Hell App (Web Novel CN)

Chapter 72: Math Problem

In this particular classroom, how many total dismembered hands were there?

Upon hearing this question, the red-clothed man’s complexion immediately changed for the worse!

At this moment, he would rather be in the position of the person whose hand was run through by that painful chalk than answer this trap-of-a-question.

This problem seemed simple when hearing it for the first time, but they still haven’t fully looked through the desks, so how could he know what the correct answer was?

The man in red frantically used his eyes to send a signal to the players below, asking them to lend him a hand and continue searching for the parts.

However, these experienced players, who have survived until the seventh level, weren’t mere fools. Even the good and honest Tom didn’t dare move haphazardly after being stared down by Teacher Zhang.

While standing on the platform, the man in red’s thoughts were fully consumed by anger, resenting the players below for not doing anything to help him. Yet, his heart was still clear about encountering this kind of situation. He also wouldn’t have faced these risks to help out an unfamiliar player.

Knowing that it was impossible to get help from the players over there, the man in red despairingly shifted his line of sight to the pile of hands on the table, his face looking grim.

After experiencing the mini-game last round, the man in red had his own fair share of guesses for this game.

The props used in this game were mostly from the players that have died in this dream.

In that case, the players, who all died in this classroom, must have had two hands.

So long as they weren’t handicapped, each person had two hands. People with disabilities inside the player community were rare, so the answer here ought to be an even number.

Should he write six or eight?

Or, ten was also possible?

A layer of cold sweat welled up on the man in red’s nose as if he had traveled back in time when he was still in school, re-experiencing being called to the blackboard by the teacher to do a problem and feeling the nervousness and embarrassment of answering it slowly.

However, if he had answered it wrong that time, the most the teacher would do was to berate him, and he would lose face.

But now, if he answered this incorrectly, then he’ll really turn into a dead man!

The man in red anxiously stared at the blackboard and would slightly turn his head to glance at Teacher Zhang from time to time, seeing that Teacher Zhang’s face was getting more and more ominous.

Finally, when Teacher Zhang was walking towards him, he squeezed the chalk in his hands and wrote down ‘6’ on the blackboard at lightning speed.

After writing this, he tried to control his breath, raising his head to see what Teacher Zhang’s expression was.

Teacher Zhang quietly stared at the answer for a moment, his mouth gradually pulling down, which made his face all the more terrifying.

Did he look displeased? Was he dissatisfied with this?

The man in red’s heart sank to a bottomless abyss.

As expected by everyone, Teacher Zhang harshly scolded him the next second, yelling, “Do you not have a brain? You can’t even answer such a simple problem! With this incapability of yours, you still dare to chatter away with your classmates in this classroom and not listen attentively to the lecture! I feel that you don’t need your brain at all!”

Teacher Zhang’s mouth heavily drooped down even more, making him look furious.

Yet, when Bai Yan looked at it upside down, he found that Teacher Zhang was clearly smiling from ear to ear. He exposed an evil grin, which was full of mal intentions. It was clear that he was extremely happy!

But because he bore the limitations of the dream, Teacher Zhang couldn’t immediately act on the man in red and was still abusing him, insincerely playing his role as the ‘irritable teacher.’

If this place were a classroom in the real world, then this scene would also have the majority of players reminiscing over their school days.

Many people were truly able to recall their childhoods upon hearing Teacher Zhang’s reprimanding.

However, Teacher Zhang soon stopped cursing him.

He suddenly turned his head sideways and asked fiercely, “Liu Xiyu, tell me! What will happen if someone can’t answer the problem correctly?”

Liu Xiyu timidly bowed her head like she was mimicking an ostrich. This was her consistent routine during classes. Even if it were a dream, she still acted the same. To her, it seemed like if she lowered her head, the fearsome teacher wouldn’t call on her to answer a question.

Hearing Teacher Zhang loudly call her name, she meekly lifted her head and answered cowardly, “Teacher, people who can’t answer a problem should be… pu— punished!”

Teacher Zhang nodded his head in satisfaction upon hearing Liu Xiyu’s response. He laughed spitefully and said to the man in red, “Did you hear her! Get out and stand!”

The classroom abruptly fell into silence as these words were stated.

From far away, everyone’s breaths in the classroom could be heard, rising and falling in uneasiness.

While on the platform, the man in red’s eyes turned bloodshot, him itching to throw himself at Liu Xiyu and viciously tear her apart!

This mini-game still wasn’t over, and if someone were to be dragged out of the classroom right now, would that person still live?

Getting his hand gorily chopped off would have been a better fate than this punishment. In any case, after returning to reality, the missing limb could still be restored.

But, Teacher Zhang would never give him this grim opportunity. Teacher Zhang stared at him with an evil grin on his face, obviously making up his mind.

The man in red knew that it was all downhill for him from now on. In an instant, wickedness was born from his gut as he opened his mouth to openly curse at Liu Xiyu, “You terrible b*tch! You’re only an NPC, but your mouth is so despicable! Daring to harm me, thinking that I wouldn’t kill you!”

He speedily went down the platform while swearing at her.

Seeing the outraged man in red rushing to hit her, Liu Xiyu immediately curled up in fear, quickly crouching down below her desk to hide from him.

On the other hand, seeing the man in red rush to Liu Xiyu in fit of fury, the other players immediately wanted to block him in prevention. He could cause trouble for everyone, making them all lose the game.

However, before any of the players could react, Teacher Zhang said in a booming voice——

“Fine… You won’t accept this? And, you still dare to threaten your classmate! Class monitor, student council member, drag him out!”

As Teacher Zhang’s stern voice fell, two ‘people’ suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the two empty seats.

