Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 117 - Purchase

Chapter 117 - Purchase

Ye Xiaochen was very helpless, however, there was no other way, he always could not only plant radish, but he has to plant immortal beans also.

As for the red immortal beans, he can’t plant too many. The Fusang tree’s current scope of influence was very small.

He was now worried about thirty red immortal beans, would it be too much?

However, they have already been planted, and there was no other way. They couldn’t be pulled out. He reluctantly said to himself, carrying out experiments, would get some experimental data.

Soon, Ye Xiaochen hurriedly used the 30 immortal fertilizers grains on the yellow immortal bean seedlings through the water.

In order to distribute evenly, he had to mix thirty times in a row.

Damn, it almost bored him to death.

“Now there were only 30 plants. If there were more plants in the future, I will die of fatigue.No, I have to buy the Special Fertilizer Device.”

Ye Xiaochen thought to himself.

The sprinkler could be only used for irrigating, but not for fertilization.

However, the price of the special fertilizer device made him hesitate a little.

This thing was not cheap.

After all, it was an advanced type of equipment, its cost was 80 immortal yuan.

Currently, he had five immortal lands, although it was a lot, he needs to increase it.

He also needed the buy seeds.

The immortal spring water was also in short supply, so he needed to buy another immortal spring.

As for the absence of an existing well, there was a solution for that. Buying an immortal well chain, he could connect the two immortal springs together which would save the trouble of digging another well and would not occupy space.

The immortal well chain was not cheap. It needs 50 immortal yuan and could connect only one immortal spring to another one parallelly. If he wants to connect more immortal springs parallelly, he must again buy the immortal well chain.

Ye Xiaochen found that as more immortal yuans he earned, the more places he needed to spend them.

After some pondering, Ye Xiaochen finalized the purchase list.

Two immortal lands and one immortal spring costs 300 immortal yuan.

A special fertilizer device, 80 immortal yuan.

An immortal well chain, 50 immortal yuan.

Fifty yellow immortal seeds, 50 immortal yuan.

As a result of buying yellow immortal beans, Ye Xiaochen also bought a pack of immortal earth fertilizers, costing 100 immortal yuan.

How could there be greater gain without greater investment?

A pack of immortal wheat seed, which was also a yellow level first order immortal plant, 20 immortal Yuan one pack, and one pack contains one hundred seeds.

It was much more expensive than the immortal radish seeds.

The immortal wheat was not only used as food but could also be used as a raw material for refining low- level Lingdan.

Although this immortal wheat does not have the spirit absorption characteristic, it has very unique spirit characteristic.

This unique spirit characteristic was very special, only one kind of immortal plants could be planted in an immortal land and other immortal plants would not survive.

Among the immortal plant kinds, some have solitary spirit characteristic, especially in some medicinal herbs, the solitary spirit characteristic was more obvious.

In this way, adding all the miscellaneous things and the purchase list, it added up to seven hundred immortal yuan.

He was only left with four immortal Yuan.

He was poor again.

However, Ye Xiaochen was quite satisfied with the expansion.

It took some effort to place the two immortal lands, he placed one immortal land in another shed and prepared to transplant the Fusang tree and thirty red immortal bean seedlings.

As for placing the immortal spring, it was very simple.

The immortal well chain was a peculiar bead. Inside the bead, there was a strange light chain.

As long as the bead was put in the previous well, the immortal well chain would automatically get activated, and then the second immortal spring could be connected parallelly.

As for the immortal bean seeds and immortal wheat seed, he placed them into the immortal liquid solution.

By the time everything was done, it became night.

He didn’t even have dinner, so he rushed home.

“Why were you so busy? Don’t work too much.”

Mother said in distressed stone.

She served hot foods.

“It was nothing.”

Ye Xiaochen smiled and began to wolf down.

He was really hungry.

After eating a bowl, he was just about to get up and get another bowl, but mother came over and said, “I’ll fill it for you.”

