Heavenly Castle

Chapter 31 - General Violette’s Decision

Chapter 31 – General Violette’s Decision

Translator: Drey Editor: Sherminator

【Imperial Army】

After receiving an attack by the mysterious golems and forced to give up the Azul Kingdom invasion, the Imperial Army reorganized the divided army and withdrew near the border.

Hearing a report, General Violette shakes her beautiful purple hair and glares at the map of the Azul Kingdoms northern part.

「…… our unit who are in the royal capital and the two units who are attacking the Falbe were attacked at the same time…… No way, is there more than one of that flying island?」

Hearing Violette who’s muttering above the carriage, a cavalryman opened their mouths with a complicated look.

「…… What was that golem? Don’t tell me, is it a secret weapon of the Azul Kingdom…..?」

「That’s impossible. If the Kingdom had that kind of golem, they should have already used it on many occasions. Besides, it would take a lot of time and resources for the Azul Kingdom just to produce that many golems.」

Violette denied the cavalryman’s words and she breathes out faintly while rubbing her cheek with her index finger.

「….. I think it’s better to say that they have at least 200 golems. In other words, there are 200 to 300 magicians…… no, as far as I can see the golem’s unusual strength and performance, they need more than 500 magicians.」

「Are, are there five hundred first-class magicians? Who can control one golem alone like General Violette?」

When the cavalryman casually said that, Violette turned at him in displeasure.

「Are you saying that there are more than two hundred magicians who are equal with me?」

「I, I am sorry! I didn’t say it in that sense……」

While Violette was looking with her eyes slightly open at the cavalryman who was making an excuse with a pale face, suddenly a black shadow gently landed from the sky.

Seeing that, Violette and the cavalry gasped and became stiff.

While all of them payed attention to the shadow, the one who landed took off his hood and a man appeared.

His glossy long blond hair was overflowing, then his long ears appear.

「…… Please don’t frighten us, Aifa」

When Violette said that while feeling relieved, Aifa silently looked around and finally looked back at Violette.

「…… I heard that you fled, but…..」

When Aifa said that, Violette opened her mouth while glaring back at him.

「Were there rumors from peddlers or someone who returned to the Empire territory? However, we were not defeated by the Azul Kingdom. The reason we were forced to withdraw is because of the mysterious golems that descended from the sky.」


Aifa narrows his eyes and let out a voice as if to bite on Violette’s words.

「Tell me that story in detail」

He said that and Violette explained the whole story until now. Aifa listened silently and hummed deeply.

「…… No matter how I think about it, I can only think that that flying island is an ally of Azul Kingdom, but just what kind of connection do they have?」

「That whole army of golems is surely the greatest war potential of a large country. If the Blau Empire that grew rapidly becomes an eyesore, frankly I think they will make a decision to attack the Empire. Even if they make an alliance with a small country such as the Azul Kingdom, isn’t the benefit small?」

While Violette said that and showed a grim face, Aifa looked away wearily.

「Are we assessing it highly at the moment. What we can guess is it has a war potential that can just attack the Empire alone without taking time to increase their allies. If they are a country that doesn’t have great difference with our country, we could guess that they are increasing allies in order to defend their surroundings……」

「To surround their country…… I see. If that’s the case, the country where they should head next will now be revealed, but……」

Maybe because she understood what Aifa wanted to say, Violette sighed and shakes her head from side to side.

「The destination of the flying island…… It looks like it’s headed to Reelabras Mountain Range.」

「Yeah, that’s right, but…… no way, are you saying that there is a place in Reelabras Mountain Range where that flying island can return to?」

When Violette asked that while narrowing her eyes, Aifa nodded deeply.

「I saw a castle on that island. There’s also a city like a castle town. It means that more people are probably living there. If that’s the case, they should always go down to the ground somewhere and get their necessary supplies and resources. It’s not strange if they have a place in Reelabras Mountain Range.」

「However, that mountain and the surrounding forest are like a large monster nest.」

「From the beginning, I was planning to go to the top of a high mountain in order to reach that flying island. It’s rather convenient.」

After saying that, Aifa murmured something and floats up to the sky again.

「I will chase the island. Report that to His Majesty.」

Aifa left those words and flew away. Seeing the figure of Aifa who went towards the place that can be called The Demon’s Nest without hesitation, Violette bites her lower lip regretfully.

「…… Is he saying, he can go to that flying island even by himself? How arrogant.」

While looking up at Aifa who’s flying to the sky, Violette grumbles faintly.

Afterwards, there were figures of men in light armor who were running desperately towards her.

「E, excuse me!」

「Wh, where did Aifa-dono go to……?」

The soldiers points at the sky while narrowing their brows to men who repeatedly breath roughly while shaking their shoulders up and down.

The men looked up at the sky while their faces twitching, and bowed toward the soldiers and Violette who informed them.

「By the order of His Majesty, we are accompanying Aifa-dono.」

「Damn, is there a city on that flying island?」

「I don’t know. However, we have no choice but to go.」

While the men in light armor say this, they run to the direction where Aifa flew away. Violette looked at their back and quietly opened her mouth.

「What is Empire planning to do about that flying island…… no, what a stupid question. If it is the Emperor, he will definitely try to do something to make the flying island his possession. However, if he makes a mistake, it will lead to the downfall of the Empire…… 」

While Violette muttered that in a small voice that can’t be heard by anyone, this time a soldier on a horse runs from a distance.

Seeing the soldier’s expression, Violette and the surrounding soldiers’ expressions become tense.

「What’s the matter?」

When one of the cavalry men stands in front on the man, the soldier stops the horse and makes him get down on the spot.

「The Azul Kingdom announced that they have formed an alliance with that flying island!」

When the soldier reported that, the soldiers were all loudly speaking their minds.

「Wh, what did you say?!」

「Did you say that the Azul Kingdom had came in contact with that flying island!?」

Seeing the soldiers who raises their surprised voices, he continue his report again.

「According to the announcement of Azul Kingdom, on the flying island, there is a Heavenly Country where the King named Taiki governs and Princess Letizia of the Azul Kingdom is there.」

「Wh, what do you mean!? How did, the Princess Letizia……!」

「Heavenly Country!?」

「Who, who is that person called Taiki!?」

Within the noisy place, Violette is the only person who was contemplating these details while narrowing her eyes.

While stroking her chin, she raised her eyes.

「…… A castle and a castle town on a flying island. Those golems with strange and abnormal fighting ability…… There’s definitely someone who has acquired the abyss of magic on that island.」

Violette murmured that and raised her face. She spoke to one of the soldiers who stood around her.

「I will follow Aifa and try to get in touch with the Heavenly Country. Our army will not be able to move if we don’t discuss the Kingdom’s statement that they have formed an alliance. Please give my instructions to all the commanders and return to the Imperial Capital.」

When Violette said that, the person who was called out talks in a panic.

「Ge, General!? If you will do such a thing, you will be severely punished…..!」

「The emperor’s interests should already be in the Heavenly Country. So, please report that I will assist Aifa. He would agree if you say that Aifa went to Reelabras Mountain Range.」

After she announced that, Violette stood up from her chair and whispered something quietly.

Her body floats up gently and she looked down on the people who were looking up at her.

「Well then, I will leave it to you.」

After saying that, Violette flew away after Aifa.


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