Hellbound With You

Chapter 756 - Surrendered

Chapter 756 - Surrendered

An unnerving silence surrounded them upon having those words leaving Ezekiel's lips. Their faces were so up close to each other's that they were practically sharing a breath now.

Alicia's eyes were wide as their gazes locked. His expression did not change much but she could see something spine-tingling lurking in the pits of those metallic grey orbs.

But despite the tingling warning, Alicia refused to back off and push away. She was not a fool on not to have an idea on what he was trying to say. She had seen enough men do this after all. Shutting a woman up with a kiss.

Before she knew it, an image of him had already voluntarily appeared in her mind. His hands were pinning hers against the wall and his lips… were crushed against hers. Alicia's mouth went dry as she snapped out in shocked surprise at what her mind had just showed her.

Infuriated at herself, Alicia gritted her teeth in anger and irritation. How could she have thoughts like this towards an enemy?! The ultimate enemy to them witches, nonetheless! Has she gone totally mad and lost her marbles? Or could he be using some kind of demonic power and messing with her emotions and imaginations right now? She knew what demons can do. They tempt and mess with a person's emotions, mind and desire to get what they wanted. She refused to let this demonic vampire prince to do this to her!

Taking a steadying breath, Alicia steeled her nerves. She distracted herself from the image that kept haunting her the for the past few hours. The scene of this enemy of hers with that vampire woman a few hours ago was somehow firmly imprinted in her mind even though she only had gotten a split second look at them. She still believed that Ezekiel was only into vampire women. She had seen it for herself at how he had ignored other ladies like he sees them as some unnecessary decorations that were not worthy of his attention or lifeless mannequins just for the simple fact that they were not vampires.

The thought roused defiance within her and she finally managed to respond. "Oh really? What will you do next Ezekiel? Kiss me?? Hah!!" she looked at him like she had found out one secret of his that he was desperately trying to hide. "Are you even able to kiss a non-vampire woman, much less a witch, huh, Ezekiel?" She had uttered that last line with a small sneer as if she was so sure that Ezekiel was not capable of kissing a witch. Or perhaps that he was utterly unwilling to do so.

Faster than a blink of an eye, Alicia's back had hit the soft bed. Her eyes circled wide as she looked up to the man who was now looming so powerfully over her. Her brain had still yet to catch up with what was happening. She was still shocked that the ever frozen vampire that was Ezekiel could even pull out a move such as this.

"W-what the hell are you doing?!" she stammered, trashing under him now. Her legs were kicking and hands were pushing in an attempt to get herself out from under him. But he was like a man made of steel – powerful and unyielding. Or was it just her who had become so weak? How could she be so powerless against him that she could not even make him budge an inch?! The strange weakness she was feeling roused a blazing anger that started deep within her. She hated being helpless the most! "Get off me, damn you!" she hissed out with much venom tinging her voice. But he only responded by bending over, his face moving closer to hers, as slowly, he kept his gaze fixed on hers, unblinking.

It suddenly felt hot, so hot that it felt like heat was pouring out of him and now she was enveloped with it. "I said get off me, Ezekiel!" her voice now venomous. Warning bells keep ringing in her head and she knew that if this keeps on, she might…

She saw the barest hint of a smile spreading across his lips before he spoke in an almost infuriatingly slow manner. "Tell me Alicia… you're actually dying to kiss me, aren't you?" his voice weakened, "that's why you're taunting me… testing me like this."

Alicia's temper flared. Using the unwanted heat between them, she fuelled it into her anger.

"Wrong, Ezekiel. I am dying to kill you." She spat out with all the haughtiness she could muster at the moment. But another ghost of a smile flashed across his face. Alicia perceived that as him not believing her words one bit.

Her gaze on him sharpened dangerously. She would never admit defeat before this man of all creatures. Never. Even in the smallest matter such as this!

Another forced haughty smile curved on Alicia's face. "If I would choose from being killed or kissing you…" her gaze became absolutely serious. "I'd choose death without question. Every time." she said it with much conviction, as if those words were also a vow to herself.

No smile ghosted his face this time. He just stared down at her but that one strained muscle in his jaw that kept ticking did not escape Alicia's keen observation.

"I see…" he sounded like he had surrendered, which was a huge surprise to Alicia.

She felt him loosen his tight grip on her hands, but his gaze then trailed from her eyes only to fall on her lips. The gleam in his eyes then made Alicia's heartbeat jump again without her permission. Then he suddenly moved. Alicia caught her breath at the thought that he was going to kiss her.

But his lips never reached hers. Their breaths mingled as one. He stopped just an inch away, puffing surprisingly minty breaths against her lips.

"Careful Alicia," Ezekiel whispered, his voice dangerously low and edged with warning, "cause now you just made me want to make you beg for my kiss."


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