Heavenly Castle

Extra 5 – Yuri’s elegant Heavenly Castle life, Part 1

Extra Chapter 5 – Yuri’s elegant Heavenly Castle life, Part 1

A beautiful morning sun that changes the color of the sky. The clouds are dyed in dark blue and only the edges are shining in white by basking in sunlight. The sky is much deeper blue than seen from the ground. Because of that, the change of the color of the sunrise sky was more spectacular.

While looking at the sky from the window, I am savoring the delicious tea in my mouth and drinking slowly. A pleasant gentle taste and warm temperature spreads throughout my mouth, and a rich aroma tickles my nasal cavity.

「Aah, delicious......」

Unconsciously, such words escaped from my mouth.

Not only the taste and aroma of the tea. It may also be related to the superb view that can be seen from the window, and the quiet and comfortable place called guest room. A super comfortable bed that wraps up my body, and a clean bath and toilet that doesn’t have any smell at all. Furthermore, a mysterious box that always provides cold drinks.

Everything is strange and interesting, yet wonderful because it is comfortable and relaxing.

「Or should I say, as one would expect from the Heavenly Country, with both its country and island floating in the sky. It is an unbelievable lifestyle.」

I muttered that and leaned my weight on the back of the chair. Although it looks like a slender and simple chair, its material is unknown and the level of comfort is unexpectedly good.

No matter what I see, I have convince myself with ‘As one would expect from the Heavenly Castle’.

After all, it is a strange country where its island and golems fly in the sky. Even Yanual-niisama wracked his brain to the point that he said 『I give up. I can’t understand it at all. What’s its mechanism?』

Ditzen-sama even seemed to have used an entire night and kept on investigating without sleep, but he still said that it ended without understanding anything.

「...... Well, it can not be helped. We will not understand what we don’t understand.」

I give up thinking about it and slowly take the tea into my mouth again.

Ditzen-sama as well, why can’t he enjoy the life of the Heavenly Castle obediently? He would have such a comfortable and new enjoyable castle to see.

While I was thinking such things, someone knocked on the door of the guest room where I’m in.

「Who could it be?」

Since it is early in the morning, I wonder if it is a maid or a butler? It is unlikely that Taiki-sama would personally come.

「Yes, come in.」

As I am walking towards the door while answering the knocking, the door opened from outside.

「Excuse me.」

The one who appeared while saying that is a lovely cat beastman girl. Today as well, her outfit is a beautiful yet cute dress like a dancer. Actually, I would like to wear it a little, but I gave up because of the high exposure.

「Good morning, Yuri-sama」

The girl greeted me with a lovely voice that suits her appearance. While looking fondly at her and nodding, I return her greetings while looking at her eyes.

「Good morning. Mea-sama.」

When I said that, Mea, the lovely cat beastman girl, was stunned for a while with her eyes wide.


To such a voice of Mea, I tilt my head and a question mark floats above my head.

「What is the matter? Ah, perhaps, did I make a mistake in your name? I thought I had surely heard it was Mea-sama, though......」

When I asked that, Mea shook her head from side to side with her eyes wide.

「N, no, that is correct. I am Mea.」

「I see. I am glad if that is the case.」

As I gave a sigh of relief with ‘Hoo~’, Mea stared at my face and stopped moving. I tilt my head and a question mark floats above my head again at her state.

「......? Did something happen after all? Allow me to apologize properly if I was making a mistake in your name, so please let me know when that time comes, okay? It would be very rude within the royalties and nobles to make a mistake in the name, especially the family name. I received training to remember people’s faces and names since I was a child so as not to make that kind of mistake, but......」

When I said that, Mea waved her both hands in front of her chest with a panicked look.

「No, my name is really Mea, so you didn’t make a mistake......」

After Mea answered that, she drops her gaze as if to think for a while, and raise her face again and opened her mouth.

「...... Um, I have heard that Yuri-sama is a royalty. So, I presumed that Yuri-sama would also make fun of us just like the other royalties, or you might persecute us as filthy because we are a beastman...... so I didn’t expect that you would address me politely like this...... 」

Hearing Mea who said that perplexedly, I looked at her cat ears while wondering.

「I would never do something like making fun of you, you know. I have heard that the beastmen have a higher physical ability than us and they are a race with a strong sense of friendship. I have rarely heard of a magician beastmen, but there are many beastmen who left their names as great warriors. Why would I make fun of you?」

When I explained that, Mea smiled happily. It is a wonderful smile as if a flower bloomed. Her cat ears that are twitching with ‘piko piko’ are also very cute.

