Hellbound Heart

Chapter 17 Bad Grass

Chapter 17

This bonus chapter is dedicated to @edi_o, @Monic_Ceja, @Sacogun, and @MonsterUnderTheBed. Thank you so much for the supergifts!


Elle did not hesitate to take the coat and when she turned back to look enquiringly at Sebastian, the man was already leaving. She had no choice but to quickly nod her thanks to Lucas and rushed after Sebastian while hastily wearing Lucas' coat over her bathrobe.

She finally caught up to him when he stood before the elevator. She could not help but glance up at his enchanting face. Though it seemed as though Lucas had successfully stopped the bleeding, the man did not bother to even wipe off the blood that had tracked down and dried on the side of his face. The blood was all over his neck. If he had not been wearing an all-black outfit, she was certain that the blood soaking his clothes would have been quite gruesome to look at.

The elevator dinged and its doors finally slid open. So Elle poked her head in, only to see a large man inside, wearing the same all black three piece suit that the beaten up men were wearing.

Her heart leapt up to her throat. Elle thought Sebastian would not enter, but he nonchalantly walked inside, turned around and look at her. His gaze was unreadable, but Elle did not feel him sending her any signal whether she should enter or not.

"Get in, Izabelle." His voice nearly jolted her. She had not expected him to say out name her right before her enemy. And in front of one that looked like wrestler at that!

Despite her jumbled-up thoughts, Elle entered. She stood right in front of Sebastian.

The air inside the elevator was charged, almost suffocating as it moved down.

As the seconds ticked by, the atmosphere inside the elevator became more dangerous. Elle thought that this must be what bloodlust felt like. It was nauseating. She felt as though a bomb was about to be detonated anytime soon inside this elevator. And all she could do was to just stand still and pray for the elevator's door to finally open.

Loud sounds of something solid slammed against the elevator's walls in the next few seconds. Startled, Elle scooted forward and pressed herself against the elevator's door. When she turned back to look, thinking to maybe help Sebastian against the huge guy, she was once again rendered paralyzed.

Sebastian's hand was gripping a fistful of the huge man's hair and was slamming his head against the now bloodied wall.

He suddenly stopped, finally glancing up at her. He straightened and let go of the man's hair.

The huge man's body slumped to the floor and the elevator's door slid open behind her.

Sebastian stepped over the man nonchalantly, as though stepping over a mound of dirt and walked past her. Elle swallowed, looking down at the now unconscious and bloodied man on the floor before slowly turning around and obediently following Sebastian out the elevator.

The prince was looking at her. His grey eyes expressionless. His hair was messy, and blood stains were visible all over his face and neck. Nevertheless, he still looked so perfect. But it was no longer the perfect princely image that she always saw in the TV and magazines. Right now, he looked more like that favorite handsome-as-hell villain in a certain movie.

He offered her his hand quietly. She could tell that he knew he had frightened her and now he seemed to be giving her a choice if she still wanted to go along with him or not.

Elle stared at his hand. She had not realized that he was wearing black gloves until now. She wondered why he was wearing them. Was it because he was expecting this bloody encounter and had to take precautions?

She stretched out her hand and placed it in his. She imagined his gloved hands filled with blood and she could not deny the shivers that ran through her. But even if her imagination was the truth, she would still choose this tainted hand over that monster's.

When they reached the garage, Sebastian let go of her hand and walked around a black car.

"Take off your shoes and leave it there." He ordered as he opened the car door.

Elle creased her brows, but she immediately obeyed, not even asking any questions anymore. And as soon as she entered the car and buckled on her own seatbelt, Sebastian zoomed off.

Soon, the car was speeding up in the highway. Elle was waiting for him to take a turn as she thought he was going to go to the hospital first. She noticed his wound did not seem to be bleeding anymore which was pretty impressive. But she still wanted him to go to the hospital to check it out just to be on the safe side. But he obviously was not planning to go to any hospital with the way they were moving.

"Where are we going?" she finally asked.

"To the airport."

Elle pressed her lips together tightly for a moment. "I think we need to go the hospital first."

He glanced at her and Elle did not know why her heart skittered to a stop. Anxiety immediately gripped her heart as the thought that he must be thinking she was already starting to nag at him came to her.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to nag you." She reasoned out. "I just… don't want to get widowed before I could even get married. You still… need to marry me." She tried that excuse on him.

A smirk graced his face and that faint dimple showed up again for a fleeting moment, causing her heart to pick up speed.

"You don't have to worry about that." he replied, his voice gentle but sounded a little darker than usual. "Bad grass never dies, Izabelle."


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