Heir of Aurelian

Chapter 43 The Death of Flavius Stilicho

Olympius stood in a room with Honorius. The two of them were engaged in a discussion about how to proceed. The mutiny in Ticinum had forced the Emperor’s hand. Stilicho had to be removed from power. Honorius was completely unaware that the architect of his regent’s downfall was the same man he was discussing the issue with. Olympius spoke words of venom as he delivered the final blow to Flavius Stilicho.

“Your Majesty, we have received reports that Stilicho has been funding the manufacture of arms and armor for Marcellus’ limitanei. It is an absurdly large amount of supplies for such a small frontier force. I believe he intends to use Marcellus and his soldiers to raise a rebellion. If you do not act quickly, then your position will be usurped.”

Honorius could hardly believe Olympius’ words. However, it appeared that Stilicho truly was a traitor seeking to usurp his position and that of his nephew’s. After all, the letter in Honorius’ hand was from his sister-in-law pleading with him to take action. With so many forces in motion, Honorius had no choice. With a heavy sigh, the emperor uttered the words that condemned Stilicho to his fate.

“Henceforth, Flavius Stilicho is deprived of his position as Magister Militum, and is to be arrested! This conspiracy ends now! Olympius, I hereby name you the new Magister Militum. Your first task is to round up the men who are loyal to Stilicho and execute them!”

With a wicked grin on his face, Olympius bowed his head before accepting the position.

“Yes, your majesty!”.

After saying that, the man departed from the Palace in Ravenna and began to round up and execute all the men who were loyal to Flavius Stilicho. There would be no mercy for the former Supreme Commander and all his forces.

Stilicho resided within his villa in the city of Ravenna. News had spread to him about the orders for his arrest, and that of his men. By now, most of his followers had been slain. Before he surrendered himself to the whims of the foolish emperor Honorius, he had one last thing to do. Stilicho frantically wrote down a letter to be delivered to Castra Regina, its contents were known only to him. After placing his seal on the envelope, he handed it off to a messenger in the dead of night, giving him strict instructions.

“You ride for Castra Regina, and you personally deliver that letter to Titus Claudius Marcellus, and no one else. Do you understand me? Do not stop until Marcellus has received this letter!”

The messenger nodded his head in silence. He was one of the last men still loyal to Stilicho, who had not been arrested and executed. Tears streamed down the young man’s eyes as he pleaded with Stilicho to flee for his life.

“Sir! Come with me! It is not too late for you and your family to escape this madness!”

A bitter expression was fixed across Stilicho’s haggard face. He simply shook his head in disagreement before placing a hand on the young man’s shoulders.

“Constantine raises his army in the west, and in the east Alaric eyes Rome with a heart of greed. I will not rebel against Honorius and further divide the empire into Chaos. My fate is sealed… Go now! Marcellus can protect you!”

Upon hearing this, the messenger mounted his horse and snapped the reins before leaving his parting words with Stilicho.

“It has been an honor to serve you. May we meet again in the afterlife!”

After saying this, the man rode off into the dark of night towards Marcellus’ stronghold. Not long after, Olympius appeared before Stilicho with a retinue of soldiers. The snake-like man had a fiendish smile curved upon his lips. He boasted of his victory as he took the man who had been holding the empire together into custody.

“Under the orders of the Emperor Honorius, I am here to arrest you for the crimes of treason. Flavius Stilicho, come quietly, and I promise you a quick death!”

Stilicho sighed as he gazed up towards the moon one last time before offering himself into Olympius’ custody. His wife and children screamed as they tried to resist, however they were eventually captured as well. Olympius bit his lower lip in displeasure as he saw Stilicho surrender without a fight. He wanted to torture the man a little before taking his life. Unfortunately, that was not the case. He spat on the ground before dragging Stilicho and his family off towards the Palace.

After arriving at the Palace, Stilicho kneeled before Honorius, who eyed the man who had raised him with a hint of disdain in his eyes. The petty emperor cursed the man who had always protected him while spitting the same venomous words that Olympius had poisoned his mind with.

“Did you honestly think that I would not find out about your schemes? You have betrayed me, Stilicho, and now you must pay the price for your treasonous actions. Don’t you worry, I will make sure that Marcellus is reunited with you soon enough!”

It was at this moment Stilicho broke out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. He had accepted his fate, but he would make sure his last words rang throughout Honorius’ mind until his final days.

“Honorius, you are a fool. You have allowed this serpent to poison your mind against the one man who has always had your best interests in heart. But it is no matter, though I will not divide the Empire into further chaos by rebelling against your madness. That does not mean that he will be so docile.

He always told me you were an idiot. He assured me you would one day be responsible for the death of the Empire, and until now, I never believed him. Sure, you’re an incompetent fool, but you always had me to look after you. You can take my life. It does not matter. I am already an old man at the end of my days.

However, by the time your armies reach Castra Regina, the man that you seek will be long gone. I die knowing that you will have to live the rest of your miserable existence in fear that at any given time, that man can raise a rebellion against you. Without me, you will have no way of defeating him. Your days are numbered, Honorius, so enjoy your petty life while you still have it!”

Stilicho’s last words dumbfounded Honorius. He knew the old man was referring to Marcellus, and the very idea that bastard had such a view of him drove the foolish emperor mad with rage. He could not hold back his fury any longer and immediately ordered Stilicho’s execution.

“Off with his head!”

The executioner kicked Stilicho over onto his knees while raising his axe in the air. The last look on the old man’s face was a smug expression while his eyes challenged the authority of the emperor. Stilicho died, knowing that Marcellus would avenge him.

With the swing of an axe, the former Supreme Commander of Western Rome was beheaded. However, his death did not please Honorius. Instead, the look on the man’s face when he died only acted as fuel to the fire in the foolish emperor’s heart. Honorius did not hesitate. He quickly gave the order to his new Supreme Commander, one that would forever change the fate of Rome.

“Find Marcellus, and bring me his head!”

Olympius had a cruel smirk on his face as he bowed before the Emperor and responded in affirmation of his orders.

“As you command, my emperor.”

In the year 408 AD, Flavius Stilicho was executed after being wrongly accused of treason. With his death, the Western Roman Empire now lacked a capable commander to keep its many enemies at bay. Soon, the Italian Peninsula would find itself in turmoil.

When Marcellus finally leaned what had occurred in the capital, he would be left with two paths in life. Flee to the east and live out the rest of his days in peace and luxury. Or take up the sword of rebellion and avenge the death of his godfather.


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