It is ears with long and fluffy fur. The fur’s tip is sticking out from the triangle of the ears. Her hair should also look good and soft. Her slender tail which peeking from under her skirt is also nice. Even though it is a thin tail, the glossy fur are neatly arranged while swaying restlessly.

And the person herself is also cute. A small and delicate figure, and big round eyes. Her mouth that turns into a へ shape a little when she is silent and becoming a pouty face is also cute. When she is surprised, her eyes become even more round and when she laughed, the corner of her mouth suddenly raises up. Her expression that changes frequently like that is also cute.

Looking at such Mea, I naturally broke into a smile.

「...... Oh, how cute.」

A part of my thoughts was leaked out from my mouth unintentionally.

「E, eh?」

Mea, who was suddenly told something like that, cannot hide her confusion as well. After glancing at the surroundings, I look down at her who was looking up at me. Seeing that her face is becoming slightly red, it seems like she is feeling embarrassed.

「That, is it okay if I pat your head?」

I said that without being able to bear it and took a step closer to Mea.

Then Mea draws back with her tail standing up and turns back hurriedly.

「You, you may eat breakfast anytime! So please come to the dining hall anytime!」

After leaving that much words, Mea disappeared from my room as if rushing out.

It is probably because I asked for a skinship. She may have been too surprised. It is a little sad.

After being alone in the guest room again, I stared at the door where Mea left and turned my head to look at the scenery outside.

Oh, the sun that shines brilliantly is dazzling. On this island, that floats in a place higher than most of the clouds, the sky is always clear. It’s inevitable because there is no factor that causes rain.

And I noticed when I was looking aimlessly outside.

The sun had completely risen when I noticed it. Mea probably came to wake me up because I didn’t come out at the usual breakfast time.

It must have been because my tea time while gazing at the scenery outside was so wonderful.

「...... Well then, let’s head towards the dining hall.」

I said that to myself and put my hand on the door of the guest room.

While advancing through the hallway that only has a dim and gentle light, I find a corner where light is leaking out to the hallway. When I tried to turn that corner, I could instantly find the dining room that Mea mentioned. It is natural because I came here yesterday, but it smells good when I come nearby, so I feel happy every time when I find the dining hall.

「Good morning」

When I said that and entered the dining hall, Torraine and the others appeared from the kitchen in the back.

「Good morning. Yuri-sama.」

「Good morning」

The three people, Torraine, Rant and Schnee, showed themselves to greet me, and Mea showed herself last while greeting me by nodding. She still seems to be a little shy, so she immediately withdraws her eyes.

While I was being healed by Mea’s cuteness, Rant walked towards me.

「Today will be toasted bread with butter and onion soup. Next is leafy green salad with vienna sausage and pudding for dessert, but is this okay with you?」

Being asked that, I nod with a wry smile.

「Of course it is. I am looking forward to it because there is nothing but cuisine that I have never heard of. I am especially looking forward to desserts.」

When I said that, Rant nodded while laughing.

「Yes. All of us love pudding, so I think Yuri-sama will surely love it as well.」

When Rant said that in good humour, Schnee hit the back of his head with a fist from behind. My eyes became wide at the strike that was strong enough to make a sound, but Rant grimaced strongly and collapsed on his spot.

As Rant, who fell to his knees on the floor, looked behind while groaning in pain, Schnee glared back fiercely at him.

「Wha, what are you......」

「It’s not ‘what are you’! Didn’t you hear that Yuri-sama comes from the royal family of Imperial Country of Fleida? Why the hell are you talking so lightly?」

Rant bowed his head dejectedly at Schnee whose anger can be seen at a glance.

「So, sorry.」

Seeing the apologizing Rant, I gently call their attention from the side.

「Not at all, I would be happy if you could speak to me casually. I would also like to be good friends with Schnee-sama, as well as Rant-sama.」

When I said that, Schnee’s and Rant’s eyes become wide and they looked at each other. And the two turn their troubled faces towards me as if on cue.

「...... Recently, I’m being troubled because my common sense of royalty has collapsed.」

「Me, too.」

I tilt my head at the two who are looking at me while saying that, and asked them.

「Common sense of royalty, is it?」

When I asked a question, I nodded with a bitter smile.

