Hell's Academy

Chapter 123: Fire Lord's Last Stand

Chapter 123: Fire Lord's Last Stand

"There is one technique I can't let Jenny know about." Argatha sat down at a large round table in the center of the greenhouse. In the greenhouse, there seemed to be a lot of exotic plants, some of which he recognized from when he met Earl. Howard noticed two Light Core Fruits and a dozen other rare herbs. However, his main focus was on Argatha. She placed down a cup of tea and smiled at him.

"Drink this while I tell you about it. It's a technique you can only use three times, and if you use it a fourth time it will kill you." Argatha took a deep breath and crossed her arms. "Well, to be more precise, if you use it four times, you'll die, permanently. You won't be able to reincarnate nor kiss beautiful girls on the lips like Jenny anymore."

"Would you happen to be interested in learning it. I'm serious when I say you can only use it three times."

Argatha was referring to a technique called Fire Lord's Last Stand, and it was extremely dangerous! It would cause the Ki in Howard's body to evaporate instantly, and would put great pressure on his Ki Cells to duplicate. Unless a miracle happened, if he used it four times, his Ki Cells wouldn't be able to manufacture Ki anymore, and he'd die in three days after the technique was used.

It was so powerful that Earl never taught it to any of his students, and hide it in the darkness for the future. It could increase Howard's strength by an entire two ranks, but it would also decrease his ability to train for two months.

"It's called Fire Lord's Last Stand As you probably guessed, it's a technique Earl developed. And if you really have to use it, it should only be if everyone around you is dying."

"Fire Lord's Last Stand Hmmm, will it help me protect my friends and family?" Howard leaned close enough to Argatha that he could see her beautiful black pupils and the golden lines inside of her beautiful eyes. She looked like she had suffered a lot throughout the ages. Even though he didn't know her age, she looked like the sands of time had been unkind to her. She had three small scars by her ear that looked like ancient claw marks from a historic battle. He studied her a little more before taking a deep breath. "Also, What happened to you? How were you a statue?"

"It's not time to talk about me! This is about you, Howard! This technique is so dangerous that if you use it you won't be able to walk for two days! You'll be unable to train normally for two months, and you'll have no defenses after you use this technique!"

"It sounds powerful, so of course I'll learn it," Howard said with a smile, "But how did you even learn it? Who were you to the Demon King?""

Argatha didn't want to talk about it, but she could tell Howard wouldn't stop asking her. She sighed and looked at his handsome cheekbones and his jet black hair falling in front of his blue eyes. He reminded her of the Demon King. The Demon King also had black hair and blue eyes, but had tanned skin and dozens of scars from the experiments he used when making techniques.

When he first made Fire Lord's Last Stand, Argatha had been a young student of his at the time. He regularly experimented with Ki Arrays and different Ki Channeling methods to create different techniques. However, when he discovered Fire Lord's Last Stand, he did something different. He used an array inside of himself to temporarily increase his abilities.

Unfortunately, though this made him stronger, it ended up causing such a horrible backlash that he couldn't walk for two months. Argatha felt such fear at the time because the Demon King saved her from a large Authoritarian when she was just 5 years old. When she was young, she'd ended up in the Furnace after she found a stairwell that seemed to spread endlessly down towards the center of the Earth. And then she felt a man grab her, and she reappeared in front of a gigantic Authoritarian.

Because she was just a normal human, she immediately felt the Ki Overwhelming her body, and immediately felt herself turning into a zombie. However, when she looked up, she felt like she saw the most handsome man in the entire world standing above her. He had on a black cape at the time and a small hat that had three encased flaming jewels. With a single touch from his large hands, Argatha who had been foaming at the mouth at the time, felt a massive flame spreading through her body. 

When she woke up, she had horns, and could feel the elements in the air. The Demon King Earl had been so impressive, but also so careless once she got to know his personality and character better. To give her horns, he'd decreased his strength by an entire grade rank a few weeks before a battle. 

He was so kind, but also kind of evil and stupid! She missed him! Looking into Howard's eyes, she didn't want him to make the same mistake!

"Howard, the Demon King made a few foolish mistakes, including me," Argatha slammed her hand into the metal round table and took a deep breath. A cup fell on the floor and broke as she manifested a powerful flame behind her body. "He-he probably died because he regularly saved little powerless girls like me, and sacrificed his own strength to give me horns! I don't want you to be like him! This is only for a last-last resort! Even if your girlfriend will die, you can't use this skill unless the entire world is at risk!"

"I'm guessing he saved you. I'm glad. You're really pretty," Howard smiled and grabbed her beautiful, supple hands and clutched it tightly. "I'd do the same, so of course I'll save my girlfriend if I get a chance to! Now teach me the technique already!"

"Such a fool. If you aren't his descendent, I don't know who is!" Argatha's cheeks blushed as she nodded her head. "Fine, if you want to learn the technique, It will take three months of accelerated time in the Room of Sacred Chaos. You mind going to tell your girlfriend she'll be missing you for a few days?"

"I'll do it faster!" Howard smiled, "I'll be right back. I have to give Jenny something important."

"Ugh, you're so foolish," Argatha blushed and felt a small little crush growing in her heart for Howard. She'd always been too young for the Demon King and couldn't help but look at Howard with a glint in her eye. "But I'm glad you are. Foolish men are the best leaders. Too bad this technique is nearly impossible to learn. I should've said three years."


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