Ye Xiaochen nodded and handed bowl to his mother, then he took out the phone and sent a message to Wang Xinyi.

Wang Xinyi didn’t see the message, so she didn’t reply.

At this time, the mother came with a bowl full of rice.

Ye Xiaochen took it and looked at the WeChat while eating.

He immediately remembered that for a few days he didn’t contact with Li Tingting and immediately sent her a message in WeChat.


This time Li Tingting immediately responded.

“Today, I’m feeling bored to death.”

“Who provoked our beautiful Tingting?”

Ye Xiaochen smiled.

“Nobody provoked me. The ice lantern succulent plant I kept is going to die.”

(Tn:’冰灯玉露’ I couldn’t find the English name so just used Chinese name ‘bingdeng’ which in English means ‘ice lantern’)

Li Tingting replied with a pitiful expression.

“Ice lantern succulent, this thing seems quite expensive?”

Ye Xiaochen gave a surprised expression.

He knows little about the succulent plant, which he had seen during school time.

This thing was delicate, difficult to maintain and has a high requirement for the environment, this plant was considered a kind of house pet.

“Yes, I spent ten thousands of yuan, but didn’t expect to turn out like this.”

Li Tinting sent a helpless expression.

So expensive?

Ye Xiaochen was surprised.

According to his impression, a better succulent plant could be bought from a few hundred to thousand yuan, even if it was a premium one, it won’t be so expensive, right?

He naturally doesn’t know the popularity of succulent plants in recent years, especially after breeding done by some famous experts, they produced a lot of precious hybrid species, coupled with the pursuit of enthusiasts, the price has been steadily increasing.

“Ye Xiaochen, you look at it.”

Li Tingting sent a message and a picture at the same time.

He opened the photo, it was an ice lantern plant in a pot.

It looked exquisite and beautiful. There were light yellow textures on the emerald green leaves.

It was very beautiful.

Even if Ye Xiaochen hasn’t done much research and doesn’t have appreciation ability towards the succulent plant, he could still feel that this ice lantern plant was very valuable.

“This ice lantern plant looks very beautiful, where is it dying?”

Ye Xiaochen replied with a surprised expression.

“This is the old one, I will send the picture of the new one now.”

Li Tingting replied.

Soon another picture quickly arrived.

Ye Xiaochen looked at the picture, there was a huge change in the ice lantern plant, its colors were dim and were seriously dehydrated.

“Ye Xiaochen, can you do anything?”

Li Tingting sent another message.

“How did you raise it?”

Ye Xiaochen asked.

“This ice lantern plant previously was easy to raise, I seldom take care of it and used to give watery every few days, but during this period something went wrong”

Li Tingting replied.

“Impossible, this ice lantern looks like it hasn’t been watered for a long time, how long has it been since you watered it?”

Ye Xiaochen messaged.

He still knows little about the characteristics of succulent plants. Although he hasn’t raised any, he could still deduct some details, and with his current insight and vision, he immediately found the problem.

“Well, this time I was busy with the tombs, so it’s been more than a week since I watered it. ”

Li Tingting sent an embarrassed expression.

Ye Xiaochen rolled his eyes.

“Ye Xiaochen, can you do something about it? I have watered it, but it is of no use. You have to help me. If it dies, my grandfather will surely kill me.”

Li Tingting sent out another pitiful expression.

“It has been hurt in the roots, watering alone won’t do anything.”

Ye Xiaochen replied.

Just like in people, after serious dehydration, it was useless to give water directly and must be given saline, glucose, electrolyte, etc.

It was the same with the ice lantern plant.

Ye Xiaochen told her a solution.

“Great, I’ll try it now.”

Li Tinting sent a smiley.

Ye Xiaochen put down his phone and drank the leftover soup.

“Mother, I am going to the farm.”

He picked his phone, told his mother, stood up and walked out of the house.


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