Hellbound With You

Chapter 901 The woman

Chapter 901 The woman

  After Ezekiel's announcement, everything seemed to have been surrounded with a buzz of static before a complete hush fell over the place for the next few moments. It was like the god of silence had passed by and stole away every sound and movement for a few moments.

  Of course, Alex was the first one to break the silence.

  "Ah, and there he goes… dropping the bombshell. What perfect timing, though." He said, chuckling soundlessly as he gave his head a small shake. He looked genuinely happy at the announcement though.

  The others then finally began to move. Their eyes still wide and mouth opening and closing like a fish that was stranded on land, not knowing how to even react. They could not even say 'What the hell?!' or 'Are you serious?!' because they knew Zeke was not one who do pranks!

  Lucas even tripped without any reason and stumbled back and landed on his behind as though someone had just pushed him back while Kyle and Kai just stood there, blinking their eyes in a daze. They were really wondering if they were awake or dreaming. Though they knew their brother is not one who would joke around on important things like these, it was still a huge shock to them hearing him mention that he was getting married. Married!!

  Zeres on the other hand wore a neutral expression. His eyes stretched a little wide when he heard Zeke's words but that was it. Whatever emotion he felt, he did not show it on his face.

  "M-marry? Y-you?!" the prophetess finally spoke, stammering pretty bad. Nobody knows how many times she had been persuading Ezekiel to get married and sire an heir in the last six freaking hundred years but her! She had been repeating it to him and spoken of it at such length so much so that she thought she would have dried up her saliva reserves. But now that he was suddenly announcing his marriage just like this, it took her by surprise.

  Many years ago, the prophetess even wondered if the prince actually bent towards the other side because of his blatant disinterest in marriage. She had even brought him the most beautiful woman she had scouted but to no avail. He had never once shown any interest in females – nor males for that matter – that she even thought that perhaps he was asexual.

  Of course, she later found out that Ezekiel was straight but that did not help at all to convince him to get married and build a family of his own. And thus, after so many years, she had already given up, certain that she would never live to see him get married and settle down. She actually thought she would die first before she would see that day come. No, even if she died, she thought that the day would never come.

  Yet here he was, suddenly declaring rather casually that he was going to get married?! This man whom everyone thought will forever be the ultimate bachelor and remain unmarried, was finally going to marry his bride in two days?!!!

  The prophetess gave her head a shake. It was just so unbelievable to her that she could not help but be suspicious. Could it be that this was Ezekiel's way to distract them from the real issue? No, the big question was that, was this even true? Or was this just a part of his plan? Could it be that Ezekiel was doing this just to calm them down and then divert their attention from the real issue? Could it be that he was merely doing this to make them feel the reassurance they needed?

  Knowing Ezekiel and how meticulously dangerous his mind was, Priestess Vittoria could no longer make herself believe that his intention was pure. Because well, this was just unthinkable! This man was not going to get married out of nowhere like this! He was not like Alexander! There must be a hidden reason why he was bringing this up all of a sudden and she could not think of any other more plausible reason aside from the fact that he was trying to make them think that he was no longer planning to leave anymore!

  "That's right, priestess." Ezekiel replied, meeting the priestess gaze. "I will be sending Lucas after you once we're done discussing the details about this."

  "Wait a moment, Your Highness." The priestess took a deep breath to regain her composure. And then her gaze became serious and doubtful. "I am truly… hoping that I am wrong about this. But this is not just you trying to manipulate us by using this news about your wedding to pacify us, are you?"

  Everyone fell silent. A breeze quietly passed over them as the moonlight peeked out from behind the clouds again. The dark and solemn atmosphere once again brightened up with the silvery shimmer of the moon.

  "Forgive me if I am wrong but I can't help to think that this must be just another part of your plan." The priestess said bravely. "I've been watching over you for too long, My Prince. And I know that you will never do anything without any good reason."

  Everyone was utterly silenced as their heads swung from the priestess to Zeke, obviously waiting for the man's response. Some of them were even unconsciously holding their breaths.

  Zeke did not show any changes in his expression, but he opened his mouth and spoke as calmly as usual. "You are wrong this time, priestess." Was all he said.

  "Then please tell us why you're suddenly getting married. You don't even have a lover –" Priestess Vittoria clamored.

  "Wrong again." he cut her off and it was then that he pulled Alicia from her hiding place behind him. "This woman is my lover." He added. He did not raise his voice, but everyone felt like he was making a serious declaration. It was like he was officially declaring Alicia as his lover, his partner, his other half before his people.

  The priestess' eyes stretched impossibly wide. Her expression did not scream surprise, but an utter shock, as if something completely different had rocked her entire being the moment she saw the woman Ezekiel had pulled out from behind him.


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