Hell App (Web Novel CN)

Chapter 62: Return

“It’s uncomfortable to speak without lips. Give me your mouths!”

The mouthless female ghost let loose an evil cackle as she stretched out half of her body from the toilet door board.

Outside the door, Fang Tongtong pulled open the zipper on her lips, and a large amount of dark blood immediately splattered out, mingling with the scraps of ground meat.

She slowly stretched out her lengthy tongue from her opened mouth, aiming it towards Qin Sibo’s direction.

At this moment, Fang Tongtong’s eyes were completely lifeless, looking like she had already turned into a bitter ghost.

“We were so close to escaping… Why did it turn out like this?”

Qin Sibo’s heart was full of despair from being surrounded by ghosts. The window also had some unknown object blocking its opening, giving him the indication that they had no chance to escape.

He looked at Luo Xing as his last hope but unfortunately found Luo Xing suddenly taking out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and quickly writing on it at lightning speed.

He also thought he could at least save this NPC from doom.

It was due to his carelessness and him not checking the room that this happened. They only rushed inside the women’s restroom that had its sign changed. If he had caught it in the first place, they could have avoided a dead end.

Luo Xing knew that it was because he was far too relaxed.

He had experienced the last ghost story and compared to Bai Yan and Ye Shangyu, he had the largest advantage. Since he was the last to experience his ghost story, he could just fill up the form and escape the game. It was no wonder that the two would shamelessly cheat the lots and wanted to betray him.

At the door, Qin Sibo’s howls of grief came through. Seeing that the president had already crawled through the window, Luo Xing didn’t waste another moment and directly pressed the return button on his phone, finally leaving the place and not looking at Qin Sibo one last time.

Next time, it would be best to leave the NPCs alone.

No matter how much they resembled real people, they were still just a string of data and numbers inside the game.

Once they saw them as real people, they would grieve…

Luo Xing departed, and Qin Sibo was instantly torn to shreds by the three vicious ghosts.

On the other end of the phone, Bai Yan and Ye Shangyu saw that the phone suddenly hung up, so they swiftly started filling up their respective club application forms, not at all slower than Luo Xing’s speed.

When Luo Xing left the beverage shop, they moved places and went to a lodge near the school, renting a room.

During Luo Xing’s time in the study room, he opened his phone from beginning to end.

The two didn’t say anything and just listened in on how Luo Xing dealt with the course of frightening events.

At the end of the ghost story, the two heard that Luo Xing had walked right into a dead-end when charging into the wrongly marked women’s toilet, but they still didn’t try and rescue him.

Not to mention, Luo Xing had the option to simply fill up the form and flee for his life. Even if Luo Xing was truly in a tight spot, they wouldn’t have sacrificed their lives and gone to save him.

The two people saw that their lives were more important than others. When one didn’t harm someone else, then they should thank the heavens. Naturally, Luo Xing never placed his trust in them to begin with.

After Luo Xing left, Bai Yan and Ye Shangyu filled out their form one after another.

Although Luo Xing’s call briefly mentioned the president, the president was not necessarily unable to teleport.

So, the two people didn’t delay and used their fastest writing speed to finish the final details of the ghost story, returning to the real world.

The real world.

Bai Yan browsed through the posts in the forum while simultaneously pondering over what Ye Shangyu had told him in the game.

During the game, he had to concentrate on escaping the ghosts, so he didn’t have the time to seriously reflect on it. But, since he had finally returned from the game’s world, he now had more time to think about Ye Shangyu’s meaning.

In any case, he was done flipping through the posts in the forum and had speedily read through the new posts. He truly wasn’t worried.

After thinking about it for two more days, Bai Yan faced a suspicious-looking post in the forum, finally completely understanding what Ye Shangyu wanted to convey, his mood becoming unstable.

Ye Shangyu said that the game’s last world already had no hope.

At that time, he asked Ye Shangyu, and she answered that the last game world’s end would ultimately become a doomsday type of situation.

In an apocalyptic world, aside from asylum, ghosts would wander all around. Humanity was unable to survive outside.

Yet, even with a small number of safe spaces, eventually, the ghosts would assimilate until every living being in the whole world would be slaughtered and completely lose their lives.

Additionally, Ye Shangyu also wanted a particular promise.

Reviving a person needed to be paid by a disastrous cost. That price, could it be that the resurrected person would turn into a ghost?

But, when analyzing Ye Shangyu’s words, a resurrected person ought to have some form of self-awareness.

Concerning the president being a human and turning into a ghost, Bai Yan felt that it was possible that the resurrected person still be a human for a specific time, but after some time had passed, he would become like the president. A human turned ghost, completely losing his humanity.

“It’s the same. Anyway, after I revive him, I’ll kill him myself. Turning or not turning into a ghost would have nothing to do with me… Wait… Being resurrected itself could instill terror onto the person, so should I still stab him or not?”

