Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 157-Met with a mishap

Chapter 157-Met with a mishap

Immortal spring restaurant, the kitchen.

This kitchen was not like a household kitchen. The area of the kitchen was very large.

Regardless of whether it was the layout or decoration, it was very scientific and reasonable and was equipped with all kinds of facilities.

There were more than 20 kitchen staff, including chefs, chef apprentices, and dishwashing staff.

There were six master chefs and each chef has brought three to four apprentices, making it equivalent to a team.

In the everyday cooking work, except for a few particularly difficult main dishes, the chef would only guide their apprentices from the side.

Some secret sauces, ingredients and other things like this were naturally done by the chefs.

Moreover, each kitchen team was responsible for a particular dish, so the division of labor, cooperation, and efficiency was very high.

In such a big kitchen, although there were many people, it was not chaotic but was orderly.

At the moment, several chefs gathered together and were making the dishes using the immortal plant seasoning provided by Ye Xiaochen.

When they tasted it, they were completely shocked, because the dishes with seasoning tasted at least one level higher.

Most importantly, the flavoring brought by the seasoning did not have any synthetic taste, instead, it was full of natural and authentic taste.

They were all top chefs with outstanding cooking skills. Naturally, they knew how much influence the seasonings could have on the cooking skills. Even a cook with average cooking skills uses this kind of seasoning, it would improve his dishes by a few levels.

This was really amazing.

“Xiaochen, what kind of seasoning is this?”

Master Lin asked with curiosity.

“Haha, Master Lin, there are some natural ingredients in it. For example, this seasoning which has a bean flavor is called red immortal bean powder. I made it from the red beans and has no trace of chemical synthesis. And, This seasoning is made with yellow immortal bean powder extracted from the soybean. And, this is made from immortal wheat powder, extracted from the wheat.”

Ye Xiaochen explained with a smile.

Master Lin and other chefs were amazed, extracted from beans and wheat. How was this possible?

However, they couldn’t help but believe it, as the flavor of these seasoning was of bean and wheat variety.

It was just the enhancement of aroma and taste of the dishes was not something that could be explained by simple wheat and beans.

Even if pure bean and wheat were cooked, it was far from producing this kind of aroma and taste.

They already admire Ye Xiaochen’s ability, the vegetables he grew were so delicious, the pickled vegetables he made were peerless and now making such a seasoning was not a surprise.

“Master Lin, adding these three seasonings should be good.”

Ye Xiaochen laughed and said.

“Xiaochen, it’s not just good, but perfect. Our immortal spring vegetables are the top grade ingredient and this seasoning is enough to increase its grade. I can say that even a chef with high cooking skill, cannot make such great dishes. With such seasoning, our immortal spring restaurant will be invincible in the food industry.”

Master Lin laughed heartily.

The other chefs also nodded, with such seasoning they were more confident in dominating the food industry.

In the future, the immortal spring restaurant would surely become a super brand in the food industry.

“Master Lin, these seasonings are very precious. it is not easy to make, the production is very small and it has a strong nutritional value. So when using on dishes, it is best to raise their price, otherwise, it will reduce the profit.”

Ye Xiaochen said.

“It really requires an increase in price.”

Master Lin nodded and then continued, “Xiaochen, why not hold a meeting and discuss it?”

Ye Xiaochen nodded.

In the afternoon, a meeting was held to discuss the use of the immortal spring seasoning.

After several discussions, the decision was made.

The three secret seasonings would be added to the menu and priced uniformly.

If the diners want to add these seasoning to their dishes, they need to order it separately.

The prices of the three seasonings were very expensive, the price on each seasoning was set at 588 yuan.

Moreover, the amount of seasoning in each dish was accurately weighed, so that it was neither too much or too less.

Others were a little confused about the high price of seasoning which was set by Ye Xiaochen.

In Ye Xiaochen’s opinion, 588 yuan was still a favorable price.

For a single immortal spring seasoning, it needs about one-tenth of the immortal beans or a quarter of an immortal wheat grain.

The immortal beans and wheat, how precious were they? The nutrients contained in them could be said as an elixir for the ordinary people.

That evening all the menus were revised.

Three kinds of immortal spring seasonings were added, and each price was 588 yuan per serving.

Putting the seasoning on the menu, it could be said immortal spring restaurant was the first one to do.

These seasonings were really very expensive.

During the dinner, many diners who came to eat saw that three seasonings were added to the menu.

Many people became curious.

Although the people who come here to eat have some wealth, the 588 yuan for a seasoning still made many people little apprehensive.

In particular, the amount of single serving of seasoning was too small, accurate to the point of milligrams.

It was more expensive than gold.

Of course, some rich people were foodies and were very curious about this secret seasoning, so they ordered one to try it.

When the dishes with the secret seasoning came, an indescribable fragrance came which was beyond the normal immortal spring dishes.

When they tasted the dish, they felt it was worth the price.

The most peculiar thing was that after eating a dish with the seasoning, not only there was a kind of spiritual enjoyment, but also the body felt an unspeakable sense of comfort.

Especially the people who ordered dishes with immortal red powder seasoning. After eating, they would feel warm and would sweat. Then after sweating, they would feel light and comfortable beyond description.

“Delicious, very delicious.”

“The secret seasoning is worth the price.”

“Haha, I know now why this secret seasoning is so expensive, it is really good.”

“It is not just good, it is wonderful.”

In the private dining room and the hall, as long as someone has ordered dishes with secret seasoning there would be a burst of exclamation and praises.

It provoked curiosity in other diners, and they also tried.

After that day many people completely fell in love with the secret seasoning.

For several days, the popularity of the immortal spring restaurant rose exponentially. Many diners who had eaten the secret seasoning dishes were infatuated with it. After eating the first time, they want to have it for the second time.

As a result of the immortal spring seasoning, the income of these days rose and on the highest day, the income reached more than 600,000 yuan.

Fortunately, the quantity of secret seasoning was very small, otherwise, Ye Xiaochen would have doubted whether the immortal beans and immortal wheat he had could meet the diners’ demand.

Today, Ye Xiaochen was practicing the Art of Growth on the immortal grasses. The immortal grasses have grown more than three-inch tall and with this speed, within a week it could be harvested for a second time.

Suddenly, he received a call from Li Jiaren, saying that the immortal spring restaurant met with a mishap.

Someone has reported that the immortal restaurant was using the poppy as a secret seasoning.

The relevant department involved in the investigation asked immortal spring restaurant to suspend its business.


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