Hellbound With You

Chapter 843 No ‘ifs’

So he returned to that place again months later. Surprisingly, what he found there was still similar as what he saw previously, Alicia. She was not crying that next time he saw her there. But she had looked so alone.

And again, he did not approach her as well this time. He left immediately the moment he felt a strange urge rising within him – to take action or to do something to comfort her.

The third time, he told himself that if she was there again, he would think it was no longer a coincidence. She was there. Not crying, not lonely. She was confident and smirking as she fought the air with her two blades. Apparently, she was practicing all by herself and not looking as though she was needing any help whatsoever.

That was the last time he had went looking at that place. He had fought himself hard not to go back to that place. Maybe because he knew that he might see her there again. Which was not a good idea. She somehow had something about her that drew him in. The funny thing was he still did not even know who she was other than that she was a witch.

He had already developed such an intense interest and curiosity about her even while not knowing who she was and where she came from. And that was a miracle in itself as he had never felt a fraction of the same interest in any other woman he had come across in the past. And to him, that was a bad sign. Therefore, all the more he had restrained that desire to go back to that cliff side, cutting off the possibility of him running into that witch girl again.

Then years passed and she surprisingly appeared in his kingdom. She was wandering in the midst of the vampires and had been spying on him. From the look on her face, she had been very confident that no one could detect her from her hiding place. What a silly girl. A small curve still hooked the corners of his lips every time he remembers how she had looked hidden in her dark corner, face all proud and confident she was unnoticed by him.

Then he had done something he knew was so unlike him. He had actually ordered his elite men who could see through her disguise to not touch her and just let her roam around. Reasoning to himself that she was not doing any harm. It only seemed as though she was just curious and wanted to have a look around the vampire kingdom. And also, seemingly to gather some information on him.

He could not help but wonder if Alicia had a connection to what his mother had been talking about. He had always wondered about that for a long time since before and even up till now. But it seemed that there were no answers to be given to him because Alicia obviously did not know any hidden secrets about that place either.

"I don't know honestly. And I could not find an answer even until now. I did wonder though… about why you were always there whenever I visited that place. Why do I always find you in that place of all places? That is one thing that had been niggling at the back of my mind until now. Could it be coincidence? But it all feel too perfectly into place to be called a coincidence."

She tried to think, but as expected she shook her head. "I don't really remember anything unusual. I just somehow found that place one day and I was just kind of drawn to it. I could not really even explain why. I don't think I have any connection to what your mother had been talking about."

"I see…" he uttered. He had told himself that too. So many times before this as well. But… even now, something in him could not seem to quite believe it or accept it. "I guess, there was really no other way to find the answer anymore. I didn't reach that place and my mother is already long gone from this world." Perhaps, he could still find something out if he meets her in there. If she was even there in the first place. He just thought that she was because she was a half-demon like him.

Alicia rested her head on his chest and relaxed in his embrace, not knowing what to say.

They were quiet for a long while, just listening to each other's breathing. Just listening to each other's heart beating gave them both a sense of calm and they could even feel each other's warmth.

It was a blissful moment and she wished for it to never end. Although, deep down, she could not help but wonder if what could have happened if he had approached her that very moment he first saw her at the cliffs. But he was right. There was no use wondering about it anymore. There were no 'ifs' in this world. There were no wishing you can repeat some things in the past.

Right now, her time was running out and she no longer wanted to waste it wondering about the past and what would have been if they had done this or that.

"Ezekiel…" she called out, pulling away from him and looking at his face. Her eyes burned. "Turn me… please. Make me a vampire."

His facial muscles worked. Her heartbeat trashed within her. She prayed that he would stop rejecting her already. She prayed that he would allow her to decide for herself, for her own body. On what she truly wanted.

"Turn me to a vampire, Ezekiel…" she repeated, trying to her best to convey to him that her decision was now irrevocable. She would not regret.

"Alright…" he finally breathed out and Alicia felt her heart suddenly stopped beating. "Your wish is my command, Alicia."


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