Heavenly Saga

Chapter 306: Kraftvoll's Disastrous Fate

Chapter 306: Kraftvoll's Disastrous Fate

Shock began to show at the face of Kraftvoll's current enemy as he saw Kraftvoll's ominous silhouette upon the shadow of the clouds of dust.

"Is that!?" he could only utter upon seeing the spectacles in front of him.

A moment later, Kraftvoll suddenly emerged from the spectacles with an ominous aura of six different colors.

"What is that shit!? His aura became different from before!" muttered the enemy.

All of a sudden, Kraftvoll made a sudden move that his enemy was unable to respond to. Before he knew it, Kraftvoll was holding his neck without him being able to do a thing.


Kraftvoll's previous bloodthirsty eyes turned into something even more ominous. A moment later, he said, "YoU MeRee MoRtAlL!!! DAarRE tO OfFenD ThIs DeiTy!!??"

At the next moment, all of the inner seishin essences of the current enemy's reservoir. After sucking all of the inner seishin essences of his opponent, Kraftvoll threw the white husk corpse of the opponent that did that to his beloved.

As soon as he saw the bloody scene of his girlfriend, Kraftvoll lost it so instead of going to her side. He began slaughtering soldiers from the enemy's side and the side of his comrades without a moment of hesitation.

Meanwhile, Regimental Commander Kyleen immediately went toward Belle's side as soon as the enemy attacked Kraftvoll. She used the highest healing seishin spell that she knew because of the severeness of her situation.

"What is happening to First Brother?" Godwin could not help but ask the others as he watched Kraftvoll's bloody slaughter of enemies and comrades alike.

"It seemed like First Brother lost it when he saw Belle earlier. We must stop him or he would kill all of the people here including us!" said the elven prince in response.

With that, Princess Kyomi and the other soldiers of the Golden Unit looked among each other and they nodded upon realizing what each of them was thinking. A moment later, all of them shouted at the same time.




Despite their shout, they were unable to reach Kraftvoll. Instead of stopping, Kraftvoll continued to slaughter comrades and enemies by absorbing their inner seishin essences.

Prince Aragorn and the others could not help but be helpless about the situation. Godwin said, "We can't reach him! Do we only wait for Belle for a greater chance heal to stop First Brother?"

"I think so too. Hopefully, he will not attack us as well before Belle woke up!" said the elven prince in response.


Meanwhile, both sides of the war were in great disarray as Kraftvoll began to mercilessly slaughter them all. 




One by one, casualties began to pile up because Kraftvoll began to be more powerful as he absorbed every seishin practitioner that he set his eyes on.

'I must go report this to the higher-ups! Probably, that forbidden seishin technique is our only hope now! If we don't kill that ominous being, not only the army in the Krieg Verwustet would fall, even the whole Dark Alliance might be a victim to the biggest genocide in history!!!' one of the spies of the opposing army thought to himself as he ran toward their camp.

"Regimental Commander, when do you think you can heal Belle?" asked Princess Kyomi to their regimental commander.

"All of the wounds that she sustained can only be healed in my fullest capabilities! I estimate that I would be able to finish healing her for about half an hour! Please, hold any possible threat or she would lose her life even if I stopped for a moment!"

"Understood!" said Princess Kyomi in response.

"You heard the regimental commander, everyone. Let's get into the Turtle formation at once!" commanded Prince Aragorn in the next moments.


Fortunately, they were not attacked by any enemy because of Kraftvoll's slaughter. All of the soldiers of both sides were running away from him because of mindless slaughter. He did not show any interest in Prince Aragorn and the others so they stayed safe the whole time.

"I just finished healing Belle! It's just a matter of time before she wake! Do any of you have the Seishin Bank which Belle and Kraftvoll had designed?" asked Regimental Commander Kyleen after healing Belle.

Prince Aragorn handed one to the ninth regimental commander which she immediately used without wasting any seconds.

"What's happening?" asked Belle, who just woke up.

"Kraftvoll lost it when he saw you getting stabbed! Now, he has been slaying foes and comrades alike without showing any remorse! We tried to stop him but he was not responding. That's why we waited for you to be healed to help Kraftvoll!" said Princess Kyomi in response.

"WHAT!? WHERE IS HE!??" asked Kraftvoll's girlfriend.

Prince Aragorn and the others decided to point out Kraftvoll's direction upon hearing her question.


Before she could even finish saying her call to his boyfriend, she was unable to continue because six seishin practitioners belong to the second to the highest rank of the seishin cultivation world that suddenly appeared.

All of them came from the Dark Alliance upon hearing the report of one of their spies. They formed a huge circle around Kraftvoll as they landed.

Before Kraftvoll could even do a thing to them, they shouted in unison, "APTITUDE ANNIHILATOR!!!"

Upon hearing those words, Regimental Commander Kyleen's eyes suddenly opened very wide. She muttered at the next moment, "IS THAT THE FORBIDDEN SEISHIN TECHNIQUE-!?"

A moment after shouting those words, six different-colored lines went toward Kraftvoll at the center. The colors of the lines are red, green, blue, brown, light, and black which were the representation of the six existing elements in the Nidriege Welt Continent.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY FORBIDDEN SEISHIN TECHNIQUE, REGIMENTAL COMMANDER!?" shouted Belle upon seeing Kraftvoll's situation.

"All of those seishin practitioners with Higher Seishin Overlord cultivation were trying to... destroy Kraftvoll's aptitude to the six elements!"

That's when Belle's mind suddenly went blank. Without hesitating, she immediately went toward Kraftvoll's side. Unfortunately, she was stopped by Regimental Commander Kyleen.

She said to her, "We can't do anything! Once they began invoking that seishin technique, they can't be stopped because they are sacrificing their whole seishin cultivation! Also, if you ever try to go to his side, your aptitude will be destroyed as well! How will you protect him if he became powerless!"

Upon hearing her regimental commander, Belle could only do is to cry thinking about his boyfriend's future. She doesn't fear losing her power but she realized that losing it would render her useless if Kraftvoll ever needed protection.

The forbidden technique of Aptitude Anihillator was continued to be conjured without anyone interfering. No one dared to because the consequence is very dire.

Slowly, Kraftvoll's body began to shine with six different colors that are very blinding to the people watching. In the middle of invoking the technique, all of the lights slowly faded until it became nothing.

"IT'S DONE!!! GRAB KRAFTVOLL, NOW!!!" shouted Regimental Commander Kyleen.

Before they could even reach Kraftvoll, a bolt of lightning hit his unconscious body.


As soon as the lightning was gone, Belle and the others ran toward Kraftvoll's location. They were shocked beyond belief because they did not see him where he was previously.

Belle began to cry upon realizing the situation. 

"Kraftvoll, where are you? I thought we are going to reach the top together? You promised me, right? KRAFTVVOOOLLLLL!!!"

~~~~END of Volume 3: The Seventh Interracial War~~~~

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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