Hellbound With You

Chapter 824 Past Life (Part I)

Iryz and Zeres stayed focused on their task the entire time. Both of them were anxious and wanted so badly to find that elusive mysterious book. Neither of them spoke to the other even when more than an hour had already passed within the space.

Yet, the book was still nowhere to be found. How unfortunate, Iryz thought.

Shutting her eyes closed, Iryz tried to recall that dream again. She thought that if she could just remember more details of how her dream had gone, she could identify where it was in this space. But just as she was trying to concentrate, something seemed to be pulling at her attention and distracting her from recalling her dream.

And before she knew it, she found herself staring at something that looked like an ancient mirror. Wait… where did this mirror come from? However, as she focussed more, she realized it was not even a mirror in the first place because she was seeing not her own reflection on it but something else entirely.

It seemed to be a boy who was dressed completely in black. The lower part of his face was covered in black as well that the only part of him that was not covered was his eyes.

Iryz was immediately drawn to his eyes as she noticed that they were… just like hers. Forest green. There were not many humans who had pure forest green eyes like her. What is this then? A painting? Who could this boy be? She had been so drawn that she did not realise she had already walked over and was standing right in front of the painting.

Reaching out, Iryz absentmindedly touched the painting. But the moment her fingers touched it, a reddish haze from the painting – not unlike the one from earlier – suddenly appeared and surrounded her.

And she found herself being transported somewhere else again. Oh no, was she inside another magical illusion again?! An illusion within an illusion?! Just thinking about the possibility caused Iryz's head to spin.

Iryz was about to panic but the realization that it was not a dark room this time made her feel extremely relieved.

She calmed her breathing and looked around. It was then that she noticed she was in a forest this time. It was dark, but the moonlight above was shining and shimmering bright. What was all this about, this time?

She really hoped this could lead her to that mysterious book they had been looking for and not just another distraction.

A soft rustle of dried leaves pulled at her attention. When she turned to the direction of the soft noise that seemed to be made by a small animal, her eyes widened. She saw the boy in the mirror-like thing from a while ago. Was he real?!

He seemed to have just arrived. Looking at him while he was moving made Iryz think of one thing and that was the boy looked like an assassin from the ancient times. He definitely gave off that image and aura. If she would ever draw an assassin character in her story in the future, she would definitely use this boy's image as her inspiration! Wait! What the hell was she thinking of at this moment?! Ugh! And wait… why does it seem as though he could not see her? Was she just watching some recorded memories just like how witches watch over someone else's memories?

"It's rare for you to be late, Eris. Is everything alright?" A voice echoed out. It was not from the boy and somehow Iryz felt as though this voice… it sounded very familiar to her!

Iryz whipped towards the direction and her mouth dropped. Z-zerez?! That was a long-haired version of Zeres that she was looking at. What in the world was going on in here?! Why was she seeing Zeres in someone else's memories? And judging by the clothes he had on him, this must be from a long time ago!

"Yes." The boy named Eris said. She noticed his voice seemed familiar as well. "How about you? You're pretty early. Did you and the girl you like in the Black Dragon's Hills fought or something?"

The long-haired Zeres looked away and winced. "No, but… kind of. She's with that little vampire right now." his voice sounded so displeased and jealous.

"You can go back and check on her, I can hold this post by myself." Eris offered generously but Zeres shook his head.

"Vampires might come and attack us any time. There are elite vampires in the area this afternoon." Zeres sounded so distracted. It was obvious he badly wanted to go and take up on Eris' offer.

"Were they the vampires who are looking for a vampire prince named Alexander?" Eris asked and Zeres nodded. "You're wounded, aren't you?"

Zeres gave out a long and tired sigh. "I'm fine. Abigail had already treated my wounds… hey, Eris…" he leaned against the tree trunk as he looked at the younger man.


"Have you… ever fallen in love?" Zeres' question was very soft, but the other man heard it clearly.

There was a long silence and Iryz who was still confused about this random piece of memory found herself holding her breath as she tried to understand what was going on and what the hell was this conversation she somehow ended up witnessing.

"I do." The boy said.

Zeres craned his head. His eyes were opened wider than usual after hearing Eris' reply. "Really? That's a surprise. You've been with me for a few years now and you haven't said anything to me about this."

"The person I fell in love with loves someone else." He replied in a heavy and sad tone and Zeres became quiet before he threw his head back and stared up the dark skies that was littered with twinkling stars.

"I know I'm just a comrade to that person." Eris added wryly. "And yet my feelings still keep growing by the day. How silly of me…" then he sighed out heavily.


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