Heavenly Saga

Chapter 246: Let's Track Her Now!

Chapter 246: Let's Track Her Now!

After securing his hiding spot, Kraftvoll entered deep meditation without a worry in his mind. Unlike before, Kraftvoll has two Seishin General-ranked shadow familiars that were guarding him so he smoothly replenishes his inner seishin essences.

Kraftvoll was in deep meditation until he heard the announcement of the master of the ceremonies.

A voice was heard at the end of the competition saying, "The last batch had entered the fray! The 30 minutes countdown will start now! Collect as many plate numbers as you can! All those who survive will be able to redeem your Verrater points so good luck, students!"

Upon hearing the announcement, Kraftvoll thought to himself, 'It's time! I already managed to replenish at almost full capacity. I search for her now and win!'

With that in his mind, Kraftvoll stood up without any hesitation in his mind. A moment later, he decided to cancel his Fortified Great Wall seishin spell to make a way for his exit to the cave after his long deep meditation.

'How do I search for her?' Kraftvoll thought to himself as he was exiting the cave along with his shadow familiars.

Upon reaching the outside, Kraftvoll suddenly thought, 'I can cast that seishin spell that master and the Heavenly Emperor used on different occasions!'

After a long sigh, Kraftvoll was suddenly surrounded by a green seishin aura. A moment later, he chanted, "As the exemplar of the power of the spirit in sustaining life, I adjure thee, let thy conjurer feel the ambiance of your power, Sky Soar!"

The moment Kraftvoll started chanting the green seishin aura from the surrounding began gathering around him to an immense degree. Amidst saying his chant, those green seishin essences that he accumulated started transforming into particles of wind one by one.

At the end of his chant, all of the particles of wind that Kraftvoll was able to gather began merging until it formed a translucent form of wind. All of those translucent winds enveloped Kraftvoll's body and he was lifted by it.

'Wow! I can really fly! It's a good thing that master showed me this seishin spell once when he brought Ouryuu to the academy back then when our seishin beast shelter was built.' Kraftvoll thought to himself as he floats into the air. 

A moment later, Kraftvoll decided to chant another seishin spell while he was in the air. He chanted, "As the symbol of the mysteries of the world, I instruct thee, envelop me by your gloominess, Shadow Cloak!"

Suddenly, an immense amount of black seishin essences from the environment began gathering around the Kraftvoll as he chants the Shadow Cloak seishin spell while he was floating through the air. 

At the end of his chant, Kraftvoll was able to envelop himself with a shadow that made him concealed from the naked night in the darkness of the night.

'It's time to search for her! Before that-!' Kraftvoll thought to himself. A moment later, he glanced toward his two shadow familiars that were standing on the ground.

He shouted to them, "Search through the mountain for students that are hiding or searching for prey. Use your brute strength to defeat them without killing them and bring me their plate numbers."

Kraftvoll showed the two shadow familiar the plate numbers he wanted them to get. A moment later, the two shadow familiars that Kraftvoll had immediately charge toward two different directions as their master commanded them to. 

'Let's start the search now!' Kraftvoll thought to himself.

A second later, Kraftvoll controlled the translucent wind that he conjured earlier to soar to the sky above him. Among all the students of Verrater Academy, only he, the Ice Queen, and a selected few knew how to do this kind of feat.

Using the Sky Soar seishin spell, Kraftvoll decided to explore the sky in search of the one that he wanted to be the final opponent for the night. To Kraftvoll's surprise, there was a voice that shouted below, "Raging Wind Edge!"

"Crap!" Kraftvoll could only say as he saw numerous wind blades coming on his way.

Without any hesitation, Kraftvoll shouted midair, "Copper Guard!"

Suddenly a huge portion of his inner seishin essences came out of him the moment he shouted those words while he was soaring in the sky. Before the wind blade even hit him, Kraftvoll was able to form an armor made up of copper while he was in midair.

A moment later, Kraftvoll decided to brace as the Raging Wind Edge seishin spell hit him one after another. In the end, he was able to come out of it unscathed. 

'I must ready myself for a fight! Someone that managed to detect my presence is not an ordinary seishin practitioner!' Kraftvoll thought to himself as he was searching for the source of the attack. 

While he was searching, Kraftvoll suddenly showed a big smile on his face. "So it's you! I will finally have my last rematch with you!" said Kraftvoll as two different seishin aura began gathering around him.

A moment later, he chanted, "Ye who depicts how hatred melts one's stability, I order thee, shower the world of thy master's enemies, Meteor Shower!"

An immense amount of brown seishin essences and red seishin essences began gathering around Kraftvoll as he started chanting his seishin spell. 

The reason for Kraftvoll to go all out was because of the person that attacked him. When he gazed toward the source of the attack, he saw the Ice Queen gazing and smiling at him.

After seeing the brown seishin essences and red seishin essences that were gathering around Kraftvoll, the Ice Queen decided to conjure a seishin spell at the same level to counter Kraftvoll's.

A green and blue seishin aura enveloped Elanor's body before she started chanting her seishin spell.

A moment later, she chanted, "Ye who portray the true meaning of cold, let thy liege's adversaries feel the numbing part of you, Let the tempest of your coldness freeze everyone in my way, Raging Snowstorm!"

An immense amount of green and blue seishin essences began to gather around the Ice Queen as she utters the words of her chant. In the end, he was able to conjure a seishin spell that created raging storms of snow.

After releasing the Raging Snowstorm toward Kraftvoll, Elanor decided to conjure another seishin spell without wasting any more time at her disposal.

Suddenly, a green seishin aura and a brown seishin aura enveloped her body before she started chanting. A moment later, the Ice Queen chanted, "Oh ye minuscule portion of the world, let the wind control you to follow thy master's will, call upon the sinister of the weak, Sand Golem!"

An immense amount of brown seishin essences and green seishin essences suddenly started gathering around the Ice Queen when she started chanting the Sand Golem seishin spell. In the middle of her chant, the seishin essences that he was able to gather began turning into their respective elements.

All of the particles of the earth, sand, did not merge. While all the particles of air merge into something. The wind that was formed from the air particles controlled the sand making it move as the caster commanded it to.

Elanor was able to complete conjuring this seishin spell even before the Meteor Shower seishin spell and the Raging Snowstorn seishin spell were able to cancel each other.

After the collision of those two great seishin spells, smokes enveloped the area as a result of the evaporation of the snow by the heat of the lava from the Meteor Shower seishin spell. 

To remove the smoke, Kraftvoll shouted, "Nature's Eminent Push!"

Suddenly, a huge portion of his inner seishin essences came out of his body after he shouted those words. A moment later, those inner seishin essences of his transformed into particles of winds that merge a second later.

Upon the great power of the Nature's Eminent Push, all of the smoke created from the collision of the two great seishin spell went away. The moment that happened, the Ice Queen shouted, "Attack that part of the sky!"

While she was shouting those words to her Sand Golem, she was pointing her finger to the area where Kraftvoll was flying in the sky.

Without a moment of hesitation, the Sang Golem followed its master's command. It launched one of his hands toward the area that its master pointed out for it to attacked.

'She can really see me or rather feel me! She managed to summon an elemental familiar at that short period of time!? Well, I have my Copper Guardian seishin spell so I'll just brace myself from the attack of that golem!' Kraftvoll thought to himself after he saw the attack of the golem.

When the punch of the Sand Golem managed to hit its target, Kraftvoll was able to brace himself so he did not sustain any serious damage with the help of the defensive capabilities of his Copper Guardian seishin spell.


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