Heavenly Saga

Chapter 289: We Have A Situation!

Chapter 289: We Have A Situation!

"Good morning, captain!" whispered Belle to the sleeping Kraftvoll.

With that whisper of his girlfriend, Kraftvoll slowly opened his eyes. Upon seeing Belle standing beside his bed, Kraftvoll could not help but smile.

"You don't have to call me Captain when we are alone, love. You can call me that way you always used to do," said Kraftvoll as soon as he woke up.

In response to her boyfriend, Belle just showed a bright smile without saying any words to his boyfriend. 

Seeing the response of his girlfriend, Kraftvoll sighed a little and he said to him with a wonderful smile on his face, "Okay, okay. You can stop acting cute now. I will start preparing, then. Wait for me for a bit."

Belle came out of Kraftvoll's room after he said those words. After a few minutes of morning preparation, Kraftvoll came out of his room wearing his uniform as a captain of the Golden Unit.

"Let's go, captain!" said Belle as soon as Kraftvoll came out of his room.

With that, the two went to their comrades while holding hands as they walked.

"Goodmorning, Empyrean Emperor and Queen!" their classmates teasingly greeted them. 

Kraftvoll and Belle did not mind their teasing, instead, the two of them just blushed after looking at each other.

When they reached the dining room of their class's occupation, they saw Prince Aragorn and the others talking among themselves. "Good morning, everyone!" greeted Kraftvoll as soon as they arrived.

"You just woke up, First Brother? Fortunately, we still don't have any mission to do so we can rest easy for now," said Godwin in a carefree voice.

Kraftvoll showed a smile and he said to him, "Don't jinx it. Usually, when you say something, we ended up being in the opposite."

A moment after saying those words, a loud reached Kraftvoll and the others saying, "GET READY! WE HAVE A SITUATION! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! ALL SOLDIERS MUST PREPARE FOR COMBAT AS SOON AS YOU CAN!"

"You really jinxed it!" said the elven prince to Godwin upon hearing the announcement.

The carefree expression of Kraftvoll and the others suddenly turned very serious. Even Godwin who was always refuting the elven prince's comment did not do such a thing. That's how serious the situation.

After picking up their seishin device and seishin armors, Kraftvoll and the others immediately rushed toward their Regimental Commander to receive her command.


Upon seeing her, all of them saluted in front of them while they shouted, "The Golden Unit is here to report for duty, ma'am! We await your command."

"Good, all of you are here. All of you are going to be by my side in the battle. Just follow my lead, okay?" said Regimental Commander Kyleen to Kraftvoll and the others. With that command of their regimental commander, Kraftvoll and the others immediately followed their rushing superior officer.

"We are going to meet the 9th Regimental Battalion right now!

After running for a few moments, Kraftvoll and the others were able to reach where all of the soldiers of the 9th regimental battalion were assembled. In the formation, all of the current students that belonged to the current seventh grade up to the tenth grade were all included. 

Among them, there are some alumni that came when the academy raised its banner declaring that it would lend its strength to the Holy Alliance.

Regimental Commander Kyleen walked beside Kraftvoll and the others on the stage to make her announcement to all of the people under her.

Upon seeing Kraftvoll and the others beside the regimental commander, alumni smile as they observed Kraftvoll and the others.

'Those juniors of us really reached new heights!'

'I really called it! After seeing their performance in the events of the school from the past, I knew this day would come. They even became the golden squad of this regimental battalion.'

All of the alumni that belonged to the ninth could not help but be in awe of the accomplishments of their juniors. Almost all of the alumni that belong to this battalion were juniors of the Heavenly Emperor of the Verrater Academy.

They were able to see the early years of Kraftvoll and the others so they were in awe at the moment.

After a few moments, the regimental began on her speech to the ninth battalion. She said to them as loud as she could, "We are going to go to battle right now! I'm sure that there are some of you that managed to experience a life-and-death battle situation but war is different. Even so, all of you must not lose hope! Try to survive this battle as much as you can! For the glory of the Holy Alliance!"

"For the glory of the Holy Alliance!" they chanted back.

A moment later, Regimental Commander Kyleen chanted, "For the glory of the Verrater Academy!"

"For the glory of the Verrater Academy!"

"For the glory of the Holy Alliance!"

"For the glory of the Verrater Academy!"

"For the glory of the Holy Alliance!" 

While they were chanting those words, all of the soldiers in the ninth regimental battalion immediately went to their position. 

Meanwhile, Kraftvoll and the others from the Golden Unit were following their regimental commander. Since he was not briefed about the situation, Kraftvoll could not help but wonder about the situation. 

After gaining the courage to ask, Kraftvoll inquired to Regimental Commander Kyleen, "Ma'am, why is there a sudden attack? Is this related to that matter?"

"You're sharp, captain. Yes, it is most likely about that matter. Fortunately, I was able to send all of the documents through the commander's secret soldier before they arrived. We don't have any people that know to decipher those words so I sent them there."

"I see. Those documents that we found probably were all to them. From what I heard from the others, this base of ours was never attacked by anyone from the moment they arrived," said Kraftvoll to his superior officer.

"Well, let us not worry about that matter. Here's your command, soldiers from the golden unit!"


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