Heavenly Locust Emperor

Chapter 55: The Pocket Gourd

Chapter 55: The Pocket Gourd

In the main world, in the water pool of the Baiyu Underground Palace, two figures leaped out...

As soon as Cao Cuo's flame-making skill was used, the heat was billowing, and the water vapor on Er's body was evaporated.

"Huh! There are too many... Those big spiders really scared me to death..."

Lu Yunfei collapsed on the ground, weeping gratefully:

"Thank you, Master, for saving your life..."

He thought he was doomed, but he never thought that he could escape. At this moment, he was extremely grateful to the leader in front of him, and his loyalty skyrocketed...


Cao Cuo took back the earth escape talisman first, and there was another crack on the armor plate, and there was only one last chance to use the treasure talisman.

"You don't need to be too polite. After all, you are also a disciple of my Stone Sect, but the secret in this pool is very important. You are not allowed to tell anyone, including Lu Qian."

"Yes, Master, Yunfei promises to keep his mouth shut."

Lu Yunfei also knew that the secret of the silver light band in the pool was beyond the reach of the Shimeng Shijiao or even the entire Shiling City, and there might be another massacre of the city.

"Master, will those big spiders find out the secret of the pool and come to our side?"

Lu Yunfei looked worried, he was terrified of these grimacing spiders now, if they ran over, no one could stop them, and the whole Shiling City would suffer.

"Not for the time being. Ghostface spiders are afraid of water and won't go deep into the pool. Besides, after so many years, isn't there no trace of ghostface spiders in the White Jade Palace?"

Having said that, Cao Cuo is also worried that the spider king in the pill-forming cocoon may one day discover the secret of the water pool and come to the main world.

At that time, the entire Shiling may have something unbearable to say...

Lu Yunfei let go of his heart a little bit, the thoughts and thoughts of the young mind are not so far-reaching.

"Rest first, we'll talk tomorrow if we have something to say..."

Cao Cuo sat cross-legged directly by the pool, waiting for the green locust to return safely...


a day later.

A silver band of light drifted past, and a spider with a dull-eyed grimacing face appeared in the pool, and slowly crawled out of the pool, motionless...

Cao Cuo said to himself:

"Fortune is where misfortune depends... In the end, death and injury cannot be avoided..."

This grimace spider is no longer the original two, but the one that was re-controlled by the green locust when there was a commotion in the nest.

At this time, there are only 32 green locusts in its belly.

Cao Cuo was very heartbroken: This time, the casualties of the green locust were a bit heavy.

The 28 green locusts and the two grimacing spiders were all killed in the white maze...


Not long after the two returned to the main world.

An alchemy consciousness shocked the entire white maze, and the two grimacing spiders guarding the red altar moved out together.

Two ominous creatures broke into Baoshan's lair, sprayed black death light, massacred the turbulent monsters and the same kind who ran away, and 28 green locusts were also killed...

Fortunately, the other 32 green locusts saw that the situation was not good, relying on the cover of their companions, they were transferred into the body of another grimace spider, thus avoiding death.

After the chaos settled down, the grimacing spider with the green locust gu in its belly sneaked out of the white maze and jumped into the pool...

As soon as the time is up, it will pass through the silver light belt on time, return to the main world, and meet Cao Cuo...


The green locust experienced such a big loss, Cao Cuo was in a bad mood, frowned and said:

"This grimacing spider, damn it!"

"Chi! Chi Chi Chi Chi..."

The grimace spider wailed, collapsed on the ground, and was swallowed up by the green locust gu in its body in an instant...

Many monsters are basically not familiar with them unless they are cultivated from a young age, let alone the bloodthirsty grimace spider, and it is a disaster to keep them around.

Cao mistakenly put away the three storage bags on the ground, which were swallowed by the grimacing spider during the turmoil. Now it's time to see if it can make up for some losses.

Enter the mark of mana and pour the contents of three storage bags.

With a flash of light, stones of various sizes cost 15 yuan.

"So bad luck? Only these stones?"

Judging from the aura, these are the dragon pit stones of the void small world, but the green locust did not respond, presumably there is no ten thousand year blood jade in it.

