Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1726: Buddhas Shout

Chapter 1726: Buddha's Shout

Seeing Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha so desperate, Wu Yu could tell how important the divine sarira was to him.

Wu Yu was done with his questions, and was just thinking of going to pursue other clues. Now that a divine sarira had appeared, he decided to go take a look.

Therefore, he said to Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha: "Go on then."

And he released Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha.

Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha was a little wary at first, but seeing that Wu Yu had no intention of throwing hands, he hurried away towards the source of the black light.

Of course, Wu Yu would not follow too close behind.

Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha was under the assumption that divine sarira were useless to Wu Yu and the others.

What he did not know was that Wu Yu was fascinated by it. After all, they were a key component to his understanding of the goings-on in Heavenly Buddha’s Domain.

As Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha flew over in a mania, Wu Yu led the others behind stealthily.

He followed behind Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha, and could see the buddha world speeding ahead of him. Before long, they had reached a black vortex.

It was filled with black light that streamed from the center of the vortex.

It had an enormous gravitational pull, a black hole that revolved around a black celestial object that would appear - the divine sarira.

Wu Yu stopped a good distance away. He saw that Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha also hovered around nearby, not daring to approach the black vortex.

Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha had already said that when a divine sarira appeared, this huge black vortex would appear alongside. All that was sucked into the black vortex would be turned to dust, never to be seen again.

Therefore, Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha did not dare to get close. All he could do was wait uncomfortably for the divine sarira to appear.

He was first here, but the disturbance would soon draw other immortal buddhas. At that time, he would have to fight hard, but given how badly injured he was, he might not be able to put up much of a fight.

Even so, he chose to stay and try his luck.

Divine sarira were too important to pass up on. Even if it was dangerous, he would not be willing to just let the chance go.

Before the divine sarira appeared, no one dared to near the void. Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha waited at one side, as if waiting for a ripe chance.

The black vortex continued to pulsate, and Wu Yu had to spend some energy to resist it so that he would not be sucked towards it.

It was a dangerous place. Anyone below the immortal emperor or immortal buddha level would be doomed if they were sucked into the black vortex.

Therefore, Luo Pin, Full Moon of Nanshan, and Ye Xixi could only remain in the Floating Dreams Pagoda and watch.

As the black vortex spread further and further, other immortal buddhas began to show up. First among them was Nanwu Virtuous Buddha, who Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha had fought bitterly against!

Like Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha, Nanwu Virtuous Buddha had also been badly injured. But now he faced Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha without an ounce of fear.

Before, there had been nothing to gain but their lives, and so they had retreated.

But now the divine sarira was right there. For it, they would fight till the death!

In order to get the divine sarira for himself, Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha again fought Nanwu Virtuous Buddha. Their ferocious powers thundered and boomed near the black vortex.

Majestic buddha techniques and Mystiques flew back and forth, and their black buddha worlds were again called to use.

Their huge bodies grappled and wrestled with each other, under the influence of the powerful gravitation pull.

Buddha palm attacks flew, crashing against their gigantic black buddha worlds with enough power to shatter it.

Especially Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha. He had been further wounded by Wu Yu, and was in even worse condition than Nanwu Virtuous Buddha. He was soon in a woeful state.

His huge black buddha world had been completely beaten up, and still he was unwilling to run.

If this continued, he would already die to Nanwu Virtuous Buddha even before the divine sarira appeared.

And so he turned to flee, taking his black buddha far away from the black vortex.

Seeing this, Nanwu Virtuous Buddha did not chase him.

He lingered near the black vortex, awaiting the appearance of the divine sarira. It was more important than killing Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha.

But he did not expect that Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha would shout: "A divine sarira has appeared! Don’t let Nanwu Virtuous Buddha have it to himself! Come and take it, fellow immortal buddhas!"

His voice rang out, laced with a majestic buddha technique: Buddha’s Shout!

His voice carried far across the space, and all the immortal buddhas in the area would swarm this place.