「Well, both Taiki-sama and Ayla-sama are royalty, but they are rather kind people who care about us. And they are easy and nice to talk to for me......」

「Hey, Rant.」

Rant was trying to give various explanations, but Schnee rebuked and stopped him. Rant shuts his mouth with that and apologizes with a vague smile.

「I’m sorry. I will prepare food at once, so please sit there and wait.」

After saying that much, Rant disappeared into the kitchen in order to escape.

Me and Schnee who were left behind, exchange glances silently and laugh out of nowhere. I was used to that kind of situation because it was something that happened frequently at the banquet with the nobles. Almost all, either a noble who has never had a conversation with a royal, or a young person who has simply come to a banquet for the first time, were likely to create such situations.

In other words, it’s an unspeakable situation that comes from tension.

At such times, it is always the organizer or the person with the highest status who can skillfully recover the situation.

「Well then, I will excuse myself and wait here.」

When I take the initiative in speaking and sit on the designated seat, Schnee nods as if relieved.

「Ah, yes. Thank you.」

Schnee said that and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped as if she remembered something. Then she turned around to my direction in a timid manner and speaks.

「U, umm, did you memorize my and Rant’s name?」

Being asked that for some reason, I laughed unintentionally.

「Of course I did. There is no way I will forget the faces and names of the people of the Heavenly Country who I want to be on good terms with from now on. I remember all those who were introduced to me once. Taiki-sama, Ayla-sama, Torraine-sama, Rant-sama, Schnee-sama, Mea-sama...... so far I have only met six people, so I would like to meet and talk with many people if possible.」

When I said that while smiling, Schnee blinked her eyes and spoke absentmindedly.

「...... I thought Yuri-sama was only a very carefree and gentle person, but she is, after all, a person from a royal family.」

I returned a bow while smiling bitterly to Schnee who said that and withdrew to the kitchen after making a bow.

If she says that I am like a royal, Yanual-niisama, who always cares about the interests of the country and the lives of the people in the territory he governs, is probably more like royalty.

As for me, I only have enough qualities that can be useful in socializing with nobles in the country and diplomacy outside the country, such as worldly wisdom that was hammered into me from my childhood, etiquettes as a royalty, knowledge for socialization and singing or dancing.

It’s just that I have a special skill to accurately memorize a person’s face and name as a part of that. When attending a dinner party at the mansion of a noble for the first time, I must memorize beforehand the affiliated faction and history of that noble, and memorize on the spot the names and faces of the family and the present nobles who will be introduced one by one.

Compared to that, life in this Heavenly Country for several days is heaven. No, I wonder if I should say that I have been able to spend a very rich and wonderful time that can’t be compared?

Neither greetings nor meals are formal at all, and everyone is pure and friendly. I just have an elegant life without troublesome negotiations. I haven’t been present at the negotiations with another country yet, but I can assert that I would absolutely never receive so much treatment.

It’s probably something that comes from the richness of the Heavenly Country and my absolute confidence. Honestly, if the Heavenly Country wants to destroy the Imperial Country, there should be not much difference in achieving it in the blink of an eye. It is also scary that it has nothing to do with the number or quality of the soldiers and magicians.(Because there’s no one other than Taiki who can control all of the countless golem army.)

When the royalties and aristocrats of the Imperial Country gathers information about the neighboring countries and discusses it, the one that comes out to the point that it is not an exaggeration to say always is the Blau Empire. The dreadfulness of the Empire is probably the part where it had invaded the surrounding small countries one after another in only a few decades and it has become a powerful large country without time for other countries to stop it. There are already a few countries in the south of the continent who tried to oppose the Empire, but it is a horrible scene like they were praying just to hope for the Empire’s fang not to turn towards themselves.

Only the Azul Kingdom and our Imperial Country of Fleida will be able to resist the invasion of the Blau Empire, but the only thing possible is resistance and simply wait for the Empire to leave while strengthening our defense.

Even if we are against such a powerful Empire, Yanual-niisama said that there is a possibility that we could be able to hold on. However, it is different against the Heavenly Country. If we ended up going to war, the Imperial Country revealed that we might not be able to win.

It seems the same, but a really different word.

After thinking to that extent, I stop my thoughts.

「......... Well, it can’t be helped even if I think about it.」

Then I decided to think about it comfortably.

So far, all the people of the Heavenly Country are not warlike and on the contrary they are very friendly. It may be unnecessary to worry about it.


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