Heavenly Saga

Chapter 262: What Really Happened

Chapter 262: What Really Happened

"You don't have to find him. I already did," said King Arthur while Princess Kyomi and the others were panting very hard due to the overwhelming pressure he exudes toward them.

Despite what she just felt earlier, Belle dashed toward the king of Walkiria. After reaching him, she said, "What do you mean, you already did, Your Majesty? Why is he not here!? Did something happened to him!?"

Since King Arthur knew the special relationship between her and his only student, Kraftvoll, King Arthur decided to answer her without batting an eye.

He said in response to the young lady's inquiry, "All of you don't have to worry about him. He's alive but he will not return to your side for a while. He will be back in no time which is why I was angered earlier when Kyomi questioned me earlier."

"Forgive me for my impertinence, father." Princess Kyomi could only say to his father, The King, after hearing his side.

"It's okay, my princess. Anyway, all of you better leave this area! Kraftvoll and these two seishin beasts of his encountered an Angel Squad led by a Seraphim in this area. That's why the same thing might happen to all of you. He will be back at Verrater Academy in no time so all of you can be rest assured," said King Arthur before he vanished out of nowhere.

After the king left the area, all the other students who were put at the overwhelming force of the king of Walkiria Kingdome came to the side of the two who talked to him.

"I told you all that First Brother will not kick the bucket that easily!" said Godwin, with a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah..." Belle could only say in response to Godwin's remark with some tears in her eyes.

"We better go now. If we encountered the Angel Squad that the King had told us, it would be our end so we better hurry up," said Adele who was beside the elven prince.

After they managed to loot the seishin beast core of the Dominion, they froze its body as fast as they can. As soon as they were done, Princess Kyomi and her comrades decided to go back as the King commanded them to do.

As they flew toward the Verrater Academy, Belle was in deep thought as she was gazing toward the horizon.

'Please return safely to us, my love.' she thought to herself as she and the others became further and further away from the Valkyrie Forest.

Meanwhile, at the center of the Central Valkyrie Forest, King Arthur just landed beside Kraftvoll, who was also looking beyond the horizon.

As soon as his master arrived at his side, Kraftvoll smiled at him and he said, "Thank you for sending them off, master. I don't know how long do I have to stay here to finish THAT but I'll return as soon as possible to rest assured that I will return to your side in the future."

"Well, the only thing that I could do for you is to wish you good fortune. I want to visit you here as much as I can but I can't because of the situation in Krieg Verwustet. I'll go now. Farewell, for now, my beloved student," said the human king before he dashed toward the direction of Feuersturm Castle.

After saying his farewell to his master, King Arthur, Kraftvoll turned back and he said, "I'm ready to do THAT~!"


To understand the situation, we're going to go back to the day Kraftvoll lost his consciousness. After using all of the inner seishin essences in his seishin reservoir, Kraftvoll lost his consciousness slowly as all of the great seishin spells that he launched went against the terrifying seishin beasts.

As expected, the Seraphim just used a bit of its might to divert all of the great seishin spells to the ground which resulted in the scenery that Princess Kyomi and the other representatives of the 210th had seen on the very next day.

Instead of attacking or doing any harm to the unconscious Kraftvoll, the seishin beasts, that was led by a Seraphim, brought Kraftvoll to another place.

Kraftvoll was unconscious until before midnight when he woke up at the very top of a mountain.

"Where am I!? When did I reach the top of the mountain!?" Kraftvoll could only ask after waking up in an unknown place.

"Be still, young one. You are at the very top of my mountain," said the voice behind Kraftvoll.

The voice exudes a great majestic voice which is like a piece of music to the ears of the listener. Kraftvoll became very curious as to who the voice came from so he took a glance as soon as he possibly can.

To his surprise, it was outside his wildest dream so his eyes were wide opened as he uttered the words, "Yo-you're t-th-The Valkyrie!?"

Behind Kraftvoll was the exalted one of the angel race, the progenitor of all the seishin beasts from the angel race, The Valkyrie.

The Valkyrie is a being triple the height of the tallest humans. Unlike the Seraphims and the other high-level seishin beasts from the Angel race, The Valkyrie only had one pair of majestic wings on its back. 

At the same time, The Valkyrie's body was cladded with an exalted armor made up of pure light seishin essences.

In comparison to all of the seishin beasts from the angel race, who had the purest form of the light seishin essences, the light seishin essences of The Valkyrie stood at the very top of them in terms of quality.

"There's no need to be afraid of me, young one. I told my loyal creations to bring you here but I was not clear on my command so you had to go through all of that," said The Valkyrie after seeing Kraftvoll's reaction after seeing her.

"What!? So everything that I've done is for naught? Well, that's for the better. I still have something to do, after all," said Kraftvoll in response to The Valkyrie's words.

"Just a piece of advice, young one. Don't let your eyes be clouded because of your hunger for revenge. The aftermath of revenge is just an empty void," said The Valkyrie to Kraftvoll after it looked toward Kraftvoll's inner emotion.

Due to his stubbornness in this regard, Kraftvoll chose to ignore the advice that came from The Valkyrie itself. Instead, he changed the subject by asking, "Why did you bring me here at your abode, Oh great one?"

The Valkyrie noticed the thing that Kraftvoll did but she chose to not pursue the matter anymore so she just answered Kraftvoll at the next moment without bringing the matter up.

"When I saw you fighting with your loyal seishin beast partners against the descendants of my creations, I decided to order my loyal servant to bring you here. I do not plan to punish you or anything because I have something to impart to you," said The Valkyrie in response to Kraftvoll's inquiry.

After hearing The Valkyrie, Kraftvoll couldn't help but be shocked by what he had heard.

In their light seishin classes, back when they were in the first grade, they were taught that The Valkyrie was indeed able to impart something to the mortals whenever they wanted to do it. Although that was the case, it was still an exceedingly rare occurrence in the world in the world of seishin cultivation.

"You're going to impart something to me, Oh Great One? Without asking what it is that you want to impart to me, I would be greatly honored to receive your grace!" said Kraftvoll in response to The Valkyrie's words to him.

After hearing Kraftvoll's positive response to her words, the gigantic The Valkyrie looked up in the sky with an expression that was very different than before. It was an expression of great grief.

After Kraftvoll saw the expression of The Valkyrie, he did not even try to ask about anything about it. He doesn't want The Valkyrie to be mad at him, after all. Instead, he decided to ask her more questions while feigning ignorance of what he was seeing at that time.

"Why did you pick me, Oh Great One? Many seishin practitioners are stronger than me on the other whole level. In comparison to them, I am only a puny insect in their sights despite my talent. So why me?" asked Kraftvoll.

"Don't sell yourself short, young one. Among all the children of all the races that I saw in the millennium of my life, you are the most promising one that I saw. You just need to hide for another decade or two and you will be able to grasp the world in your palms," said The Valkyrie.

Despite the answer of The Valkyrie, the question that Kraftvoll had asked was not answered by The Valkyrie's response. In return, Kraftvoll decided to stare intensely at The Valkyrie until she spoke to him.

"Well, it's no use hiding this to you. It started when all of the gods who ascended betrayed the great creator god..."


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