Since he could not have it, he would not let Nanwu Virtuous Buddha have it either.

If not for Nanwu Virtuous Buddha, would he be in such a bad state? Beaten by the little immortal emperors and questioned?

Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha vented it all on Nanwu Virtuous Buddha.

As his voice rang out across the void, all the immortal buddhas in the area definitely heard it.

Nanwu Virtuous Buddha was boiling with anger. His buddha world was already very fragile, more than 80 percent of it broken in the fights against Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha.

Now that the yell would draw other immortal buddhas here, it was likely he would not be able to fend them off.

Still, he did not leave, waiting anxiously by the black vortex.

He was gambling, gambling that the divine sarira would show itself before anyone else arrived, and it would still be his.

As for Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha, he ignored him. Divine sarira first, and hunt him down later.

But before long, a huge black buddha world appeared!

This black buddha world had two gigantic bushy eyebrows. It seemed to completely eclipse Nanwu Virtuous Buddha.

"Longbrowed Arhat Immortal Buddha!"

Fear showed on Nanwu Virtuous Buddha’s’ face. Evidently this new immortal buddha was powerful enough to intimidate him.

Longbrowed Arhat Immortal Buddha appeared, with two enormous eyebrows that were like steel whips. They were also completely black, and swung with great force.

In the next instant, the two steel-whip-like eyebrows had lashed the heavily injured Nanwu Virtuous Buddha down!

Nanwu Virtuous Buddha had the fright of his lift, and hollered "Oh Great One of the Eighteen Arhats, please forgive me for the sake of Buddha Above All, Xuanzang!"

Hearing this shout, it seemed like this Longbrowed Arhat Immortal Buddha was one of the Eighteen Arhats under the great Xuanzang.

Wu Yu saw that the Longbrowed Arhat Immortal Buddha was at the fifth tier Supreme Immortal Buddha Realm, and much stronger than Nanwu Virtuous Buddha.

He was equivalent to the Dhrtarastra in the Heavenly Domain.

It seemed like these Eighteen Arhats held eminent status in the Heavenly Buddha’s Domain, and ordinary immortal buddhas would bow and bend before them.

Nanwu Virtuous Buddha immediately fell to his knees pleading when he saw Longbrowed Arhat Immortal Buddha.

Longbrowed Arhat Immortal Buddha ignored him with cold indifference. His cruel eyes showed no sign that he had heard Nanwu Virtuous Buddha’s pleas for mercy.

His steel-whip eyebrows twisted, and lashed out at Nanwu Virtuous Buddha’s buddha world with ferocious strength.

In a split second, Nanwu Virtuous Buddha’s immortal buddha trueform and black buddha world were both smashed to bits. An immortal buddha, dead just like that!

Longbrowed Arhat Immortal Buddha had only appeared for a moment, and Nanwu Virtuous Buddha was already dead and gone. Not even his corpse was left, his black buddha world smashed into rubble. He was definitely worse off than Nanwu Treasured Moon Buddha now.

Wu Yu was slack-jawed at this scene.

The immortal buddhas truly killed without remorse here in Heavenly Buddha’s Domain. Even this Longbrowed Arhat Immortal Buddha.

In the sky palaces, those as highly placed as the Dhrtarastra would have access to a wealth of resources. Unless someone crossed him, he would seldom actively attack other immortal emperors.

Before Wu Yu had become an immortal emperor, the Dhrtarastra had wanted to take him down.

But as he rose to immortal emperor realm and also became Patriarch Bodhi’s disciple, the Dhrtarastra had basically lost interest in him, knowing that he would be hard to deal with.

If it had been in the Heavenly Buddha’s Domain, Wu Yu would have been dead already!

Longbrowed Arhat Immortal Buddha had crushed Nanwu Virtuous Buddha to death with his two eyebrows. Without bothering to straighten them out, he sent them whipping straight at the black vortex, wanting to take the divine sarira away before it was fully formed and leave before the other immortal buddhas arrived.


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