

At the same time, Howard turned incredibly serious. He activated his Dream Ki to the maximum and stepped off his back foot.

"There is more than one reality, Bermenthol! You better thank me for doing this for you! I'll be leading your troops after this, you hear me!"


Howard disappeared into the falling debris before Bermenthol collapsed on his knees. His jaw dropped in disbelief as Howard seemed to vanish in front of his eyes.

"Please-please don't let her be hurt. Please-please save her Howard!"


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