Hellbound With You

Chapter 849 Transformation

Chapter 849 Transformation

The first thing that Alicia's vision showed her as the red haze that had clouded her eyes dissipated was Ezekiel. His face. And that handsome face was full of scratches. Some of them were so deep that they were even bleeding.

She could feel his strong arms around her, tight and unyielding, as if he was securely chaining her in his arms. However, instead of feeling suffocated, she felt a sense of security and warmth, as though she was perfectly protected in his embrace.

"You're face…" she said in a hoarse voice. Her heartbeat picked up its pace as her vision became much clearer. In fact, her vision was so crystal clear that she could see every little thing in high definition, as though the scenes were amplified for her through the lens of a magnifying glass. The brutal wounds that criss-crossed all over his face, neck, shoulders and all the way down to his chest, were definitely caused by sharp nails. "Oh lord! Who was it that had done this to you?" she gasped out, angered as she attempted to reach out to touch his face.

But it was then that she realized her hands were held tightly behind her. Locked together by him.

And it hit her. The memories came flashing back. He had turned her into a vampire and she… for an immeasurable amount of time, she could not see anything else but red. She felt her body convulsing, trashing, growling. Then a loud and piercing howl was let loosed from her lips. It sounded alien. Strange, as though it did not belong to her.

His face… she was the one who had done this… She hurt him!!

"I'm fine, Alicia." He loosened his grip on her wrists and released her from his deadly tight grip.

While she was still frozen in shock, he flashed a smile as he reached to cup her face. "I'm fine. Don't worry. These wounds are going to heal very soon. You can see that right?"

Her lips trembled. She could not believe she did this to him. She could not even remember doing this! This was too brutal of her. She noticed many of the wounds were really deep, like cuts that were made using a knife.

"This is normal. It's part of your transformation, Alicia. You were not in control of your body or your mind at all." He kept reassuring her.

"But… I've hurt you so bad." Her fingers trembled slightly as she reached out for his bloody face.

"Shh… you're not going to cry again, Alicia." He placed his thumb over her lips and brushed over them repeatedly, as if to coax them to stop trembling. "Because I'm going to make you cry out for me the entire night." Came his promise to her.

It was then that Alicia remembered all the things that they had just shared. That was right, they had just become one and…

Her eyes slowly turned wide at the realization that he was… that he was… lord… he was still inside of her!

A non-repentant smirk had curved over his face. His eyes even gleamed wickedly. "There was not enough time for me to pull it out." He said in a teasing husky voice. "I had to lock you in place immediately."

Her face burned red, and her lips parted, not knowing what to say. Then his gaze turned serious.

"How is it? How do you feel right now?" he asked, brushing her hair back from her face and tucking it lovingly behind her ears. She noticed how his gaze was gleaming, as though he was marvelling at the sight of her.

She blinked. That was right… she was supposed to be a vampire now.

"It succeeded…?" she looked down fervently at her hands. Except for her nails that seemed to have gotten somewhat longer, sharper and thicker, she could not see any other differences to her physical traits. But she felt different internally though. Like she was in a new body that she was not quite familiar with. It felt… she could not quite explain. All she was certain was that it was a bit strange and that she felt stronger.

However, it was a different kind of strong. It was just hard for her to put it into words, but she felt as though she could now do anything with just her raw strength right now. It was like she did not even need to use any magic that was at her disposal anymore. It was like her body had become invincible, agile, and limitless.

And it was still hard for her to believe that she was truly a vampire now.

"I feel strong and kind of… lighter?" she added after some thought, and he smiled at her again.

"Do you like it?"

She blinked again and looked at him. "It's not bad. It feels strange and amazing at the same time."

"That's good then. Now you can finally keep up with me." There was a naughty undercurrent that she detected within his voice. It was something that she did not fail to notice.

Then she felt him swell inside her, causing her eyes to widen and her mouth to fall open.

"What's that surprise look, hmm? Alicia?" he teased her.

"Your face. Just that your face… the scratches are healing fast but…"

"Alright," he seemed to immediately understand that she was bothered by the blood over his face, he climbed off the bed without breaking off their connection. He had kept her tucked closely against him. And he certainly did not seem to have any plans to put her down or pull away. It was as if being inside of her was as close to heaven as he could get. And so there was no way he would be willing to pull out of her unless it was utterly necessary.

Alicia could not help but blush harder.

He headed to the back door and walked as she clung onto him, feeling mortified and aroused at the same time in this quite uncivilized position. The friction this position created was just so spine tingling that it caused her toes to curl.

"Ezekiel… I think you should at least uhm, pull out while –"

"But you're gripping it hard, Alicia." His teasing voice floated into her ears, cutting her off.

A\N: Hope you guys are not sated with Alikiel's hot scenes yet. XD Cause the two are still far from being sated right now. The night will be long XD


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