Heavenly Saga

Chapter 271: Result Of Training In The Floating Sanctuary

Chapter 271: Result Of Training In The Floating Sanctuary

"Oh, great being! Do you have any loyal servants stronger than this one?" asked Kraftvoll after he managed to defeat the Dominion in just a few moves.

A moment later, Kraftvoll was able to hear another voice of The Valkyrie which said to him, "What confidence, young one. I know this will happen so I already sent the weakest of my loyal servants from the highest order."

After hearing this, Kraftvoll showed a confident smile on his face while he was thinking, 'So she was going to send a Throne, right? The first time I faced some Thrones was when I lost miserably half a year ago! We will see how I will fare against one of them!'

With that in his mind, Kraftvoll decided to start his initial battle preparation. At the top of his lungs, Kraftvoll shouted as loud as he can, "Gale Survey"

At the next moment, an immense amount of Kraftvoll's inner seishin essences came out of his body. A moment later, those inner seishin essences of Kraftvoll began merging with his head.

In the end, Kraftvoll's senses became one with the air of his surroundings. 'Oh, it's coming! It seems like there are another two Dominions beside it as well. I better summon some helpers then.'

Without a moment of hesitation, Kraftvoll began chanting before his prey could come to his location. Before he began chanting, Kraftvoll decided to activate two of his seishin aura at the same time.

A moment after that, he chanted as loud as he can, "Oh ye minuscule portion of the world, let the wind control you to follow thy master's will, call upon the sinister of the weak, Sand Golem!"

An immense amount of brown seishin essences and green seishin essences began gathering around him as he was chanting that seishin spell of his. Midway through his chant, those seishin essences began turning into their respective seishin spell one by one.

In the end, all of these elemental particles converge together forming a sand golem that would follow its summoner's every whims and command.

After summoning his sand golem, a devious smile was suddenly seen on his face at the next moment. He was thinking to himself, 'I can try to summon THAT elemental familiar that Teacher Zorn had shown us before when we started our seventh year in Verrater Academy!'

After Kraftvoll made up his mind, he decided to activate his red seishin aura. It was a seishin aura that was a lot powerful than the ones he was using previously. It was comparable to the seishin aura that he used when he conjured the Steel Overlay seishin spell.

At the next moment, he shouted, "Ye who is considered as the characterization of passion and desire, I solicit thine great power, I demand the presences of the being who serves as the messengers of the spirits, Nine-tailed Fox!"

Suddenly, a colossal amount of red seishin essences from his surroundings began accumulating around him as he was chanting every word of his chant.

In the middle of uttering his chant, those red seishin essences that were converging to the area around him commenced their transfiguration into slivers of fire one by one.

At the end of his chant, the colossal amount of slivers of fire that Kraftvoll had managed to conjure merged into a shape of a beast with nine-tails. "I am at your command, oh great summoner!" the nine-tails said to Kraftvoll the moment it was summoned by the latter.

Elemental familiars, which were summoned using a seishin spell at the Seishin Royalty rank, were beings that possess a certain intelligence. Elemental familiars summoned using seishin spells below that rank were just an empty puppet without thinking of its own.

"I managed to summon the Nine-tails Fox that Teacher Zorn had shown to us! Well, we have some prey to hunt. As soon as the two of you lay your eyes on them, attack them with all the powers that you got!" said Kraftvoll with a confident smile on his face.

After hearing Kraftvoll's command, the two elemental familiars that he summoned stayed on hold until they managed to set their sight to their target. The first one to make a move among Kraftvoll and his summonsed familiar were the Nine-tails Fox.

Without a moment of hesitation, the Nine-tails Fox attacked the first seishin beast that it was able to see. As it charged toward that seishin beast, the Nine-tails fox suddenly breath a heavenly fire which is considered the next level of the normal one.

When Kraftvoll realized the target of the Nine-tails Fox, he shouted at the top of his lungs, "That's my prey!"

After hearing Kraftvoll's words, the Nine-tails Fox suddenly stopped its charge at a moment's notice. "Forgive me, great summoner! I already launched my heavenly flame toward that beast so I'm afraid but that beast is already done for."

Kraftvoll showed a hint of a smile toward the Nine-tails Fox that summoned after hearing its response to him. "You underestimate a level ten seishin beast. Even I can just defeat something at that level using my full power. Each of you must take one of the seishin beasts beside it. As soon as you finished, help me fight this."

"As you command, my liege," said the Nine-tail fox after it heard its master command.

After a few moments, the heavenly fire that the Nine-tails Fox had launched toward the Thrones began to dissipate after it caused an explosion.

When the fire completely dissipated, the Thrones that Kraftvoll's fox familiar wanted to hit was covered with a sphere made up of light particles. Suddenly, the Throne canceled its spherical shield and it decided to use its light seishin essences to form a weapon of its own.

After seeing this, a devious smile was seen on Kraftvoll's face at the next moment. He thought to himself while looking like that, 'Let us see to what extent does the purity of my light seishin essences improved in the past half a year.'

While the Thrones was forming something out of its light seishin essences, Kraftvoll decided to create a weapon of his own to fight against the level ten seishin beast. Before Kraftvoll began chanting, he decided to envelope himself with a white seishin aura to empower the seishin spell he was going to conjure.

At the next moment, Kraftvoll began chanting which he said, "As the delineation of the purity and innocence that this world depicts, I only have a humble behest to thee, give thy caster the weapon of judgment, Heaven's Halberd!"

Upon the beginning of Kraftvoll's chant, a colossal amount of white seishin essences from the surroundings began gathering around Kraftvoll.

When all of those managed to reach a certain distance from Kraftvoll, the brilliance of each of these light seishin essences became even more brilliant because their purity was improved due to Kraftvoll's control.

At the same time, both of Kraftvoll's summoned familiar decided to charge toward the incoming pair of Dominions the moment they laid their eyes toward them.

Midway through his chant, those white seishin essences with top-notch purity began turning into particles of lights that was incomparable to the ones that Kraftvoll was able to conjure.

The light particles that Kraftvoll conjured were at the same level compared to the light particles conjured by seishin practitioners with the rank of Seishin Royalty. After all, Kraftvoll was able to be enlightened by the holy beast where the light element originated for the past six months.

At the end of his chant, Kraftvoll was able to build a halberd that was bigger than norma which is made up of light particles. At the same time, the Thrones was able to create its own weapon as well using its light seishin essences from its beast core.

The incoming Thrones was equipped with spears which it held using each of its hands. Kraftvoll and the level ten seishin beast was still far from each other when both of them finished creating their own elemental weapons so Kraftvoll used this perfect chance to attack the incoming Thrones.

Before attacking, Kraftvoll shouted at the top of his lungs, "Sky Soar!" 

Suddenly, Kraftvoll's inner seishin essences came out of his body at the next moment. After a moment later, those inner seishin essences of Kraftvoll turned into particles of wind that formed into a translucent body of air that lifted Kraftvoll a moment later.

When Kraftvoll was floating in the sky after using his Sky Soar seishin spell, he decided to use the special use of his Heaven's Halberd seishin spell's special skills to assault the Thrones.

"Take these flying halberds!" Kraftvoll shouted as he shoots some halberds from the original Heaven's Halberd seishin spell toward the incoming Thrones.

Since it doesn't have any protective skills to protect itself, the Thrones decided to used the two spears which were held by each of its hand to deflect the incoming halberds made up of light particles.

As Kraftvoll continually do these tactics to distract the Thrones, he was suddenly enveloped by two different kinds of seishin aura.


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