Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 226  To Rule the City

226  To Rule the City [: Daniel POV :]

I could see the excitement in their eyes and they questioned me.

''Young master, what kind of deal are we talking about?'" Rizel questioned nervously.

"'It's quite simple actually, as all I need you both to do is to pledge your loyalty towards me, and these fruits could be yours''

''I could help you with the famine, however, the city will be under my rule. How about it?''

I looked at them and said.

They were left speechless, their minds racing as they tried to process this unexpected proposition.

Rizel, in particular, had reservations and voiced his concerns, "I am grateful for the offer, Young master''

''However, there are still thousands of citizens in this city. If it became yours, would you take care of them as well?"

His scepticism was evident as he questioned the offer.

I continued to explain, "Naturally, I will not let the civilians suffer, hence, I'm offering both of you a choice''

''You could join me and live, or stay and watch as the citizens suffer''

''However, if you agree, not only would you have your life back, but you'd gain more, including the benefits that the fruit would bring you."

Rizel and Ephraim exchanged glances, still harbouring some scepticism.

They wanted reassurance that this offer was genuine.

 I decided to offer a gesture of goodwill, saying, "How about I offer both of you a piece of the fruit as a sign of my kind gesture? This should assure you that the deal is fair."

Rizel, though still cautious, bowed in appreciation, saying, "A-Alright, I shall accept. Thank you."

Ephraim, who was still in shock from the revelation of the Immortal Peach and my extraordinary power, also bowed and declared his allegiance, "Thank you for your generous offer. I-I too shall join you."

I smiled at their concern and said, "Alright, now that both of you have accepted the fruit, let's discuss measures for this city."

Ephraim, his worry evident in his voice, questioned, "Young master, what are your plans for the future, and how can we escape from this famine?"

Without hesitation, I responded, "For the resources, you won't have to worry. And if you don't believe me, then watch this."

I waved my hand, and a storage ring appeared.

I handed it to both of them, and they examined it, wondering what it contained.

As they checked it with their spiritual qi, their eyes widened in disbelief. Rizel couldn't contain his shock and exclaimed, "This! How many Purple Spiritual Stones are inside this ring!"

His voice trembled as he looked at me with a mixture of awe and fear.

Their astonishment continued to grow as Ephraim stammered, "Y-Young master, how many spiritual stones are inside this!?"

Even he was horrified by the overwhelming number, and their bodies trembled in fear as they looked at the vast riches with awe and fear.

I shrugged casually and replied, "Well, I'm not sure, the last time that I checked, it was trillions or more."

 I downplayed the amount as if it were insignificant, but it was indeed an astronomical quantity for them.

Rizel couldn't help but exclaim, "T-Trillions!? T-This Storage Ring is enough to last for thousands of years!"

His exaggeration highlighted the immense wealth contained within.

''I see, so are these 10 Spiritual Rings which are full of Purple Spiritual Stones enough to lift the famine off?'' I continued to astonish them by summoning another 10 Spiritual Rings.

They initially thought I was joking, but as soon as they checked each of the rings, they were once again stupefied, and their bodies trembled from the sheer magnitude of the wealth before them.

Rizel and Ephraim declared in unison, "T-This is more than enough, young master!"

"That's right, young master, all of these spiritual rings are enough!"

Their voices were filled with awe and reverence as they acknowledged the immense wealth I had provided them.

 They had just realized the kind of extraordinary individual they were dealing with, someone who could effortlessly produce immortal peaches and trillions of purple spiritual stones.

As for the fate of the 4th Noble Family, it was a subject that couldn't be taken lightly.

They knew that the 4th Family was responsible for the famine, so when Rizel inquired about their future, and Ephraim joined in with the question, they were genuinely curious about my decision.

I had no hesitation in answering, my voice cold and resolute.

"Of course, we're going to wipe them out and cleanse them from this world without letting a single bloodline from their family live,"

I stated firmly. It was evident that I had no qualms about taking decisive action.

Both Rizel and Ephraim were taken aback by the tone of my voice and the harshness of my words.

Their bodies shuddered in fear.

My declaration was met with a chilling silence as both Rizel and Ephraim struggled to process the gravity of my words.

The air in the room grew heavy with tension, and their trembling bodies reflected the fear that had taken hold of them.

It was inconceivable for them that I had uttered those words without any hesitation. Yet, despite their fear, they couldn't doubt my words or my abilities.

My actions and the priceless treasures I had already bestowed upon them had left an indelible mark, proving that I had the power to carry out my intentions.

However, I hadn't intended to take matters into my own hands.

Instead, I looked at Zena with a serene smile and a silent understanding passed between us.