Originally, Bai Yan prepared to revive Wang Ze, intending to make him happy at first, and during his happiest moment, he’d use a knife to stab him to death. He would then take pleasure in Wang Ze’s stunned expression moments before his death, enjoying the show and letting him know that he had never changed.

However, the resurrected Wang Ze would finally turn into a ghost, a source of terror and despair. If this happened, a death from being stabbed with a knife was unavoidably a waste. Letting him live would instead bring himself happiness for a longer period.

Thinking of Wang Ze knowing what real suffering and misery were, Bai Yan couldn’t help feel sheer excitement from head to toe, trembling from the stimulating feeling. His excessively pale face also subsequently showed a flush of color.

‘Didn’t you like devoting yourself to others, even if it were at your expense?’

‘Well, soon you would be this world’s most wretched villain. You being alive would send this world pain and despair. If that were the case, would you rather die?’

‘Would you choose to commit suicide?’

‘Unfortunately for you, you can’t die. If you did die, catastrophe would quickly befall others.’

‘Your parents, your friends, your loved ones would all be destroyed once this happens. They’ll die of terror all because of you still existing.’

‘You shouldn’t be alive, yet you can’t die.’

‘All of this loss and misfortune was all because of you.’

‘When the time comes, what kind of expression will you show me?’

‘It’s making me feel excited…’

Bai Yan’s smile became wider and wider as his smile was brimming with heartfelt joy.

But amid his grinning, he suddenly stopped, recalling the regret Ye Shangyu spoke of.

What would he regret?

The only price was that Wang Ze would cut ties with him. Since this type of matter couldn’t be reported to the police, maybe Wang Ze would strangle him with his bare hands, but that was nothing compared to his greatest pleasure taking place.

Furthermore, Wang Ze would truly start murdering people, which would make him even more delighted.

By then, he might as well stick his neck out and stand there motionlessly, allowing Wang Ze to grab him by the neck.

Rather than destroying his physical body, he’d just rip his beliefs into shreds, which could help him restrain his emotions for a long time.

After planning out what would happen to Wang Ze’s life, Bai Yan laid on the bed, perfectly content as he closed his eyes.

Thinking of you, Wang Ze, even if it was just for today could send him laughing in his dreams.

Bai Yan would surely have sweet dreams tonight.

However, in reality, he still hadn’t entered dreamland up until it was the wee hours in the morning.

An indescribable fidgety feeling didn’t let him fall asleep. He only opened his eyes and stared at the dark ceiling above. He was tired, but he couldn’t d*mn sleep.

Strange unhappiness crawled into Bai Yan’s body, even eliminating the pleasure from making plans about Wang Ze.

This kind of fidgety feeling was something Bai Yan knew well. Most of the time he had spent in his life was feeling like this.

After entering the app, the excitement, as well as the pain and suffering he saw inside the game, left him satisfied. It had been a long time since he had his unique urges, but right now, this feeling was coming again.

Bai Yan’s hand felt a slight itch. He also wanted to go outside a little, intending to go to the shopping district and find a person to exact misery on personally, a certain misery that could be featured in legal programs.

However, just like countless times before, when he was feeling like this, he automatically went and opened his computer, picking up a legal show, feeling bored as he sat through it more.

Just watching and only watching, he couldn’t help but do a facepalm and laugh maniacally underneath. It wasn’t because the show was entertaining but because he suddenly thought of Wang Ze. This deceased soul was already dead but still so irritating.

Was it because he put his picture up in his room to amuse himself every day?

Should he throw away the picture right now?

Bai Yan continued to watch the TV program, bored out of his mind. More and more cases of bankrupt families and deceased people emerged, and murderers also found original ways to kill someone, causing more and more tragedies.

However, as he separated his eyes from the screen, he felt that he couldn’t sense the real sorrows of the victims. This inferior and tasteless substitute meal could only deceive his elementary student self.

Thinking of this, Bai Yan’s mood immediately turned sour.

He couldn’t help but recall his younger years. He had enthusiastically sent numerous students that didn’t want to attend school to the doctor, letting them not attend school for almost half the year. But of course, they still didn’t know that he was the kind-hearted person that made it happen.

If that kind of development continued, he would have been fast-tracked to the road of crimes and breaking the law. After that, life would have been more exciting and not as boring as it was right now, living a suffocating him for more than twenty years.

Unfortunately, before he could send even more classmates to the hospital to miss school, he was exposed and was forced to become friends with Wang Ze. Wang Ze then forcefully took him to his house and pressed him to watch legal programs.

Yes, whenever he thought of doing that, he was forced to watch these until he repeatedly said that he didn’t want to do it anymore.

Recalling those unbearable days, wherein he could be unexpectedly deceived by those pieces of garbage, was a nightmare.

If he hadn’t been unable to beat him… If he hadn’t hated being under the sun and hadn’t lacked exercise at that time…

Bai Yan tsked and released a sigh, deeply feeling that this world still valued the force brought about by words.


T/N: Okay, wow I didn’t expect Luo Xing to just abandon the NPC! Also, can we just appreciate how win-win Bai Yan’s plan is? XD


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