Heavenly Saga

Chapter 52: Water Seishin Class

Chapter 52: Water Seishin Class

"You owned a seishin beast!? And it is a dragon!?" asked Godwin with a shocked face.

"Yeah. But unfortunately, he can't accompany me here so I left him in the castle in the care of my master. Even Belle has one of her own. Her seishin dragon is named Azari." said Kraftvoll.

"You're so lucky! I want one as well. But even when I use my father's connections, It is still hard for me to get a seishin beast of my own." said Godwin with a jealous face.

These kids hanged out at the cafeteria until it was time for Kraftvoll and the others to go to the water seishin class. They mostly talked about the seishin dragons of Kraftvoll and Belle, Ouryuu, and Azari.

And like that, the time passed by very quickly and it was finally time for Kraftvoll and the other's next element seishin class.

"Oh. The time for the next seishin class is near. We had to go." said Kraftvoll

"Water seishin class is next, right? Isn't that one of your class, Princess Gloriel?" asked Princess Kyomi to the dwarven princess. She nodded in response to the human princess.

"Let's go together, Princess Gloriel!" said Belle.

"Mm-hmm," said Princess Gloriel as she nodded to Belle.

Only Kraftvoll, Princess Gloriel, Belle, and Prince Aragorn have an affinity to the Water element among them so they were the only ones who went to the classroom together.

They arrived at the classroom before even the teacher arrived. A few minutes had passed and their subject teacher finally came.

The elemental teacher assigned to the Water Seishin class of the 210th class was their own homeroom teacher.

Teacher Kyleen entered the room and started talking, "Since all of you already knew who I am, I will no longer introduce myself. Let's get right to the business, right away."

"I'm sure that all of the previous elemental teachers taught you information about the element's characteristics and qualities. That's how we're gonna start as well."

"Water is a chaotic element. Like the element of fire, Water is unpredictable and it constantly changing its movement. But there is a big difference between these two chaotic elements. Fire constantly brings destruction. Anywhere fire goes, devastation happens. In contrast to that, water was not just used in destructions, it can also be used in healing."

"Water represents life itself. It can be used as both as tools for helping others and destroying them at the same time like a double-edged sword."

A human girl from Kraftvoll's water seishin class raised her hand, "Does the water element has the highest healing power among all the elements?"

"Unfortunately, it is not the most powerful healing power because the light element has the highest healing power among all seishin elements, the water element is only second in terms of healing properties." Teacher Kyleen replied.

Teacher Kyleen continued discussing the characteristics and uses of the water element. She finished discussing this in the first hour of the class and she discussed the pioneers of the water seishin cultivation in the latter hour.

The students of this class did not find Teacher Kyleen's class boring at all. She discussed it briefly and more understandable to the kids at Kraftvoll's age.

"Tomorrow, we're gonna start learning about the basics of the water seishin cultivation. Okay, class dismissed," said Teacher Kyleen before exiting the room.

"Teacher Kyleen's way of teaching is so impressive. She did not bore me at all. I was so focused listening to her the whole time." said Kraftvoll.

"So basically, you're saying that Teacher Glonir is boring?" said Belle while giggling a little.

"That's not what I was saying at all. It's just that Teacher Kyleen's brief and understandable lecture is great," explained Kraftvoll.

"Oh? So teacher Glonir's lecture did not bore you at all," Belle teasingly asked Kraftvoll.

"Yeah.." replied Kraftvoll in a low tone.

Everyone who knew Kraftvoll laughed after hearing the two conversed.

"I don't have class anymore so I will retire to my room. Princess Gloriel, you also don't have any classes, right? Let's go together." said Belle.


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