''you know what to right?''

 She knew what needed to be done.

"Yes, master. I will immediately go and deal with them,"

Zena affirmed with a respectful bow.

With such loyalty and a strong sense of purpose, she left to execute her mission, leaving Rizel and Ephraim to grapple with the implications of my words.

''Would she be alright?''

Rizel couldn't help but worry about Zena's safety as he questioned her ability to deal with the Fourth Noble Family by herself.

However, I remained calm and assured them that the Fourth Noble Family would soon be eradicated.

"Don't worry, before you even realize it, the Fourth Noble Family will disappear from the surface of this world, and you can expect good news in a while,"

I reassured them, my words carrying a sense of conviction.

Despite their lingering doubts, they wouldn't know about the benefits and powers bestowed upon Zena as my disciple.

 I chose to move past the subject, steering the conversation forward.

"Anyways, let us continue,"

I said, and both Rizel and Ephraim responded with enthusiasm, eager to shift the 11:43

discussion to other matters.

"Now that the famine has been solved, and let's assume that the problem with the Fourth Noble Family will be solved soon, what else do you need?"

 I inquired, urging them to express any other concerns or requests they might have.

''To be honest young master, we have nothing more than to be grateful for you what have done and of course, without a doubt, the city would be under your rule, however, we're concerned with the Imperial Families'' Rizel said.

''That's right young maser''

''Each year, a representative of the Imperial Families would visit each city and demand a tax and we'd be worried if they discovered that a new lord would rule the city as it's blasphemous for them to have a lord ruling a cit when it's clearly the Empress who rules it'' Ephraim added. As they voiced their concerns, I couldn't help but smile.

 Their confusion was evident as they seemed puzzled by my reaction.

"It's alright, no worries,"

 I reassured them, waving off their concerns as if they were mere trifles.

But words alone wouldn't be sufficient to convince them that they had nothing to fear when it came to the Imperial Families.

"Young master, you mean?" E

Ephraim asked, still unsure of my intentions, while Rizel shared a similar sentiment.

Seeing their scepticism, I decided to demonstrate the extent of my power and capabilities, aiming to put their doubts to rest.

With a few intricate hand seals, I summoned a massive burst of spiritual energy that enveloped the entire room.

In the blink of an eye, a dense cloud of fog filled the space, shrouding everything in an otherworldly mist.

As the fog began to slowly disperse, the two noble heads, Rizel and Ephraim, gazed around in astonishment and growing horror. T

heir eyes were wide, frozen in disbelief, and their bodies seemed paralyzed as if they were rendered incapable of moving a single muscle.

Before them, an imposing figure materialized, bathed in an aura of unfathomable strength.

 The pressure radiating from this entity was so immense that it left them utterly overwhelmed.

It was a presence that spoke of an unattainable realm—a Half-Immortal.

"Y-You are a Half-Immortal! How is this possible?"

Rizel stammered, struggling to find words to express his astonishment.

"But, this shouldn't be happening, you can't possibly be..."

Ephraim trailed off, equally at a loss for words.

Both of them stood there, speechless and overwhelmed by the astonishing revelation of my cultivation base.

 When I eventually retracted my overwhelming aura, I decided to address their concerns.

"Do you believe me when I say that you won't have to worry about the Imperial Families anymore?" I inquired.

"Yes, young master! We'd rather die than disobey the mighty you! The great half-immortal!"

 Rizel and Ephraim exclaimed in unison, bowing immediately to demonstrate their complete loyalty.

They pledged their unwavering allegiance to the Heavenly Harem sect and me, their eyes filled with a newfound reverence and awe.

Their eyes held a fervent reverence as if they were worshipping a deity.

At that moment, Zena returned, her expression reflecting satisfaction and triumph.

She bore no wounds or scratches, and with a self-assured demeanour, she reported, "The 4th Noble Family has been dealt with and eradicated''

''Every single member, except the elders, the younger generation, and the children, has been wiped out."

"Good work,"

I commended her, gently patting her head.

Zena welcomed my touch with contentment, her loyalty shining brightly.

"They have been killed already?"

Rizel inquired. While he no longer doubted my powers, he was uncertain about Zena's abilities.

However, Zena, without a hint of emotion, nonchalantly tossed the severed head of the 4th Noble Family's Patriarch toward me, saying, "Here's his head."

There was no flicker of emotion on her face as she gazed at me, awaiting acknowledgement.

"Good job,"

I responded, and Zena's expression remained stoic.

Rizel and Ephraim, on the other hand, were filled with horror, their bodies trembling in fear.

 They couldn't help but suspect that Zena had gained substantial benefits from me.



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