The players swiftly set their sights on the newly emerged ghosts. They were similar to Teacher Zhang with their eyes growing below their noses, looking exceedingly weird.

When they heard Teacher Zhang’s orders, they moved to capture the man in red right away.

Red’s speed was good, but no matter how quick he was, he still couldn’t outspeed a ghost.

The two ghosts dressed in junior high uniforms trapped him exactly before he was about to attack Liu Xiyu and violently pinned him down.

Seeing that he was still cursing out freely, the ghost, who had ‘class monitor’ tag pinned to his uniform, took out a roll of black tape from his pocket, taping the man in red’s mouth tightly shut in an agile manner.

Soon, the man in red could only hum out his raging cries. He was then forcefully dragged out by the arms by the student monitor and student council member, his feet thrashing and flailing the whole way out, but it was entirely f*cking useless.

The iron doors automatically opened, and within moments, he was hauled out through the doors. The two students showed him out the door, closing it behind them as soon as they could.

Everyone came to realize that the man in red was toast upon seeing him go out with the two ghosts.

Courting disaster ah, not to mention that the app specifically stressed that they should never harm Liu Xiyu. This was Liu Xiyu’s dream, and he outrightly threatened to kill the dream’s owner here. Are you sure you’re capable of doing that?

Bai Yan smacked his lips while thinking, it’s not like he couldn’t totally comprehend why the man in red would want to pull all the players into his suffering at the brink of death.

But, what amazed him in this situation wasn’t this matter, it was the ghost’s attitude towards Liu Xiyu.

As soon as the man in red wanted to kill her, Teacher Zhang abruptly called on the ghosts to capture him. Was this also a big coincidence?

Bai Yan was convinced that if another player was replaced with who the man in red wanted to beat up, this Teacher Zhang most probably would have just watched quietly and enjoyed the show. Even if he were still confined to the rules, maybe he would still let the man in red beat the person up before saying anything else.

The app wanted to protect Liu Xiyu, and the ghosts’ attitudes towards Liu Xiyu were also odd. She must be the app’s beloved daughter!

Bai Yan carefully sized up Liu Xiyu in an astonished manner. Not seeing anything out of the ordinary, he felt that she was just a normal junior high school student.

Yet, in this game, perhaps no other person was as safe as this girl.

In the beginning, there were still some people who wanted to protect Liu Xiyu, believing that defending this weak girl was also one of the troubles that the app had given them. They worried over the fact that if this girl were to die, then all the players would also be done for.

But looking at it now, the app’s main target was the players, so if they hadn’t accompanied her to clear the mines, Liu Xiyu would still be well and alive.

Bai Yan could only glance at her a couple of times before withdrawing his attention.

Because, after the man in red was dragged out, Teacher Zhang also turned his head around. The writings and drawings he was putting on the blackboard were undecipherable to all of them.

The players present there were all experienced, so they immediately realized that this was a golden opportunity!

When a player dies, there would usually be a safe period. They haven’t fully searched through all of the props, so if Teacher Zhang would ask another question, the next unlucky one might possibly be them.

Thus, the players moved about one by one.

They made sure their footsteps were light, and after searching through all the desks, there was still someone who rummaged through the trash can last in case there was something hidden inside.

Ye Shangyu’s courage was the greatest among them as she silently walked to the podium’s side to check if there was something inside the cabinet of the podium.

When she pulled out a hand from the cupboard, everyone secretly cursed this old ghost for truly being sinister.

If they were a bit more fearful and didn’t risk checking the cabinet, perhaps there might be another dead man in a while.

Ye Shangyu finished rummaging through the cabinet and noiselessly moved down, checking the players’ fruits of labor.

He had to say, Teacher Zhang, this old ghost’s skill for hiding items was indeed crafty. Besides the trash can, there were also a bunch of things hidden at the back of the radiator.

With everyone working towards a common goal, the severed limbs on the desk were divided into different piles.

Every player engraved the number of limbs into their minds, knowing everything by heart.

When everyone had already memorized them, Teacher Zhang suddenly looked back, causing everyone to jump from fright.

“I wrote a new problem on the board, who’ll come over and answer it?”

The players collectively stared at the blackboard, and it still had dismembered hands drawn on it. So, they couldn’t help but be a bit puzzled over it.

“I’ll see who… The student wearing eyeglasses, you. Come up and answer the question!”

Every player simultaneously cast their gazes onto Bai Yan since only he was the one who wore glasses among them.

Bai Yan quietly looked around, immediately confirming that there wasn’t another person who wore glasses, and without any other option, he calmly walked up the platform and took the chalk that Teacher Zhang handed over.

Since this sinister ghost personally handed over the chalk, how could he not accept it.

As he studied the question in front of him, Bai Yan felt somewhat perplexed. Dismembered hands were still drawn on the blackboard. Did Teacher Zhang mean to let him answer the same question as before?

But, what if this was the cunning ghost’s trap?

‘If you don’t understand, then ask.’ Bai Yan wasn’t this kind of hard-headed person.

But still, he humbly asked Teacher Zhang, “Teacher, this is the problem that the student answered before. Do you want me to write how many dismembered hands are there, or how many fingers they have?”

“You don’t even understand this topic, yet you still want to take senior high school exams?” Teacher Zhang gloomily smirked, his face was full of evil intentions, “Think on your own. If you can’t come up with the answer, then similar to that person just now, get out and stand!”

You’re a math teacher who also covers Chinese reading comprehension, wasn’t this too much?

Bai Yan’s heart was full of underhanded comments, but still, he didn’t dare contradict the teacher right now.

He restlessly stared at the drawings of the two dismembered hands on the left and right, quickly comparing them. Yet, the more he studied them, the more he felt that they were identical.


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