Hellbound With You

Chapter 797 - Too late [1/4]

Chapter 797: Too late [1/4]

"It's too late you, idiot!" she shouted at him, her hold on his collar tightening as he froze in place beneath her. "I know you can feel what I'm feeling right now, so let me warn you not to tell me otherwise. It was unbelievable because I am sure I've felt real hatred at you just a few hours ago. But here I am now, holding on to you like I don't want to let go, wanting you more than ever and I cant even deny or hide my feelings anymore. So there's really no use... there's no point denying it. It's too late Ezekiel... it's..." Alicia ranted on at a fast pace, half afraid that Ezekiel would stop her from saying out what was on her mind.

"Hush Alicia/' his thumb was suddenly on her lips. She could feel the slight coolness of his digit when it landed on her heated lips. His forehead was pressing against hers as his raspy breaths came out louder in her ears. She could feel that his forehead was giving off a nice cool contrast to her own heat at that moment as he said, "Not yet. It's not too late yet

"No. Stop trying to pacify me because no matter what you will say from now on, I'm not going to deny my passion and desire towards you anymore! And have you forgotten? You were the one who had told me to just admit to my desires, Ezekiel. Well... now I am admitting to them! Willingly!"

He stilled at her frank admission; his eyes wide as he looked at her.

"Kiss me." she breathed out the next moment. Demanded. As her hands fisted even tighter on his collar, as though trying to keep him there.

Alicia had dropped all the shackles on herself off now. Nine days. She only had nine days left to take pleasure in this now that she had let herself give in.

She had given all her life to her duties. She refused to regret all the things she had sacrificed her life for. She would not be regretting anything she had done for her people. But this... if she wasted these nine days just fighting against herself not to give in to her deep-seated desires, she Imew she would regret it forever.

She was initially only here to watch over him and make sure he would not do what he vowed to do in the past. Now that she had found out the truth and now that Ezekiel had promised nothing bad would happen to the witches, her duty was basically over. She could live for herself now - well, whatever was left for her to live out, that is. Therefore, she was determined to treasure and appreciate the next nine days to the utmost.

And if she would be honest to herself, she just wanted to abandon everything now. She wanted to forget everything. All the questions that were still left unanswered, the fact that he was going to leave — only the devil knows where to, and her finally disappearing for good. Everything. All she wanted right now was to get lost in oblivion, feel his touch on her body again and feel that incredible ecstasy he had made her taste before.

That was all she wanted right now. And she was no longer going to be timid and shy and get mortified about it. This was probably the first time she has ever wanted something so badly for herself, not for others, not for her duties. It was the first time... and the last time... so she will no longer back out.

"Take me, Ezekiel." She uttered, her eyes gazing at him with overflowing desire. Then her lips clamped over his thumb, tasting it.

He caught his breath and she saw the fire that suddenly blazed into an inferno in his eyes. "F*ck, Alicia. I cant

She deliberately sucked on his thumb, and he lost it. He flipped them over and pinned her back onto the couch in an instant.

"Listen here, Alicia..." His jaws were clenched tightly together. "I can't do that to you... f*ck, I am holding back for your sake

"Goddamn it, Ezekiel! What the hell is wrong with you?! Did you not understand all the things that I had been telling you the whole time?!" she finally snapped at him. She could not take this anymore. 'What the hell's stopping..." she clamped her teeth down on her lips tight, realizing just how desperate she sounded right now.

Shame coloured her face and hurt tightened her throat. She suddenly felt like she was being rejected now. This was just too confusing. What the hell was still stopping him and holding him back? Or could it be that he was lying when he said that she did not remind him of that monster in his past?

She swallowed and looked away. This was wrong. This certainly looked like she was the one forcing herself of him when he did not want to do the deed. What the hell...?! No matter how much she was wanting it, if the other party was reluctant, she was not that desperate to force herself onto him. No way in hell!

"I'm sorry." She bit out in a weak and hurt voice as she looked away when he suddenly cursed out.

"No, damn it all! This isn't because I don't want to do it. Damn it, Alicia!! I very much want to take you right here, right now and f*ck your brains out until you know nothing but to just scream out my name!" he hissed but Alicia no longer turned to look at him anymore. It was as though she was done listening to his lies. "Fine, I'll tell you the reason." He grabbed her small face with both his hands and forced her to turn around to look at him.

"I am holding back this badly because you might not be able to handle me, do you understand?"

"No. I don't understand Ezekiel." She shot back, glaring at him. Her eyes were now stinging, and she was desperately holding back her tears.

He shut his eyes closed and took a deep breath. "You are going to be stuck with me every second within these nine days, Alicia. If I take you now.." his throat worked as his gaze smouldered, "I know I won't be able to stop... after tasting you once. I will be f***ing you for the entire nine days and don't you dare think I'm not serious when I say this. Are you certain you can handle that kind of torture? Huh? Alicia?" His voice was low and wreaked havoc in her lower abdomen..


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