Hellbound With You

Chapter 832 Pawns [2/4]

The vampires could only stand there stupefied, as they helplessly watched on whilst the dark smoke swallowed Zeke and Alicia. Some of them even fell back on the ground at that terrifying display of power. They had no idea…

They already found out that their prince had a strange secondary power within him that was usually hidden, but they still could not quite believe what they had just witnessed with their own two eyes. They could not believe the extent of fear he had evoked within them with just that display, and he had not even attacked them yet! Just what… was that? What was he exactly?

The extreme fear was gradually being replaced by doubts as they recovered themselves from the shock. But they all ended up reasoning within themselves that what they saw must have been that witch's fault. They all thought that what they had seen must be the reason why the king and prophetess had given them this mission. To the point where they allowed them to harm the prince if that was what it was needed to separate him from that witch. That must be it! There was no way their proud and mighty prince could be so weird unless he was being corrupted by that accursed witch!

"Sh*t!!! Now we've lost them!!! We need to let the others know that they managed to escape!" one of them growled when a quiet thud sounded in their midst. Their instinct immediately kicked in once again at the feel of another powerful threat that had just arrived.

"Well, well, well… What d'ya have here?" the man drawled lazily, and everyone had their eyes widen the moment they recognized him.

"A- alexander!" one of them croaked, stepping back and then instinctively bowing their heads at him. This was one man you would not want to mess around with – no matter how friendly or amiable looking he seemed to be. Just being in his presence was enough to raise their goosebumps.

"Now you guys did it and saw something that you shouldn't have." Alex sighed, running his fingers through his dark hair. Then he lifted his hand and curled his forefinger, gesturing for them to approach him.

The vampires glanced at each other uncertainly, but they knew that there was no room for disobedience. Thus, with leaden steps, everyone moved closer to Alex until he raised his hand for them to stop where they were.

When they were all standing just a couple of steps away from Alex, a van arrived and rolled up to where they were.

"Listen here," Alex started with a serious look on his face. "I need you guys to enter the van."

The vampires looked at him in confusion and doubt, but none of them were brazen enough to question Alex. However, that did not stop their hearts from racing and there were even beads of sweat dotting their foreheads.

"Now, now, be good and listen boys. This is all for your own sake." Alex flicked his fingers and gestured for them to enter through the van door that Lucas had opened.

Once the vampires were all inside, Lucas shut the back door closed. The next moment, the van wiggled a little but after a few seconds, it eventually settled, as if the men inside had all fallen asleep.

No, Alex did not have them all killed. However, the men had been smoked to sleep so that Alex and Lucas could erase their memories about that particular scene that they had seen. The one where Ezekiel had used his demonic powers.

"Only one casualty. That's pretty impressive of you, Zeke." Alex commented seriously as he looked at the dead vampire that was on the ground. "You deal with this body too, Lucas." Alex gave the order as he nodded his head at that unfortunate vampire.

"Yes, sir. But may I know why you deliberately stalled for time and made yourself arrive here later than you would have?" Lucas asked, confusion was evident in his face. "If you didn't stall and arrived a little bit earlier, His Highness would not have needed to erupt like that. Is it because you really don't want to help His Highness?" Lucas furrowed his brows as he tried to understand where Alexander's actions were coming from.

"Nah…" Alex lazily waved his hand at Lucas. "I wanted Zeke to erupt." After which a playful smile spread across his face.

"Why??" Lucas could no longer stop his frown. "Aren't you one of us? Aren't you against His Highness' decision too?"

Alex nonchalantly leaned against the van. After staring at Lucas for a few seconds, he shrugged his broad shoulders.

"If I'm not against his decision, I wouldn't be here right now, ginger head. I'd be with my wife and babies, enjoying my life to the fullest and not giving a f*ck if Zeke would be gone forever a week from now." Alex sounded as though he was on the verge of rolling his eyes as he answered Lucas' accusation.

"Then why –"

"I want him to have his strength back. If we helped him earlier, that guy would still be as weak as f**k right now. Knowing Zeke, I believe that him, being weakened to this extent is all a part of his plan. You know how unbelievable it is for Zeke to be so weak till that stage. And I won't dare believe that Zeke had not seen this coming. I had a feeling that he was even expecting to us to come and help him. If I had not stopped you, you would have definitely helped him earlier on, right?"

Lucas dropped his head. Even though he was against Ezekiel's decision, he would never have been able to just stay back and watch as he suffered. If Alexander had not forcefully grabbed and stopped him from interfering, he would have long since interjected before those vampires could even start hitting him.

"I think we're a part of Zeke's pawns at this moment. As usual. We were supposed to help him according to his plan, but we didn't. And he was forced to activate his demonic powers again."


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