Direct sales are worth at least 15 talismans.

Do you want to relieve the stone?

Cao made a wrong decision:

"Forget it, if you stay here, you can't explain the origin of the Longkeng Stone. It would be bad if there is a disturbance. It's better to explain the stone."

Lu Yunfei asked curiously: "Master, what kind of treasure are these stones?"

"Yes, these stones are called Longkeng Stones, and they are a kind of secret treasure in the small world of void..."

Cao Cuo explained and explained the stone at the same time, wasting no time at all.


The light of the knife poured down, and the stone chips flew.

15 yuan Longkeng stone, all untied.

"... I won't gamble again. Big bets hurt my health, and gamblers have no future... I will never play this kind of game again."

Cao Cuo showed a bitter expression, and glanced at the fist-sized Wannian Huoyu in his hand, as well as the jade essence on the ground that added up to less than a hundred square meters. The 15 talisman coins became more than 3 talisman coins.

Blood loss!

Lu Yunfei is also aware of the situation in front of him. There are also some rich people in the secular world who like to cut the origin stone to find spiritual jade.


Lu Yunfei slapped his head, took out an egg-sized stone from his bosom and handed it to Cao Cuo.

"Master, this is a stone that I took from the treasure mountain when I escaped from the earth, it seems to be the same as these dragon pit stones."

"You don't want to go empty, the stone in Baoshan?"

Cao Cuo nodded and took a look.

The stone is only the size of an egg, gray and plain, not light in weight, and has a hidden charm. It is undoubtedly a Longkeng stone.

"It's really a dragon pit stone."

call out!A knife light.


"Hey, there is really something."

The yolk of the stone egg is a layer of black stone coat, Cao Cuo carefully peeled off the stone coat...

A plain white pocket gourd the size of half a thumb lay inside, round and bulging.

"It's psychic white jade!"

"It's still a treasure!"

Cao Cuo happily looked at the pocket gourd in his hand...

This is actually a treasure-level psychic white jade, about half the size of my blood baby, only half the size of a thumb, so pitifully small...

He inspected the gourd carefully, and found that the inside was so chaotic that it was hard to see clearly.

"It's good, I'll take it."

After Cao Cuo finished speaking calmly, he looked at Lu Yunfei, who was expressionless, and said:

"I have always been very clear about rewards and punishments. This time you discovered the Void Node and brought out this treasure. Although it caused a lot of damage, the merit outweighs the demerits... I will reward you for these things."

Before Lu Yunfei could respond, he threw a storage bag and a black iron sword to the opponent.

Cao Cuo introduced:

"There are Treasure Talismans in this storage bag, as well as some elixir, plus this black iron sword."

Lu Yunfei touched and looked at the Xuantie Sword repeatedly, and couldn't put it down, but he couldn't pick up a magic weapon weighing eight thousand catties now.

Only after he has the fourth level of Qi training, he can use the black iron sword freely after he has cultivated mana, and now he can only store it in the storage bag.

"Thank you, Master!"

Lu Yunfei bowed his hands to express his thanks, and happily accepted the storage bag. After experiencing a catastrophe, he had a wealth that ordinary foundation builders would envy, and the path of cultivation was indeed a blessing and a curse...

Cao Cuo secretly said: This kid should be a bit lucky, he was able to find a void node and bring out a treasure.

The value of void nodes is immeasurable, and it can be used as the foundation of a party's power. This is the main reason why he gave rewards.

Rewards for meritorious deeds and punishments for demerits, this is the way of the imperial court.

For this void node, he also took the lives of 28 green locusts, the price is really high enough.


Sensed by spiritual sense, someone from Lianhua Mountain came to visit, Cao Cuo told Lu Yunfei:

"Lu Qian is here, go and greet him."

"Is the foster father here? I'll go right away."


Under the Lotus Mountain.

Father and son meet each other.

"Yunfei, have you become a monk?"

Lu Qian looked at the adoptive son whose temperament had changed greatly with complicated and joyful eyes. The temperament of the other party was the same as that of the priests in the Stone League. Although the realm was not high, he was undoubtedly a monk.

"Yes, foster father."

