Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 29: Fury!

Chapter 29: Fury!

A deep frown appeared on Ayaan's face when he saw the man was walking towards him or, more accurately, he was walking towards Rebecca.

The man arrived in front of Rebecca while still looking at her lustfully; when Rebecca saw this, she felt disgusted by this man. Although everyone saw him, no one dared to utter a word, so not to displease this man.

Nevertheless, the man didn't pay any attention to the crowd. He looked at Rebecca and smiled before introducing himself proudly, " Hello, my name is Triston Ross. May I have an honour to know the name of this beautiful lady?"

Although he asked like a gentleman; he was continuously staring at her lustfully. Not blinking even once and lust was visible in his eyes.

As Rebecca looked at the disgusting way he was looking at her, she felt like digging his eyes out. However, she wasn't that previous Rebecca, who was mighty.

At the moment, she was vulnerable like an ordinary lady; therefore, she suppressed her fury and calmed herself down.

"Sorry, I don't know you, and I don't think there is any need to introduce myself to you." Even she couldn't hurt him, that doesn't mean she is going to tolerate his bullshit.

How proud and arrogant were great mages? Although she lost her power, her attitude was still that of a great mage.

The moment her voice resounded in the hall, everyone turned to look at her in surprise.

Everyone knew this Triston boy wasn't asking her permission. Instead, he was ordering her with more polite words. However, this girl directly denied him to tell her name.

At this moment, the smile on Triston's face had disappeared, what appeared on its place was frosty expression. He felt humiliated when Rebecca denied telling him her name.

Triston looked at her coldly and shouted at her, "I asked, What's your name!?"

"Hey, didn't you hear her? She doesn't want to tell you her name." Ayaan, who was silent all this time couldn't take this anymore; therefore, he took a step forward and stood in front of Rebecca.

When Rebecca saw his back, warm feeling appeared inside her heart.

Afterwards, everyone's attention as well turned towards Ayaan, who had walked out from the crowd.

Triston looked at him with a disdainful expression and shouted, "Get lost!"

Following the voice of the Triston, green vines started to form under the feet of the Ayaan.

However, before they could capture him, he dodged them swiftly. When Triston saw his sneak attack failed, his eyes went wide in shock.

He looked at Ayaan and found him even younger than himself, how could there be someone more talented than me in this barren land. He has to die!

Eventually, Triston turned towards his companions, and they understood what he wanted.

All three of them started to cast their spells. However, just after a few minutes later they realised, no spell was able to hurt Ayaan due to his fast speed.

In the beginning, when Ayaan received the system, he was more focused on survival issues. Therefore, he added most of his attributes in the speed so that he could run at the time of danger.

Later, when his system updated, all the attributes disappeared. However, in reality, his attributes didn't disappear; instead, they were still present inside him, but he wasn't able to see them.

And now, when he advanced in his magic power, the system had added more attribute points. At first, he didn't realise it, however, later, when he progressed to the sixth level of junior mage, his speed increased, and he could feel his physical strength also improved.

Nevertheless, there wasn't much difference; previously he added all attributes by himself, but now the system was doing this for him, but the system didn't focus on a single attribute as Ayaan focused on a speed attribute. Instead, it distributed all points equally; no matter it was strength or speed, intelligence, or wisdom.

All in all, his physical strength increased along with his magic power. Usually, mages focused on their magic power instead of physical attributes, but for Ayaan "Magic Library" gave him attribute points at every increase of his magic power. For mages, their only downside was their physical strength, but now Ayaan didn't have any such downside.

At the moment, Ayaan just used his speed without utilising any magic power. However, even then, those three disciples of the temple weren't able to touch his single hair.

Ayaan had many chances to kill these three, but he didn't want to make temple his enemy, he knew he has to run away if he acts against the people of temple, that's why he didn't attack them.

Frustrated, Triston looked at Ayaan furiously and took out a green token from his pocket.

He held the token tightly and said with a loud voice to the Ayaan, " You have forced me to do this!"

Ayaan looked at the token and felt vast magic energy present inside it. Without wasting any time, Tristone threw the token towards him.


After token left Triston's hand, it turned into a green arrow that went directly towards Ayaan's heart. The arrow was emitting powerful magic energy. Ayaan realised that he didn't have the time to dodge the attack left with no option he could only wait for the attack to arrive.

