Hellbound With You

Chapter 897 Risks

Chapter 897 Risks

  Silence reigned unbroken in the room. No one was willing to make a noise to distract Zeke from this loaded question.

  Everyone waited with bated breaths for Zeke's answer. There was still this massive question hanging in the air on how in the world did Alicia turn into a vampire. But at this moment, that was the least of their concerns. And they could just simply deduce that Zeke had found a way to save Alicia and somehow bring her back to life by turning her. Such a thing was not even that impossible anymore since Zeke was the person involved in it.

  But Alex's question had everyone really wondering what Zeke would now do with matters concerning Alicia. It just did not seem right for him to just turn her into a vampire and then leave her behind while he leaves for good, right? That just seemed so irresponsible and not something that Zeke would do.

  Before Zeke could even open his mouth to answer or even make any reaction, his attention flew towards the door. Alex immediately followed suit and his face darkened in the next second.

  Zeke rose from his seat, pulling Alicia along with him.

  Everyone also instantly became alert. There must be something wrong if both Zeke and Alex reacted with such large moves on their part.

  "Do not leave." Alex's voice echoed as he glanced back at Zeke over his shoulder. "You both just stay here in my house. We'll deal with them. In fact, I think you guys should go find my wife and help her to babysit my children for now." he winked at Zeke before gesturing for them to go on and look for Abigail.

  "He's right. And I don't want us to leave just yet." Alicia said in a low voice when Zeke looked down at her, asking her with unspoken words if she was alright with the suggestion.

  "You heard her, Zeke. Now go on, you two. Shoo." Alex urged as he gestured with his hands and waved them to move further into the house. Alicia only nodded and made the first move and walked towards the grand stairs with Zeke in tow.

  Everyone stepped out of the mansion once Alicia and Zeke made their way further into the house. And soon, the vampire priestess and the royal elite guards appeared at Alex's front yard.

  "Well, well, well…" Alex had his hands leisurely shoved inside his pants pockets as he strolled towards the priestess, a laidback smile gracing his lips.

  "With due respect to you and your children's important event, we only came here after the party is over, Alexander." The woman explained rather respectfully, hoping that he would forgive their intrusion on this rather important occasion. She knew that this man was not an individual that one could simply offend as one wished. "So, we really hoping that you are not going to stop us from carrying out our mission. You know that this matter is crucial to us vampires. There is no way that we can give up our crown prince, His Highness, Prince Ezekiel. I'm certain you know the risks that are involved too, Alexander. Without Prince Ezekiel, it would not only spark the beginning of a new era, but it might even hail the hastening of the end of an old one – one that would lead to our race's complete annihilation. And you know this is a risk that cannot… must not be taken lightly." The woman's words were passionate as she seemed to be pleading with Alexander, from her explanations, silently asking for his acceptance and consent on their actions of coming to take their prince away by force.

  "I don't really get this…" Lilith's bodyguard muttered to herself, perhaps due to the volume of alcohol she had already consumed, she had conveniently forgotten that the vampires could hear her every words ever so clearly. "… why do these vampires seemed to be so scared? Aren't they like… literally the strongest race on Earth? Why is she talking about the vampire's annihilation? The vampires are all fine and dandy, aren't they?"

  "You shut your mouth, witch! You don't know what you're spouting." the priestess shot Mia a glare as she hissed at her. "You shouldn't be that relaxed, actually. Because if the vampires get screwed over, you and your sisterhood of witches will eventually fall too." Then she sneered disdainfully at Mia, who was now sporting an even more confused look on her face.

  "Uhm… I'm not sure if I'm understanding this… But do the vampires have a new enemy that you people are so scared about?" the intoxicated Mia was stared at by everyone after throwing out her question.

  "I believe the vampire priestess is worried about the humans, Mia." Lilith told Mia, causing the witch's mouth to hang open. Mia then tilted her head sideways and scratched her head, as she scrunched her brows even more.

  "Err… what?! Are you serious? You guys are worried about those powerless humans –"

  "I said you shut up you, ignorant witch! Did you forget that humans are still the supreme race in this world? It's true that they don't have our supernatural abilities, but they can overwhelm us just with their sheer manpower alone! Just according to numbers, they already overwhelmingly outnumber us! If they ever find out about us, they will definitely start to hunt us down until not even a single one of us is left. Never underestimate what the humans can do… especially now in this modern era, witch." The priestess explained with much agitation and then she returned her attention back to Alex, the main person she was seeking consent from. "Prince Ezekiel had been the main reason why the vampires… all of us, managed to remain hidden in plain sight within this world, all these years. I couldn't even imagine how things would have fared for us in this age if we had gone on without him. We might probably just be legendary and powerful creatures, being hunted like prey, to extinction by now. We definitely would not be able to live in peace if it were not for His Highness. Sure, we have you immortals with us, but if a war broke out, you immortals could only save yourselves. The rest of us would eventually die. I know you have changed now Alexander, but I'm certain you understand why I don't believe that even your immense powers are sufficient to keep the peace."


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