Lu Qian nodded and said: "You have been very talented since you were a child, and your practice of stone kung fu has grown rapidly. If you become a monk, your lifespan will not be restricted by this stone kung fu. You have a bright future and your future achievements are immeasurable."

Lu Yunfei scratched his head, awkwardly said:

"Father, my 40th limit is still there. The leader said that the strength of Shigong is too entangled with my vitality and cannot be removed. Unless I break through the foundation building before the age of 40, otherwise..."

Lu Qian was shocked and said: "How could this happen, even practicing immortal arts can't break the curse of stone skills?"

Just now, Lu Qian was still calculating whether he could use Lu Yunfei's status as a monk to bring any benefits to the Stone League Stone Sect, but when he heard the "bad news", he felt a sense of urgency.

After all the calculations were left behind, this worry was sincere.

Lu Yunfei was moved in his heart.

"Don't worry, foster father. After practicing the immortal method, I feel that the stone kung fu and the immortal method are intertwined and running, and the speed of practice is amazing. I am sixteen this year, and I have 24 years left. I will be able to break through the foundation building before the age of 40."

"You are optimistic, you don't know the difficulties..."

"By the way, isn't there still a millennium vermilion fruit? When I succeed in cultivation, I will definitely get one for my adoptive father.

The leader said that Shigong No. 13 is equivalent to the foundation-building stage, and the adoptive father can also take the second millennium vermilion fruit at that time, adding another ten years of life. "

"You have this filial piety, I am already satisfied, Zhu Guo is rare, don't force it..."

Lu Yunfei touched the storage bag in his bosom, the leader forbade me to say anything about chance, otherwise my father-in-law would be shocked by my wealth

Lu Qian didn't know anything about the chance of his adopted son, he came here for other important reasons.

"Is the Lord still in retreat?"

"The leader has already left the customs, let me welcome you in."

"Let's go in, I have something important to report..."

Inside the Baiyu underground palace, it was as bright as day.

The two met the Lord of this place.

Cao mistakenly looked at Lu Qian's dignified face, and guessed that something happened to Shijiao. He had already sensed the death of the hosts of the two green locusts.

The Stone Sect has detained a large number of Origin Stones, and it will be a matter of time before Shoushanfang City finds out...

Seeing Cao Cuo, Lu Qianyi said sadly:

"My lord, the Stone Cult is about to be destroyed!"

Cao Cuo's expression remained unchanged, and he asked directly:

"Destroyed? What happened?"

Lu Qian's eyes were red, and he stated:

"Seven days ago, a stronghold of the Stone Sect in the east of the city was attacked by unknown forces, and 57 disciples were killed.

Six days ago, the other five strongholds in the east of the city were all attacked, and 180 disciples were killed.

Five days ago, a total of thirteen strongholds and three secret vaults in the west, south, and north were all breached, all 520 disciples were killed, and all the origin stones stored in the vaults were robbed...

Three days ago, in Jintang Valley in the south of the city, the largest base of the Stone Sect, 32 people, including two core disciples who took Gu Pills, were all killed, and the losses were immeasurable...

In the past two days, the various mines where the Stone Cult secretly mines Originium have been continuously destroyed by people, and there are no less than a thousand victims...

It must be that the monks in Shoushanfang City discovered the stolen source stones of the Stone Cult, and then slaughtered the disciples of the Stone Cult. "

"So many people died?" Cao Cuo was a little stunned.

Lu Qian said sadly and indignantly: "The attackers are cruel, they never leave a life, and they escape with one blow. Only monks can do it."

"The Stone Cult is just a secular force. Except for secretly mining the source stone, it has never offended the monks. From this point of view, it must be the city of Shoushanfang."

"It won't take long for them to find out that the main altar of the Stone Sect is in the Stone League, and even the leader of the alliance is also a disciple of the Stone Sect. At that time, there will be another bloody massacre..."

Lu Qianbai fell down and said: "My lord, the Stone Sect is in danger now. More than half of the disciples in the Sect were killed or injured. Please make the decision for the dead disciples!"

"Please ask the master to seek justice for the dead disciple."

Lu Yunfei was beside him with a look of grief and indignation. Many of his senior brothers died in the attack...

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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