Hellbound With You

Chapter 863 Good morning

Chapter 863 Good morning

In Little Flower bookstore.

Iryz had just experienced the most shocking morning in her whole life. And that was because she had just woken up to find herself sleeping with a man in her bed. And to think that the man in question was… Zeres! Oh goodness gracious! Was this a wonderful dream that the gods had granted to her to compensate for all her sufferings so far?! Or what plot twist was this?! Or was this just a mean prank? As she blinked her eyes a few times, things still seemed to be the same and nothing had changed. She was still seeing Zeres in her bed.

It did not seem to be her imagination from the looks of it. She had been mulling there in his embrace, stiff like a log for a while now. She also noticed the colour of the sun peeking through the windows and realized that it was still quite early in the morning. The light still had the soft quality that only could be seen during dawn – that tinge of purplish and pink mixed in with the light yellow of the sun's rays.

But what she was concerned about was that she could not remember how they had ended up in this sticky situation. All she remembered was her friend sending her back home, drunk. Oh, damn! She did not do anything bad to this angel last night, right? She could not have seduced him, right? As she was worrying about it, her small white pearly teeth clamped down on her lips.

Her overthinking mind started to envision a thousand and one possible scenarios that could have unfolded in her head. And she could only scream agitatedly at herself.

Thank the gods though, because she realized that both of them were still clothed, and every single article of clothing was properly donned on. She would not be able to take it if she found out that she had actually seduced this man to her bed or something similar while she was rip roaring drunk!

After probably a long thirty minutes of mulling over and mentally bashing herself for her current predicament and trying her best not to dare enjoy the feeling of his long and muscular arms embracing her smaller body, Iryz finally decided to maybe escape from his grasp before he wakes up.

She sternly reminded herself of all the pain that she had felt yesterday before he had left. Why did he even come back to look for her? Here? He had the book in his hands already… So, was this him being guilty or something? Or could it be that he still needed something more from her?

A weary sigh escaped her lips. This man had literally and completely changed her little plain and mundane world ever since he had appeared that one fated day. And it had all happened so quickly.

Now that she thought more about it, she realized that it was only such a short time, and yet so many things had happened between them. So many emotions were involved. So many…

Shutting her eyes tightly, Iryz finally but reluctantly moved her hand that was draped over his lean, powerful waist. She did not dare move to look at his sleeping face, knowing how dangerous that move was for her. His face alone was like a hypnotic and appealing painting. So it was definitely a bad idea peeking up because his body that was just inches away from her was already enough to send all of her senses into a massive chaos.

Slowly, her hand lifted. Her heartbeat thudded loudly in her own ears as she carefully pulled away her hand, praying that he would not wake up and catch her in a funny position trying to escape like a thief.

He did not make any movements. Thank god!

But the moment she was about to turn to her back on him, she was suddenly yanked back into his solid body. She gasped at the sudden action, and she gasped again as she realized that her face was now buried in his broad and manly chest. Oh my gosh!

"Don't… leave…" a hoarse, deep and sleepy voice rumbled in her ears as she felt his arms tightening around her, holding her as though he never wanted to let go of her.

Her heart skipped a beat as goosebumps prickled over her skin.

"Please… just a few… more… moments…" His soft voice coming from above her head pleaded her.

And then the next thing she heard were shallow and steady breaths. His hold around her suddenly fell limp as if he was asleep again. But they remained securely wrapped around her that if she had made a single move, he would definitely wake up again.

Iryz took another long while to steady her breath. She needed to have her mind working properly again. What the hell! Why was he doing this to her? He was giving her hope again and her stupid heart was… rejoicing like an idiot! Just like that time back then. She was such an idiot!

She felt like crying. Because she was still mad and hurt because of him and yet, just with one request from him – one that she did not even know if it was just him sleep talking or in a daze– and she could not bring herself to say no.

That voice. He sounded kind of pleading. And now, his low and gentle breathing sounded so peaceful in her ears. She could not help but remember all of the times she had found him always sleeping on the floor with a pile of books beside him.

This was literally the first time she had seen him sleep in a bed and that was enough to melt her. Damn her soft spot towards this man!

She stayed still. Letting him sleep in peace. And the longer she listened to his breathing… the longer she inhaled his scent… and she slowly found herself feeling more relaxed.

Until she found herself putting her arm back around his waist again and she closed her eyes and revelled in his embrace.

The next time she opened her eyes, the sun was already high in the sky. It must probably be about ten in the morning already.

She moaned and then froze once again at the realization that dawned on her. She was still hugging him, facing him.

Lifting her head, her heartbeat raced, afraid that he was already awake.

He was!!!

"Good morning," he greeted her in soft voice, a small smile gracing his face.

And after a few catatonic moments, Iryz suddenly kicked him off her bed. This caused him to roll over and fall from her single bed with that one swift movement.


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