Heavenly Saga

Chapter 253: Not Yet Over!

Chapter 253: Not Yet Over!

After he and his companions managed to hunt an Angel Squad, Kraftvoll decided to do the post-hunting procedure. He commanded to his seishin beast partners and summoned familiar, "Put your prey here beside the Principality. I am going to free these three so that we can bury them later on."

After hearing Kraftvoll's command, Kraftvoll's three companions followed him without any form of objection. After they did what Kraftvoll wanted them to do, Kraftvoll shouted, "Serpent Wave!"

Suddenly some of Kraftvoll's inner seishin essences came out of his body. A moment later, those inner seishin essences of Kraftvoll suddenly turned into vapors of water at the same time.

At the next moment, those vapors of water condensed together forming a wave in the shape of a serpent that Kraftvoll launched toward the carcasses of the Angel Squad that they managed to hunt earlier.

After freezing those seishin beasts, Kraftvoll commanded to his San Golem, "Dig to that ground. We're going to bury them temporarily."

Without a moment of hesitation, the Sand Gole dug the ground that Kraftvoll pointed it out to dig. As his summoned familiar was digging the ground, Kraftvoll decided to chant another seishin spell.

He chanted, "As the exemplar of the power of the spirit in sustaining life, I adjure thee, help me feel the essences of the world with your great power, Gale Survey!"

An immense amount of green seishin essences in Kraftvoll's surroundings began gathering around him as he utters each word of his chant.

At the end of his chant, Kraftvoll's senses were able to become one with the air in his surroundings.

'Shit! This is bad! I must do something or else we will be at disadvantage!' Kraftvoll thought to himself after he conjured that seishin spell.

"Sand Golem, stop what you are doing right now. All of you, be on your guard. Another Angel Squad is coming on our way and it's a lot stronger than the previous one." Kraftvoll said to his companions.

A moment later, Kraftvoll suddenly activated two different seishin aura to empower himself. A moment later, he chanted, "Oh ye minuscule portion of the world, let the wind control you to follow thy master's will, call upon the sinister of the weak, Sand Golem!"

Suddenly, Kraftvoll was able to gather an immense amount of brown seishin essences and green seishin essences that transformed into their own respective elements in the middle of his chant.

After the conclusion of his chant, Kraftvoll was able to summon another Sand Golem waiting to follow all of his whims and demand.

"Get ready! They're already here!" shouted Kraftvoll after summoning another Sand Golem.

Suddenly, five seishin beasts from the angel race came into their sight. Without a moment of hesitation, Kraftvoll shouted, "Copper Guardian!"

AT the next moment, a bug amount of Kraftvoll's inner seishin essences was suddenly ejected from Kraftvoll's body. A second later, those inner seishin essences transformed into particles of copper that cover Kraftvoll and his two seishin beast partners.

He did not use his Copper Guardian seishin spell toward his two Sand Golem because unlike his two seishin beast partners, the lives of these two summoned familiars are expendable.

Kraftvoll did not want to risk the life of his seishin beast partners so he went to this length to protect them.

'That's a freaking Powers! A level seven seishin beast! The weakest among the Middle Order of the Angel race but a lot stronger in comparison to the Principalities which are considered as the strongest in the Lower Order!' Kraftvoll thought to himself after seeing the Angel Squad that they were going to face.

The Angel Squad that appeared in front of Kraftvoll and his companions is composed of five seishin beasts from the angel race.

Upon seeing Kraftvoll and his companions, all of the members of the Angel Squad, with the Powers leading them, began creating their own light attributed weapons before they engaged toward Kraftvoll and his companions.

When he saw this move of the seishin beasts, Kraftvoll shouted to his companions, "I'll take that Powers! While you Ouryuu and Angela finish the principalities beside it while the Sand Golems will handle the other Archangels beside them! Ouryuu, finish your battle as soon as you can and help Angela! Angela, hold that Principality as hard as you can!"

