Hell's Academy

Chapter 126: Hunting

Chapter 126: Hunting

"It's time," Howard took a deep breath, and walked towards the exit of the Door of Sacred Chaos. "Thank you so much, Argatha. I'll probably be back in 5 years."

"I'm sure you will. Jenny, I packed the Ki Dagger and a few other things in your bag. Now, if you two don't mind, help me see a pose. I want to make sure you two choose me again next time." Argatha smiled and held up her hand. The transparent droplets of water around her had started to touch the ground and pop, which meant the array was breaking. Soon, Howard would have to back into the real world. He felt terrified, but much more prepared than he expected after 5 months of training. 

Howard smiled and gallantly grabbed Jenny's hand and waved with his other. He had only one set of clothes the entire time, a black t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans that looked worn out and raggedy. However, when he smiled, he looked like a new man. Argatha was glad to see a little bit of confidence on his face beginning to surface.

"We appreciate you, Argatha! Thank you! How about you make a sexy pose. Pucker out your lips!" 

"Howard, how dare you!" Jenny felt both reverence and awe towards teacher Argatha, and felt ashamed Howard had so unabashedly suggested something immoral. However, a second later, with the last droplet falling to the ground, Argatha winked and blew a kiss at Howard. Her white dress instantly turned to stone while a small stone fell on the ground. 

The next moment, a vortex of energy shot through the space, and the door opened behind them. Howard held out his hand and caught the kiss from Argatha only to find Jenny smacking him gently on the arm. She wanted to take a shower really bad! Her green dress and leggings had ripped several times, and she could feel the dust on her face.

"I swear. I spent 5 months with you, and I'm still ashamed I'm dating you with three other girls! What do you want? A fifth girl now?"

"I want to crush my enemies and love a lot of women," Howard laughed and grabbed Jenny's cute dainty hand. She had attempted to paint her nails by mixing some soil compounds, and they had a green hue to them. "I-I can't wait until the day of the battle! I'm going to show all of you! I'm going to be like Earl!"

"And you two Are you done making out. The Varlen are getting impatient." Founder Arista opened the door and saw Howard and Jenny leaning towards each other for a kiss. "Ugh, I really hope you weren't making out in here. Did you enjoy your training?"

'Yes, very much!" Jenny gulped and slightly bowed. "Howard got a lot stronger, and even I learned a technique."

"The Varlen think you went to train in the room further down the hall. When you come out, tell them you liked the weights they left us. They're very heavy duty. Now here, quickly change," Founder Arista covered her nose from the noxious stench. It smelled like they got stuck in a urinal for three weeks. "There is a separate man's bathroom down the hallway. Both of you change, and take a shower. It would be odd if you looked like you just escaped the jungle."



"Hmmm, this will be the place of the battle," Barmenthol pointed at a few parapets he erected to protect the White Mist Nation Civilians. "You guys will be safe here. Son, go tell your mother to make sure they dig the evacuation tunnel at least 150 meters under ground. Just incase we lose, we don't want anyone finding you."

"Yes, but father," A little teenager named Harls said, "The shelter will be easy to find if they find the vents. Are you sure you want to leave us all in one place?"

"They will have long distant attacks that can destroy a melon from ten miles away. They will try and kill us first because we're the weakest. However, 15 meters underground they'll be unable to penetrate. It's worth it. Now go! Train with your scimitar for 5 hours after telling her about it!"

"We're back," Founder Arista smiled and tapped Barmenthol on the shoulder. "Howard here will be in charge now that I'm leaving. Howard, the White Mist Nations Warriors will be under your command."

"Thank you," Howard smiled and shook Barmenthol's hand. "I'll not let a single one of your warriors die. I'll do all the work I can."

"You-you can't be afraid of death," Barmenthol pointed at the crop fields and life stock in the distance. A few dark bulls ran along the fence as a few White Mist Herders followed behind them. In the distance, long green stalks of various plants had started to grow. Looking at them, Howard couldn't help marvel at the display. He nodded his head and looked into Barabin's eyes. "However, we'd like to only lose a few warriors. The Jarkales are very crafty. Do you have a plan?"

"I'd like to discuss that with you right now!' Howard smiled and pointed over at the East Branch. "However, first, I haven't seen my girlfriends in a while! I'll meet you on the fifth floor in an hour of the Main Building! Does that sound good?"

"I'll be leaving Howard. Reslan will meet you there," Founder Arista leaned over and gently kissed him on the forehead. "I have a date with a very dangerous man. Hopefully, I'll live to tell you about it."

"They'll be here tomorrow!" A man road briskly on a horse looking Authoritarian and wiped the sweat off his head. "The Jarkales killed two scouts, but I got away! I think they are going to flank us during the battle!"

"I'll go hunting tonight," Howard cracked his neck. "If they think this will be easy, they can think again. I'm going to crush them into pieces for messing with me family. Just watch."


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