Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1804: Heart of Sumeru World

Chapter 1804: Heart of Sumeru World

Translator: Midasthefloof

Tens of thousands of immortal buddhas and immortal emperors tore into each other within the golden Sumeru Passage.

Apotheosis immortal techniques and Mystiques flew to and fro, answered by majestic buddha techniques and Mystiques.

In every moment, immortal buddhas and emperors fell, dead and gone forever!

With each buddha world or apotheosis realm destroyed, all of the mortal life within perished as well.

Just like that, the various realms guarded by an immortal buddha or emperor faded away into the dark memories of time.

Wu Yu took this all in, all the while hating himself for being too powerless to stop it.

He could only stick with Guanyin Pusa and Patriarch Bodhi as they sped through the Sumeru Passage. It was not possible for them to stop the war. Perhaps they could save one or two, but it would not affect the overall outcome.

They had to sever the Sumeru Passage!

If they could just find the crux of this Sumeru Passage, perhaps there were more immortal buddhas and emperors to be saved.

Previously, Xuanzang had been ready and waiting for them when they entered Sumeru World.

But passing through the Sumeru Passage instead - surely Xuanzang would not be expecting it?

Even if he waited in Sumeru World, his concentration should be on the fight.

The carnage continued, a mad slaughter as apotheosis immortal energy and immortal buddha energy clashed and zinged.

Of Xuanzang, there was no sight. He was probably watching from the shadows.

Sumeru Passage was chaotic, and the three managed to get past with no one noticing them.

The immortal buddhas and immortal emperors were too busy killing each other.

Since the immortal emperors had no memories of their foes, killing them was the natural course of action.

When invaded, fight back and kill the invaders! Repel them!

They threw themselves into the fight with desperate and wild abandon. Forced to the brink of death, some even chose to ignite their apotheosis realms, destroying the immortal buddhas ahead of them and their immortal emperor comrades behind them alike.

The casualties continued to mount, but virtually all of the immortal buddhas and immortal emperors continued to fight with no regard for their lives. There were so many of them that the battle would probably continue for quite a while.

Many corpses littered the path as Wu Yu and the others continued to press forward, picking their way past shattered buddha worlds, immortal buddha and immortal emperor corpses, void chasms, and other signs of destruction.

Some of the lifeless bodies were still being hit by stray attacks, and they decayed further into powder. Wu Yu had never felt more helpless or furious.

It had to be stopped!

Even if these immortal buddhas and immortal emperors were all mindless, violent puppets, they should not be slaughtering each other.

After all, within their buddha worlds and apotheosis realms, there were countless mortals, bodhis, and immortals all cultivating. They were completely innocent.

"Come with me. I know where the heart of the Sumeru World lies."

The three of them stepped out of the Sumeru Passage into Sumeru World.

Guanyin Pusa led the way. She too was stricken by the horrors of the war. After all, she dedicated her life to goodness and the elevation of all life. To see so many immortal buddhas and immortal emperors killing each other spurred her on to want to put an end to it all.

The best way was to find the heart of the Sumeru World and shut it down!

Once Sumeru World was destroyed, then all the Sumeru Passages would break down.

Xuanzang would be unable to join the two immortal domains, and his plans would be foiled.

They maintained their original body sizes as they continued to push on. Soon, they saw a golden planet in front of them.

This golden planet seemed huge, but was actually just a tiny speck, amplified by the contrary laws of Sumeru World.

This speck was the heart of Sumeru World.

If it could just be destroyed, Sumeru World would collapse!

"Quick, before Xuanzang comes. We'll be in trouble then!"

Guanyin Pusa said urgently, immediately preparing to attack.

Wu Yu and Patriarch Bodhi followed suit.

They knew how urgent the situation was. The slightest delay might cost them total victory.

They had to destroy the core before Xuanzang found them!

"Violent Art, Pillar of the Skies!"

Wu Yu started to channel all of his immortal buddha energy and apotheosis immortal energy into the Ruyi Jingu Bang, fortifying it.

The two different but complementary powers fused together as one, and Wu Yu brought his strongest attack possible down on the golden planet!

At the same time, Guanyin Pusa and Patriarch Bodhi also attacked the core with their white immortal buddha energy and apotheosis immortal energy.

However, their attacks combined had no effect on the yellow planet!

They were still far from strong enough to destroy it.

However, the disturbance was enough to alert Xuanzang.

As they redoubled their attacks, Xuanzang appeared in midair. Behind him were the nine golden buddha worlds!

As they descended down, each had a melancholic expression on its face. Together, they sent waves of powerful energy that nullified the attacks of the three.

"Stop that."

Xuanzang's voice came through the void.

His youthful monk immortal buddha trueform flew out from the center of the nine golden buddha worlds, his palms pressed together.


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