After giving his command, Kraftvoll began chanting again while the seishin beasts that they were going to take were creating their own weapon. Before chanting, Kraftvoll decided to activate two of his seishin aura to make his seishin spell strong.

A moment later, Kraftvoll chanted, "Ye who portray the true meaning of cold, let thy liege's adversaries feel the numbing part of you, let the tempest of your coldness freeze everyone in my way, Raging Snowstorm!"

An immense amount of blue seishin essences and green seishin essences gathering around Kraftvoll when he started conjuring this seishin spell. In the middle of Kraftvoll's chant, the seishin beasts from the angel race felt the great danger coming on their way so they charged toward its caster, Kraftvoll.

At the end of his chant, Kraftvoll was able to create a disastrous snowstorm that he launched toward the charging seishin beasts with various weapons in their hands. 

As soon as the ANgel Squad saw Kraftvoll's Raging Snowstorm seishin spell coming at them, the two Principalities stopped at their track and they immediately condensed some light particles on their hands.

After they reached a certain concentration of particles of light, the two Principalities who stopped immediately launched it toward the Raging Snowstorm seishin spell. 

When those concentrated balls of light reached the great seishin spell that was conjured by Kraftvoll, those balls of light suddenly caused a great explosion that completely disintegrated the Raging Snowstorm seishin spell.

'FUCK! Those Principalities are really not a joke! Especially that Powers! It seemed like I am going all out now after traveling for hours in the Central Valkyrie Forest.' Kraftvoll thought to himself after his Raging Snowstorm seishin spell turned into nothingness.

"CHARGE!" Kraftvoll shouted as he ran toward the Angel Squad using his Binary Inferno Blade seishin spell.

The moment they heard their master, Ouryuu and the others charged along with Kraftvoll toward the Angel Squad. Angela used the light seishin essences within her to create a great sword to fight against one of the Principalities.

As soon as they reached each other, Kraftvoll and his companions clashed with the seishin beast from the Angel Race.

Kraftvoll was faced with the Powers which is a level seven seishin beasts from the angel race. He used his Binary Inferno Blade seishin spell to clash with the longsword made up of light particles used by the Powers.

The Powers flew to the sky after a minute of the clash with Kraftvoll. Fortunately, Kraftvoll's Sky SOar seishin spell was still in effect so he used this seishin spell to lift himself in the air to fight more with the seishin beast that he encountered.

In the middle of their clash, the Powers suddenly fired a beam of lights from its eyes which Kraftvoll dodged at the last moment.

Due to his nice reflexes, Kraftvoll was only scarped by it on the upper part of his shoulder. After the Powers made that move, Kraftvoll decided to counterattack by insta-casting a seishin spell.

He shouted at the top of his lungs, "Explosion!"

Suddenly, an immense amount of Kraftvoll's inner seishin essences came out of his body the moment he shouted those words. At the next moment, those inner seishin essences transformed into slivers of fire at the same time.

A second later, those slivers of fire merged into a concentrated ball of fire which Kraftvoll launched toward the Powers without a moment of hesitation.

Although it was at the spurs of the moment, the Powers turned the long sword in its hand in the form of a shield. It used the shield against the destruction caused by the Explosion seishin spell.

When the Powers was in a defensive position, Kraftvoll decided to insta-cast another seishin spell in the middle of the air. He shouted again, "Ice Spear Torrent!"

As soon as he uttered those words, another immense amount of Kraftvoll's inner seishin essences came out of his body. At the next moment, those inner seishin essences that came out of Kraftvoll's body suddenly transmuted into vapors of water.

In the end, Kraftvoll was able to conjure numerous spears made up of ice which he launched toward the Powers that was in a defensive position.

Although its instinct made the level seven seishin beast feel the danger falling to itself, it was still defending against the Explosion seishin spell that Kraftvoll conjured earlier. That's why it was impaled by some of the spears in the Ice Spear Torrent seishin spell.

When two out of four wings of the Powers were impaled, it immediately fell on the ground after losing its balance in the air. Kraftvoll was about to finish his hunt when he noticed something.



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