Hell's Academy

Chapter 102: Execution

Chapter 102: Execution

Carelan Mountain Pass, Twilight

An old wise man walked out of a mountain with a cane in his arms. He looked like an ancient abbot from a monk temple, with extremely long white rags wrapped around his body. The mountain behind him had dozens of pillars carved into the stone. It looked like the city had been completely erected from Earth Ki, with dozens of intricate statues and ornamentations.

Behind him, three beautiful women sat seated in meditative states. One had a sea of flames spiraling around her, while the other two balanced on Earthen Pillars. He laughed, and began to slowly walk down towards the well before he collected water for the day.

He sighed and looked out at the Aresoul not doing their morning drills. Their normal war horns had been replaced by what sounded like celebratory cheers. Thus, he decided to go take a look while his three most talented students kept training.

'I wonder how Barabin is doing. I feel like he's close. That blood sucking wastrel! He better not be coming to visit me just to suck my students blood! I-I'm not going to let that happen!'

'First, he took my favorite student Sally and turned her into a submissive wife, and now he's probably looking to expand his harem! I will stop him hahaha! I'll slap him! Slap! Slap!'

Carter jumped over to the Aresoul hideout and gently moved underground before he found the source of the noise. A beautiful woman in a white dress had her head placed down against a plank of wood. Her eyes, full of tears, seemed to condemn the world. Behind her, a man with a large 'X' on his face sharpened an ax while people raucous clapped and cheered.

"Una, I'm sorry. It's still not sharp enough," Kreal wiped the sweat off his head, his arms trembling, as tears came down his eyes. 'If it were sharper, I'd be a happy man already, hahaha! I wouldn't have to see your pretty face anymore!"

"Please don't! Please don't kill me, Kreal! I love you so much!" Una struggled to find any route of escape. "What about our night? What about that kiss you stole from me bastard! Please! Please don't do it!"

"Shut up!"

"Kill her already!" A man from the crowd pumped his hand into the air. "She's going to be prettier with her head off, hahaha!"

"I'm hurrying, it's just not sharp enough!" Kreal used a stone to rigorously polish the blade. "Don't you know you have to kill pretty women in one strike! If you take too long, they might come back and haunt you!"

Kreal had gone to try and steal the keys from Respell's top lieutenant in the Aresoul Royal Brigade yesterday, and had gotten completely slaughtered in a battle of wills and braun. His commander had suspected that Kreal would try and save Una, and patiently followed him in the darkness to an area full of grass and lush vegetation called the Sixth Range.

He'd done all he could to beat the commander, but had gotten dyed in his own blood and hung off the mountain by a string around his neck until he agreed to kill Una. Right now, he couldn't take it. His will to live had completely destroyed his reason, and he agreed to kill Una. He felt pathetic! Just because he wanted to live he agreed to kill the most beautiful existence he'd ever set eyes on!

Turning to Commander Undel, he saw his eyes beginning to suffuse with anger. Feeling his heart racing, Kreal could only finish sharpening the ax before he gradually turned towards the beauty underneath the shadow of death. Una's glistening skin sparkled even through her tears. Her brown hair had been neatly tied in a bun and her face adorned with the finest concoction to make her attractive to all those watching. She looked like a dazzling beauty that many women would kill to achieve. Even in her sadness, it seemed her beauty would live in his mind forever!

"Una, remember that song you told me about?" Kreal gently put the ax on her neck. "Can you sing it for me, please! I don't want to forget your voice."

"No, please no!" Una started to laugh and cry at the same time. "Please! PLEASE KREAL! You're stronger than all these people! Please!"

Kreal had to admit he thought he'd gotten strong enough to beat his commander, Undel, yesterday, but he was foolish. Undel got admitted to the Royal Brigade because of his calm under threat. Looking at his hands shake, Kreal knew he had work to do. He had to get calm enough to slaughter any demons that faced him! Even the love he felt for Una couldn't stop him!

However, he also wanted to give Una a few more minutes. He looked at the ax and shook his head before he turned to the crowd with a smile on his face.

"Ha, the blades broken! Sorry about that!"

"Enough! Kill her!" An extremely strange man walked in with a water bucket. "Kill her already! My students are waiting for me! Don't make them wait!"

"Carter, is that you?" Una's voice cracked in disbelief. "Founder Carter! Is that you! What are you doing here? Help me please!"

"I don't know her?" Carter sighed and took out a small book from his pocket. "What's your name girl? Are you one of my students?"

"Founder Carter?" Una screamed with a smile on her face. "I'm Una! I met you once because of Annibell! She made me visit you before you chose three other girls over me! Remember!"

"Men, surround him!" Undel had been put her to monitor the execution and wasn't going to let some straggler come in. "He's clearly not a founder of the Horned! Una is just trying to get us to feel afraid! All the Founders of the Horned have gone crazy! Even if he is one, all of us can kill him! The fool walked into an encampment with no way out!"

"I-I wrote down her name. Give her back to me," Carter closed his book and ignored the blinding white lights from the magic forming behind each Aresoul Magician. "I want to make some soup. Hurry up and get out of my way!"


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