Heavenly Saga

Chapter 250: A Journey To The Central Valkyrie Forest

Chapter 250: A Journey To The Central Valkyrie Forest

Four years had passed ever since Kraftvoll was granted by the name of Empyrean Monarch. After the Ice Queen left the school, only Kraftvoll became the sole seishin practitioner with the cultivation of Seishin Sage which means that he became the strongest student of the Verrater Academy when he was a fourth-grader.

As of the 217th year of the Verrater Academy, the 210th class became the dominating class in the Empyrean Monarch's lead. All of the representatives of the 210th class became known as well in the whole Verrater Academy. 

After dominating the yearly tournament, Kraftvoll decided to go on a journey by himself to the Central part of Valkyrie Forest to train by himself at the command of his master, King Arthur.

Kraftvoll did not object to his master's command at all because he wanted to experience it as well. After getting the approval of the academy, Kraftvoll decided to bring both Angela and Ouryuu with him to let them feel a real-life battle.

Nowadays, Kraftvoll was now a seventeen years old young man. Currently, he had a height of 180cm which is a little higher than that of the average youth of his age. Now, Kraftvoll had long hair that can be compared to that of a girl's.

Angela, Kraftvoll's Archangel seishin beast partner, was as tall as an average human being now. Unlike before, the four wings at her back were a lot more prominent now that all of it was before.

Meanwhile, Kraftvoll's first seishin beast partner, Ouryuu, had a height of twice that of a human's. That's why Kraftvoll and Angela rode on his back on their way to the Central Valkyrie Forest.

With Ouryuu's great speed, they were able to reach the outer part of the Central Valkyrie Forest before the night came. When they landed, the sun was almost at the horizon so Kraftvoll decided to rest after long hours of travel.

"Let's camp here. Ouryuu, you must be tired from all of that flying earlier so you must rest. Angela, guard me and Ouryuu as I set up my tent," said Kraftvoll after landing he looked around the surroundings.

After hearing Kraftvoll's command, Ouryuu rested on a comfortable place for him while Angela flew above the sky to be on the lookout as Kraftvoll commanded her to. A moment later, Kraftvoll started setting up their camp so that he would be able to prepare for the night they were going to spend.

After setting up the camp, Kraftvoll gave his command to Ouryuu saying, "Ouryuu, hunt a seishin beast that the three of us can eat together. Don't use any flame because you might burn it. Use only your flame if your life is in danger, okay?"

After hearing Kraftvoll, Ouryuu nodded to his master and he immediately went on his way to fulfill Kraftvoll's instruction to him. Above the sky, Angela looked at Kraftvoll with eyes that want what Kraftvoll had ordered to Ouryuu.

When Kraftvoll realized this, he smiled a little and he shouted to her, "You will be the one to hunt next time. Kepp guarding me because I have a lot to prepare here."

When Angela heard Kraftvoll, her eyes suddenly sparkled because she eagerly wanted to do it as well. A moment later, Angela's expression became even more serious about what was assigned to him by Kraftvoll.

Time passed by very quickly. When Kraftvoll finished setting up a camp, Ouryuu came down with prey on his teeth. He was able to hunt a level one deer seishin beast.

Due to the influence of its seishin core, it was bigger than a normal deer so it was enough for Kraftvoll and his two seishin beast partners. 

When the night came, Kraftvoll and his two seishin beast partners ate the deer that Ouryuu had hunted after Kraftvoll cooked it. When it was time to sleep, the three changed shifts in night watch to ensure their safety in the night.


The birds began singing as the sun rose through the horizon. Kraftvoll was awakened by the natural alarms that nature had given him. As soon as he came out, he saw Angela who was assigned to guard them from dawn until the sun rose in the sky.

"Good morning, Angela! Thank you for guarding us. Hunt some food for us to eat. I'll just pack away our camp so that we'll go on our way to explore the forest!" said Kraftvoll with a wonderful smile on his face.

Angela happily accepted Kraftvoll's command. She was very excited about this all this time so she immediately flew away to search for prey. After a few moments, Ouryuu woke up from his sleep a the side of the camp. 

He immediately went toward Kraftvoll's side to greet his master with some non-verbal cues. 

"Good morning to you as well, Ouryuu! Guard our camp while I am packing things up. We'll go on our way after we eat, after all." said Kraftvoll to his first seishin beast.

Without any resistance, Ouryuu followed its master command. After a few dozens of minutes, Angela arrived with two medium-sized boars which she lifted using some light particles that she created.

"Wow! We're going to have a feast before going!" said Kraftvoll after seeing Angela's preys.

After packing everything except for the cooking set, Kraftvoll decided to cook what Angela had brought for them in the morning. After they ate their breakfast happily, Kraftvoll decided to go to the deeper parts of the mountain.


Since they were still at the outer part of the Central Valkyrie Forest, Kraftvoll and his companions only managed to encounter a seishin beast at a level lower than that of a level four. 

'When are we going to come across a strong seishin beast? It's really starting to get boring after those hours of walking. All those level three and below were all scared of us. Maybe a level four will have some guts to face us.' Kraftvoll thought to himself with a very dissatisfied face.

A moment later, Kraftvoll decided to chant a seishin spell so a green seishin aura suddenly enveloped his body.

At the next moment, he shouted, "As the exemplar of the power of the spirit in sustaining life, I adjure thee, help me feel the essences of the world with your great power, Gale Survey!"

When he started chanting, the green seishin essences in his surrounding began gathering around him. Midway through her chant, those green seishin essences that he was able to gather began merging with his mind one by one.

At the end of his chant, Kraftvoll's senses became one with the air in his surroundings. After using that seishin spell, Kraftvoll showed a hint of a smile on his face.

A moment later, he said to his two seishin beast partners, "You can take your time following. You don't have to interfere if I didn't finish the fight yet after the two of you arrived."

After saying those words, Kraftvoll immediately dashed northeast of him. At the moment when he started running, he shouted, "Gale Protection!"

Kraftvoll's inner seishin essences came out of his body the moment he shouted those words, A moment later, those inner seishin essences suddenly turned into particles of the wind which enveloped Kraftvoll's body at the end.

With the boost in the speed of the Gale Protection seishin spell, Kraftvoll's charge became even faster than it was before. Due to that, he was able to reach his destination for a short period of time.

'I really managed to find a Greater Angel! And it is nearly at the level of a level five seishin beast. It's time for a warmup, I guess.'

After thinking those thoughts, Kraftvoll shouted at the top of his lung saying, "Ice Spear Torrent!"

Suddenly, a huge amount of his inner seishin essences came out of his body as soon as he shouted these words. A moment later, those inner seishin essences turned into vapors of water that formed into numerous spears that froze after forming.

At the next moment, Kraftvoll lunged these numerous spears toward the Greater Angel that he managed to find without a moment of hesitation. Due to its great lineage, the Greater Angel managed to sense the danger that was about to fall unto itself so it evades as hard as it can.

After all of the spears stopped their movement, the Greater Angel was also lying on the ground after it was impaled with numerous spears made up of ice.

Although it was a level four seishin beast, it was still attacked with a seishin spell that had a great speed. Its instinct was only able to harm itself at the last moment which is not enough for a seishin at that level to react to.

'Tch! I thought I will be able to have fun after all of those hours of walking. It seemed like a level four seishin beast is too weak for a sneak attack like that. I better search for a prey stronger than it is, then.'


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