'This is what happens when someone tries to act like a peacemaker. Who the hell do you think yourself, Gandhi!?' Ayaan chided himself, but it was already too later to regret.

In just a blink, the arrow was in front of him. Ayaan knew he couldn't stop the attack, but he still formed the magic barrier on his body.

However, before an arrow could hit Ayaan, someone was standing in between Ayaan and the arrow.


"Rebecca!" Ayaan shouted, but before he could do anything, an arrow had already penetrated her chest.

The blood-splattered and fell all over Ayaan's face. The moment he saw an arrow penetrating Rebecca's chest, his expression had frozen, and his head became blank.

Afterwards, Rebecca turned slowly and looked towards him. There was still a smile present at the corner of her lips. She didn't felt any regret about her decision.

The moment Ayaan saw her smile, he felt an unbearable regret. She was even ready to sacrifice herself, but he never fully trusted her. He was always afraid that someone would know his secrets, and they will try to use them for their benefits; he was fearful that she wasn't trustworthy. But now

As he thought, Rebecca started to lose the balance of her body; however, before she could fall, Ayaan pulled her into his arms.

"Why!?" Ayaan asked with a gruff voice.

Rebecca looked in his eyes deeply before replying with her weak voice, "Be-because.... I lo-love you."

Ayaan body trembled when he heard her, he looked at her and hugged her tightly.

Without wasting any time, Ayaan purchased the healing potion from the system, which was in today's sale. (Everyday shop will have different three products)

Eventually, in Ayaan's hand, glass tube appeared, which was filled by the green potion. Instantly, he placed the tube at Rebecca's lips and let her drink the whole medicine.

As soon as the green liquid went inside her mouth, injuries from her chest started to disappear. After a few seconds later, her whole wound disappeared. Although she was still weak due to the loss of blood, there was no danger for her life.

However, Ayaan didn't know that the potion was this effective because Rebecca's body had little magic power. On the contrary, if it was Ayaan who was injured, the potion won't work this effectively the more powerful mage was, the less effective potion would become.

At this moment, Triston and his companions had their mouth wide open in shock. He had used the token which his master gave him to protect himself. However, his enemy was still able to heal such a life-threatening wound in just a matter of seconds, what was this situation.

Ayaan didn't know, the low-class potion which he used was incredibly valuable in this world, due to the lack of potion makers, very few people were able to enjoy these types of potions.

Triston looked at Ayaan while continuously thinking in his head, 'How could there be such a powerful potion maker in this barren land? The potion makers are proud people; even those kings from high-level kingdoms had to respect them. If he were able to find that potion maker, his master would definitely praise him.'

"From where did you get that potion? If you tell me I might give you painless death." Triston spoke arrogantly.

Ayaan, who was holding Rebecca in his arms looked at Triston, with his emotionless eyes. Immediately, Triston felt as if hundreds of vipers were crawling all over his body. Fear started to appear inside his heart.

Still holding Rebecca in his arms, Ayaan stood-up and walked towards the man while murmuring something. As Triston saw this, he tried to run away. However, before he could move, Ayaan was already standing in front of him, 'Such speed!' he looked at Ayaan in horror.

"How" Before he could finish his sentence, Ayaan grabbed his skull by his hand.

Afterwards, Triston's body started to tremble in pain, but in just two-seconds, all struggle disappeared. His body became lifeless, while his eyes turned grey.

Ayaan looked with frosty expression at the lifeless body and felt the increasing soul-power inside his body. Later, he threw Triston's body at the side like garbage and turned towards the other two people. He won't make another mistake by forgiving these two, by saying they weren't the one who attacked Rebecca.

Not wasting any time, Ayaan appeared in front of the two and activated his 'Soul Devour". It took only two minutes to finish everything; no one in the hall dared to breathe loudly, afraid it would anger Ayaan.

Rebecca who was in his arms had her eyes wide open, she didn't know what to make this sudden change of event, but she also felt the sweet feeling in her heart; he did this because they hurt her.

Ayaan looked at the corpses before pledging himself: 'From now on, if someone tries to kill me, they have to die a hundred deaths; if someone has the intention to hurt my loved ones, there will be only one destination for them, hell!'

Afterwards, Ayaan looked around impassively then disappeared from the gate of the inn; he had to escape before the king or temple receives the news about the killings.


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